Mischievous, Exposed Neighbors: Taboo Swinger Erotica - Russel Diaz - E-Book

Mischievous, Exposed Neighbors: Taboo Swinger Erotica E-Book

Russel Diaz

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


"Now remember," Nita explained, "it may look pretty strange to you but we've all agreed that we want to help Sally Jean."
Miriam nodded gravely. She wasn't sure that she liked Nita's plan but she couldn't think of anything better.
"I think it might just work," George declared, slipping an arm around Miriam's shoulder. "I sure didn't ever think I'd be part of an orgy, though. Are you sure you don't mind, Miriam?"
"Don't be silly," Miriam said. "You know I'd do anything to help Sally Jean. Besides, it might just turn out to be fun."
Janice and Bill glanced at each other. Then Janice broke the silence by giggling. "I think it's a great idea!" she said. "It'll serve Roger right!"
Bill laughed. "That means you'll go along with it, right, honey?"
Janice giggled. "I'm just glad that Nita invited us," she said, smiling at Bill and squeezing his hand. "It might be a real blast -- especially if it works."
"I'm positive it'll work!" Allen exclaimed, grinning at everyone. "Old Roger'll be pretty pissed off, though. We're going to have to make sure that we tie him up good and tight."
A loud knock sounded on the door. Nita jumped to her feet and went to answer it.
"Just remember to act natural," Allen hissed. "We don't want Roger to get suspicious."
They waited until Allen gave him the high sign. Roger was working on his third drink and he looked pretty plastered. Now was the time to act.
"Hey -- I've got a good game we could play," Bill suggested. "One of the guys at the center told me about it. It's supposed to really liven up a party."
"Great!" Nita exclaimed. "You tell us how and we'll all play it. A good game's just what we need."
"First thing I need is a blindfold," Bill said.

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Mischievous, Exposed Neighbors

Russel Diaz

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents











Nita pulled the kerchief off her hair. The auburn ringlets were plastered to her head so tightly that she didn't think she'd ever get her hair clean. She unbuttoned the jean shirt she was wearing and tossed it in the new washer. Her jeans were added to the load and then her lacy white panties.

Nita walked to the living room, her full titties bouncing freely. She stood in the doorway and called to Allen.

"I'm going to take a shower, honey. I'm just beat from unpacking the kitchen stuff. Why don't you run down and pick up some hamburgers for dinner?"

Allen looked up and his mouth opened in surprise. Then a pleased grin appeared on his face. He never could resist the sight of Nita without any clothes on. Her titties jutted straight out like rocks the nipples shiny red marbles. Her pussy was just as beautiful as her titties, a soft, red powder puff of hair hiding the pink wetness inside.

"I think I'll take a shower too," Allen suggested, grinning wickedly. "Maybe we'll feel more like doing something once we get all nice and clean."

Nita giggled and her eyes twinkled. "If I take a shower with you, we'll never get out of there," she complained. "You know what happens every time we get in the shower together."

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