Mitigating Clash. The UN Political Dictate in Africa - Ahmad Nabil Amir - E-Book

Mitigating Clash. The UN Political Dictate in Africa E-Book

Ahmad Nabil Amir

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Scientific Study from the year 2021 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Region: Africa, , language: English, abstract: This book discusses issues of political intervention relating to the work of United Nation at mitigating clash and civilian war in East Africa. The discussion dwelt on the strategic work of United Nation (UN) to prevent incessant ethnic clash, gearing to global intervention. It looks into the greatest conflict in East Africa and its subsequent impact on religious, economic and global political clash. The study turns to study the case in East Africa and the strategic works carried by United Nation (UN) to end the conflicts in the Rwandan and Eritrean and Ethiopian border conflicts. The incessant conflicts and civil war had cause unprecedented and unfortunate strategic political move by the superpowers to intervene in the bloody conflicts of the region.

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