The University Al-Azhar in Cairo. The History of Waqf Institution in the Muslim World - Ahmad Nabil Amir - E-Book

The University Al-Azhar in Cairo. The History of Waqf Institution in the Muslim World E-Book

Ahmad Nabil Amir

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Essay aus dem Fachbereich Orientalistik / Sinologie - Islamwissenschaft, Internationale Islamische Universität Malaysia (International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This paper discusses the significance position of University al-Azhar in the history and tradition of waqf institution and its role in the development of higher education in the Muslim world since its inception under the thriving empire of Fatimid. The role of University al-Azhar in pioneering and championing higher education in the Muslim world was unprecedented in the history of Muslim civilization as the greatest Islamic institution that strongly contributed to realize the ideal and aspiration of the ummah while sustaining its tradition of excellence in education and research. The University continued to disseminate profound Islamic and scientific knowledge and confidently develop and consolidate the institution of waqf and offering promising prospect for higher education throughout the Muslim world.

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