Moon Wisdom - Heather Roan Robbins - E-Book

Moon Wisdom E-Book

Heather Roan Robbins



Bring a sense of control to your daily life by understanding the signs and signals of the Moon. The Moon is a powerful force that holds great influence over how we live our lives. How we respond to this energy is a key factor in how we go about our daily routines. In this book, you will learn of the signs and signals of the Moon, how to fully understand them and how to respond to them in ways that have a positive impact on your life. Some of the tools you will acquire include a full understanding of how the Moon sets the tone of the day and how to plan accordingly with this in mind, to deeper knowledge of a friend, partner or boss and how to ensure a smooth relationship with them. Use this knowledge to choose how you respond to the Moon and take charge of your day.

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Transform your life using theMoon’s signs and cycles

Heather Roan Robbins

This edition published in 2020 by CICO Books An imprint of Ryland Peters & Small Ltd

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First published in 2015

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Text © Heather Roan Robbins 2015 Design and illustrations © CICO Books 2020

The author’s moral rights have been asserted. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

A CIP catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress and the British Library.

eISBN: 978 1 78249 915 2

ISBN: 978 1 78249 849 0

Illustrations by Sarah Perkins/images used under licence from Shutterstock

Printed in China

Editor: Marion Paull

Designer: Emily Breen

Illustrator: Sarah Perkins

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Publisher: Cindy Richards


Why use astrology?

What the Moon brings to the table

How to use this book

Part I Navigate your day with…

The Moon in Aries

The Moon in Taurus

The Moon in Gemini

The Moon in Cancer

The Moon in Leo

The Moon in Virgo

The Moon in Libra

The Moon in Scorpio

The Moon in Sagittarius

The Moon in Capricorn

The Moon in Aquarius

The Moon in Pisces

Part II If you were born under…

An Aries Moon

A Taurus Moon

A Gemini Moon

A Cancer Moon

A Leo Moon

A Virgo Moon

A Libra Moon

A Scorpio Moon

A Sagittarius Moon

A Capricorn Moon

An Aquarius Moon

A Pisces Moon

Part III Phases and Aspects of the Moon

Phases of the Moon and eclipses

Moon phases by the day

Moon phases by person


Aspects of the Moon to other planets

The Moon in relationship to Mercury

The Moon in relationship to Venus

The Moon in relationship to Mars

The Moon in relationship to Jupiter

The Moon in relationship to Saturn

The Moon in relationship to Uranus

The Moon in relationship to Neptune

The Moon in relationship to Pluto

Aspects of the Moon by person

If you were born with the Moon in Mercury

If you were born with the Moon in Venus

If you were born with the Moon in Mars

If you were born with the Moon in Jupiter

If you were born with the Moon in Saturn

If you were born with the Moon in Uranus

If you were born with the Moon in Neptune

If you were born with the Moon in Pluto

Part IV Appendix

How to read an astrological calendar

How to find your Moon sign, aspects, and phase

Frequently Asked Questions



Why use astrology?

Why have a disaster (dis=against, aster=the stars) when we can constellate instead (con=with, stella=stars)? It’s my personal belief that we’re not influenced by the planets but that the planets are influenced by the same universal patterns that influence us. My metaphor is that if you see horns on top of the fence you might not want to put your foot underneath it—the horns won’t hurt your foot, but whatever moves the horns moves the hooves, and the horns (and planets) are easier to see. Use astrology to make your life easier and to explore how you are connected with the breath of the world and the cycles of the stars.

Here we look at astrology in two different dimensions. First we look at the astrology of the moment (Part I: Navigate your day with…), the astrological energetic weather conditions created by the signs and patterns of the planets as they are right now, and how best to engage those patterns for a full and happy life. Then we look at you, how you encapsulate the astrology of the moment of your birth (Part II: If you were born under…), what this implies about your personal nature, and how to inhabit that nature most comfortably.

You may notice an interesting subtle spiritual shift that grows as you use astrology. The more you work with it, the more you’ll notice its surprising accuracy. The fact that it works points to a deep symbolic interconnection through all beings, all worlds, and all events, a flexible connection influenced by divine grace and our free will, but a palpable and hopeful connection nonetheless.

So let’s constellate, work with the stars, and use them as a way to feel connected to the big cycles of the world. The Moon is a great place to start. We see it in the night sky, we feel it in the wax and wane of the tides and the ebb and flow of our personal moods.

What the Moon brings to the table

The Moon sets the tone of the day. As it shines through a sign, it colors our emotional milieu and lends us the gifts and strengths of that sign. The fastest of the celestial bodies we watch in astrology, it circles the Earth and moves through the whole zodiac in approximately 28 days, changing sign every two and a third days.

When you know where the Moon is on any given day, you get a snapshot of the general attitude and mood of the day. You get clues about how to deal with people, how to reach the public, how to navigate the subway in relative safety, and what to expect from your loved ones.

You may not always have a choice about when to tackle a challenge, but you can always choose your response. If you work against the sign of the Moon on any given day, it may make life harder, but it can be done with a little extra attention. For example, the extroverted Leo Moon brings an expansive, sociable, dramatic mood. If your taxes are due tomorrow but the Moon is in Leo and a party beckons, it may not be easy to keep your nose to the grindstone. Bribe yourself with the promise of a little Leonine indulgence or social outlet along the way.

Likewise, it might be prudent to avoid going to court with a jealous ex just as the Moon enters brooding and suspicious Scorpio, but if you have to, you can go in prepared with shields up, willpower on, and ready not to take the bait for a fight. If you had a choice, life would be so much more comfortable if you did your taxes under a careful, introspective Virgo Moon and scheduled your divorce-court date under a freedom-loving, forgiving Sagittarius Moon.

These basic astrological guidelines apply to anybody’s chart, but the Moon will affect each one of us differently as it reacts with our own natal chart. Just as a farmer with parched fields will respond to a report of rain differently from a lover about to set up a picnic, how we respond to the Moon in Aries versus the Moon in Cancer depends upon our own chart and situation. So it helps to take notes about our personal responses to the cycles of the Moon.

An interesting benefit accrues with this work when you notice how moods change in response to the Moon’s cycles. You feel the same, but become less identified by, and attached to, your personal mood, and therefore mediate your feelings more comfortably.

When you were born, you imprinted the astrological pattern of that birth moment and live out that pattern, with a lot of choice about how, for the rest of your life. Most people know their Sun sign. The Sun spends a month in each sign at more or less the same time every year and gives us the skeletal underpinnings for the rest of the chart, but it only tells us part of the picture. Your Sun sign sketches out how to work with you, but doesn’t tell us what drives you or makes you special, how to tick you off or make you feel at home. The rest of the chart does that.

What sign the Moon shines through at the moment you were born describes the deep inner river of your emotions—what motivates you, how you express your feelings, and how you nurture and need nurturing. It records the history of your female lineage and emotional training, it describes your daily habits, such as how you cook or train your dog, all the little things that we take so for granted but may not make sense to others.

The Moon sign also speaks of a primary emotional need that we bring into this life, and through which the universe seems to trick us into our toughest work. But if we come to know and own this primary need, this prime directive, we can take charge of our accomplishments in a healthy and proactive way.

The Moon shines on all of us alike, but armed with this information, we can choose how we respond.

How to use this book

Part I describes the astrological weather, the mood of the day under that Moon sign. Go online or to your astrological calendar (see appendix, page 130) to find out where the Moon is today.

Read the section for the Moon and try it on to see how it fits your personal experience. Notice the strengths of each Moon sign, what to watch out for, how to nurture your romance under that sign. Under each Moon you will also find a line about gardening that applies both to the garden around your house and, metaphorically, to the garden of projects and ideas you might like to grow.

Keep a journal about your own reaction to each Moon. How do you feel, what do you want to do or not want to do? Notice which Moon days are comfortable for you and which are challenging, and begin to make plans that correlate. If you find you are weepy but creative under a Pisces Moon, stay home and paint. If you’re charming and socially aware, plan to interact.

Part II describes how to cultivate the potential of your Moon sign. Go to for a free astrological chart (see appendix, page 130 for more ideas) to find out where the Moon was at the moment you were born. Read that Moon sign, try it on, and investigate how to engage your Moon sign more comfortably. If you don’t know the minute you were born and the Moon changes sign that day, read both signs and see if one fits more clearly than the other.

Look up the important people in your life—spouse, parents, children, coworkers, or boss—read their Moon-sign attributes, and use those clues to relate more easily with them.

Once you have a feel for the Moon’s effect through the signs, venture into Part III where we layer in the qualities of the Moon’s phases to help you work with the soul’s tides and time your efforts to your best advantage. Then fine tune this work by looking at the Moon’s aspects, its relationship to the other planets in our solar system, in both the birth chart and through daily planning.

Part I

Navigate your day with …

Explore the meaning and usefulness of the sign of the Moon each calendar day to help navigate your day and make the most of your time.

Navigate your day with …

The Moon in Aries

A cardinal fire sign, Aries’ fresh, rash enthusiasm is symbolized by a headstrong ram. When the Moon travels through Aries, we feel our life force rise up, our patience diminish, and our attitude sharpen. It’s up to us to use the enthusiasm to revive our life and consciously add in patience and foresight to soften the rough edges.

The mood under an Aries Moon

Energized, brash, brusque, direct, independent, rebellious, and generous, but not empathetic. Feelings spike like lightning and dissipate quickly. We may feel astoundingly lazy when we’re not motivated, but can throw ourselves into any action that excites us. Spontaneity renews our life force. The attitude on the street can be pugnacious and willful when met with resistance, but enthusiastic and direct otherwise. People tend to dress with less fuss and more practicality. They need to be able to move easily in what they’re wearing and do what needs to be done.

Our inner adolescent activates, so instead of giving direct orders (which just set off our rebellious streak) it’s better to speak in “I” terms, state the problem, and ask for help to solve it. If you have to deal with a particularly pugnacious personality during an Aries Moon, consider using reverse psychology—either start doing whatever it is badly in front of the person and bet him he can’t do it, or tell him it’s not allowed. If you are the one with a suddenly pugnacious personality, find a way to move out of reaction and into action. Ask yourself what you truly want and need at this moment.

It’s easier to work in short, intense bursts rather than long periods of deep concentration. If you’re teaching children or pitching a business proposal, break up focused mental activity with pointed dialog, concrete examples, or physical moves.

Aries Symbol

A cardinal fire sign, Aries’ fresh, rash enthusiasm is symbolized by a headstrong ram.


Aries brings us back to center in ourselves, but this can drift occasionally into self-centeredness. We’re not naturally empathic under the Moon in Aries, but we can be loving (if not terribly patient) once we understand the need. So don’t take it personally if your beloved seems inconsiderate and self-directed. Give him room and he will come back grateful. When you come together, consider letting him talk first, but then feel free to speak. Don’t wait to be asked. Express affection enthusiastically, spontaneously, and passionately.


Loss of impulse control: Take a note of sudden impulses, but unless the consequences are clear, wait for the dust to settle before taking action.

Temper spikes: Notice when a situation starts to reach boiling point and get out of there. Take a break and come back later.

Accidents created by speed or flammable conditions: Sharp knives, explosives, pools of fuel, and contentious situations all need extra attention and safety.

Flaming tortillas: Enjoy quick cooking, but watch out for a tendency to burn food.

The perception of self-centeredness: If a person feels stuck between his own needs and another’s, he’ll tend to take care of his own first, so don’t set it up as an either/or situation.

Impatience: Avoid situations where you have to wait in line or deal with annoying people.


The Moon in Aries may not bring out our wisest or most mature self, but it does turn up the volume of our inner voice and helps us clarify our wants and needs. Once we know, we can negotiate for our needs and balance those with the needs of others. It can be hard to sit still in meditation during the Aries Moon unless we take it on as a challenge or feel deeply engaged in the question. It may help to meditate in an unusual place, set a short but urgent meditation time, or take a meditative approach to martial arts.

Things to do

Launch projects or initiate any action that takes enthusiasm and gumption. Express independent thought. Move into new territory. Cut to the chase. Clear the air. Demolish. Move furniture, exert spurts of energy. Set healthy boundaries. Enjoy bursts of laughter. Make succinct proposals. Invite heroism. Be clear, crisp, and to the point.


Weed, dig, relocate rocks, and deal with pests. Start new beds—just don’t plant the seeds yet.

Navigate your day with …

The Moon in Taurus

Taurus is a fixed earth sign. Its solid, strong, comfort-loving energy is symbolized by a bull, an earthy, potentially fierce, territorial creature that becomes placid and friendly when standing in a clover-filled field with a mate nearby.

The mood under a Taurus Moon

We slow down and become more aware. Our senses are heightened, our patience expands, and our stubbornness grows. When the Moon is in Taurus, we want to be comfortable and will tend to agree with anybody who helps us feel safer, more secure, more relaxed. We want people to indulge our senses and ease our path. Taurus is known for being materialistic, but that tendency is not so much money-oriented as a desire to protect and grow our resources. We want to take care of our resources. Help us to do that and we’ll love you. Touch our stuff, or look like you might take our romantic partner, our money, our comfy seat at the meeting, and watch those bullish horns come out. Give us cuddly circumstances and comfort food that is tasty and covered in sauces; don’t ask us to try something exotic at the moment.

Taurus Symbol

Taurus is a fixed earth sign. Its solid, strong, comfort-loving energy is symbolized by a bull.


Stubbornness: Fixed signs work like cornstarch and water (mix some up if you haven’t given it a try)—they become liquid and flow when allowed to find their own rhythm, but push them and they become solid. When someone is digging in his heels, chin set with determination, consider backing off and trying again later.

Greed: We love our stuff. The Taurus Moon can bring out the inner dragon of avarice. Shopping under a Taurus Moon can be dangerous, because we develop an intense longing for the most expensive product in the store.

Possessiveness: Our eyes can grow green with jealousy if we feel someone is poaching in on our romantic territory.

Sloth: The Taurus Moon helps us to stay grounded and keep up a steady rhythm—once we get going. It can be hard to get started. Creature comforts call us, the coziness of our bed or a luxurious moment in the sunlight beckon us.

Overindulgence: We can feel wonderfully sensual but may begin to crave extra bonbons and cashmere.

Don’t push the pace. We would rather move with our own steady rhythm. The mood on the street can be steadier; the rhythm of the crowd more even-keeled unless someone gets pushed. Then the Taurus horns show up.


Cuddle. Keep expectations low and help one another to feel accepted. We want to feel safe and comfortable. Show appreciation in concrete ways, with a great meal and loving touch, and with practical help. You know that household chore your loved one has been nagging you about? Do it. Have a pillow fight. If a debate starts, stay in there and keep a sense of humor. We want to know our beloveds can stand up for themselves and push back but still love us.


Engage a gentle moving meditation, yoga, stretching, massage, bodywork. Contemplate the fact that the word material comes from the Latin word “mater,” which means mother. Look for the breath of the divine in the flower and the taste of food, in a catlike stretch in the sunshine. Offer gentle practical support to others as a form of prayer.

Things to do

Follow through on projects recently initiated. Get in a groove for work and keep the rhythm steady. Deal with circumstances that require patience and determination. Negotiate financial transactions while we are deeply aware of our financial worth, of costs and expenses, and want to grow our resources. Have a meeting at school or work where diplomatic stubbornness can help the cause. While we have such an acute sense of value, look for worthy antiques or a good bargain. Choose design elements, such as color and texture. Trust the stylist with a new haircut. Feed the senses; enjoy bodywork, gentle exercise, and a nice, long, hot bath.


At the time of this most fertile Moon, we can plant and fertilize anything, any seed, bulb, sapling, egg, or idea we want to grow abundantly.

Navigate your day with …

The Moon in Gemini

A mutable air sign, Gemini’s humorous versatility and scintillating communication skills are symbolized by twins engaged in deep conversation.

The mood under a Gemini Moon