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Professor Arnold Ehret's Mucusless diet healing system contains one of the most profound revelations of the 21st century: that mucus-forming foods are unnatural for us to eat and are the fundamental cause of many human illnesses. But how can you eliminate these foods and cleanse the body from their waste? This book has everything You need to Know to Instantly begin Cleansing the body and gaining a NEW lease on Life!
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2017
LESSON I. - General Introductory Principles
LESSON II. - Latent, Acute and Chronic Diseases - No Longer a Mystery
LESSON III. - The Diagnosis
LESSON IV. - Diagnosis (Continued)
LESSON V. - The Formula of Life - The Secret of Vitality
LESSON VI. - The New Physiology
LESSON VII. - The New Physiology (Continued)
LESSON VIII. - The New Physiology (Continued)
LESSON IX. - The New Physiology (Continued)
LESSON X. - Critique of All Other Healing Systems and Unbiased, Unprejudiced Reviews
LESSON XI. - Confusion in Dietetics
LESSON XII. - Confusion in Dietetics (Continued)
LESSON XIII. - Confusion in Dietetics (Continued)
LESSON XIV. - Ragnar Berg's Tables
LESSON XV. - Transition Diet
LESSON XVI. - Transition Diet (Continued)
LESSON XVI—PART II. - Vegetarian Recipes
LESSON XVII. - Fasting (Part 1)
LESSON XVIII. - Fasting (Part 2)
LESSON XIX. - Fasting (Part 3)
LESSON XX. - Fasting (Part 4)
LESSON XXI. - "Destructive Diet of Civilization and the Mucusless Diet, the Natural Food of Man"
LESSON XXIII. - Sex (Continued)
LESSON XXIV. - The Enforcement of Elimination by Physical Adjustments
LESSON XXV. - A Message to Ehretists
A Complete Course for Those Who Desire to Learn How to Control Their Health
Prof. Arnold Ehret
© David De Angelis 2017
General Introductory Principles
Every disease, no matter what name it is known by Medical Science, is Constipation
A clogging up of the entire pipe system of the human body. Any special symptom is therefore merely an extraordinary local constipation by more accumulated mucus at this particular place. Special accumulation points are the tongue, the stomach and particularly the entire digestive tract. This last is the real and deeper cause of bowel constipation. The average person has as much as ten pounds of uneliminated feces in the bowels continually, poisoning the blood stream and the entire system. Think of it!
Every sick person has a more or less mucus-clogged system, such mucus being derived from undigested and uneliminated, unnatural food substances, accumulated from childhood on. Details regarding this fact may be learned by reading my "Rational Fasting and Regeneration Diet." (* "Rational Fasting," by Arnold Ehret. Published by Ehrer Literature" Publishing Co., Inc. Yonkers).
My "Mucus Theory" and "Mucusless Diet Healing System" stand unshaken; it has proven the most successful “Compensation_Action” so-called cure against every kind of disease. By its systematic application thousands of declared-incurable patients could be saved.
The Mucusless Diet consists of all kinds of raw and cooked fruits, starchless vegetables, and cooked or raw, mostly green-leaf vegetables. The Mucusless Diet Healing System is a combination of individually advised long or short fasts, with progressively changing menus of nonMucus-Forming Foods. This diet alone can heal every case of "disease" without fasting, although such a cure requires longer time. The System itself will be expounded in later lessons.
However, to learn how to apply the system, to understand how and why it works, it is necessary to free your mind from Medical errors, partly taken over by Naturopathy. In other words, I must teach you a new Physiology, free from Medical errors; a new method of Diagnosis; a correction of the Fundamental errors of Metabolism, high Protein foods, Blood circulation, Blood composition, and last, but not least, you must be taught
What Vitality Really Is
To Medical Science the human body is still a mystery, especially in diseased condition. Every new disease "discovered" by the doctors is a new mystery for them. There are no words to properly express how far from the truth they actually are! Naturopathy uses the word Vitality continually, yet neither "Medical Scientists" nor Naturopaths can tell what Vitality is.
Not only is it necessary to eradicate all of these errors from your brain, but the truth must be shown you in such a new and simple light that you can grasp it at once. This great advantage of simplicity and clarity is one of the fundamental reasons for my success. Withal, my teachings cover the truth. Incidentally, whatever simple reason cannot grasp is humbug, however scientific it may sound.
You will learn how wrong and ignorant it is to believe that any special disease can be healed by eating the right food, living upon "special menus" or undergoing long fasts, if such is done without experience and without system and special advice for each individual case.
"Fasting" has been known for hundreds of years as a "compensation" against every disease, as Nature's only and infallible law, and the same applies to the Mucusless diet; as stated in Genesis (fruits and herbs, i. e., green leaves). But why has it never come into general use and resultant universal success? Because it was never used systematically in accordance with the condition of the patient. The average man has not the slightest idea what the necessary eliminative process is; what time it requires; how and how often his diet must be changed; what it means to cleanse the body of the terrible quantities of waste he has accumulated in his body during his life.
Disease is an effort of the body to eliminate waste, mucus and toxemias, and this system assists Nature in the most perfect and natural way. Not the disease but the body is to be healed; it must be cleansed, freed from waste and foreign matter, from mucus and toxemias accumulated since childhood. You cannot buy health in a bottle, you cannot heal your body, that is, cleanse your system in a few days, you must make "compensation" for the wrong you have done your body all during your life.
My system is not a cure or a remedy, it is a regeneration, a thorough house-cleaning, the acquisition of such clean and perfect health as you never knew before.
Remember: Your constitutional encumbrances throughout the entire system are the source of every disease; the greatest and most harmful source of lowered vitality, imperfect health, lack of strength and endurance and any and all imperfect conditions. All have their source in the colon, never perfectly emptied since your birth. Nobody on earth today has an ideally clean body and therefore perfectly clean blood. What Medical Science calls normal health is in fact a pathological condition.
In Summa: The human mechanism is an elastic pipe system. The diet of civilization is never entirely digested and the resultant waste eliminated. This entire pipe system is slowly constipated, especially at the place of the symptom and the digestive tract. This is the foundation of every disease. To loosen this waste, eliminate it intelligently and thoroughly, and to control this elimination can only be done perfectly by the Musculess-Diet Healing System.
Latent, Acute and Chronic Diseases
No Longer a Mystery
The first lesson has now given you an insight as to what disease actually is. In addition to mucus and its toxemias in the system, there are other foreign matters such as uric acid, toxins, etc., and especially drugs if ever used. I learned thru the years of practical experience that drugs are NEVER eliminated as is the waste from foods—but are stored up in the body for decades. Hundreds of cases have come under my observation where drugs taken 10, 20, 30 and even 40 years were expelled together with mucus thru this ,perfect healing system. This is a fact of basic importance—especially for the Practitioner. When these chemical poisons after being dissolved are taken back into the circulation for elimination thru the kidneys—the nerves and heart are affected—causing extreme nervousness, dizziness and excessive heart-beats, as well as other strange sensations. The uninformed stands before a mystery and probably calls the family doctor, who now diagnoses the condition as "heart-disease" and blames the "lack of food" instead of the drugs he prescribed 10 years ago.
The average "normal" man, considered healthy, has a chronic, stored-up accumulation of waste food—poisons and drugs.
This Is His Latent Disease
When these latent disease matters are occasionally stirred up, for instance by a cold, he expels great quantities of mucus, and feels unhappy instead of enjoying Nature's cleansing process. If the quantity of loosened mucus is great enough to shock the entire system, more or less, but still not dangerous, it may be diagnosed as Influenza. If the eliminating work of Nature digs deeper into the system, especially into that important organ, the lungs, so much mucus and poisons are loosened at once that the circulation has to work under great friction, similar to a dirty machine—or, for example an automobile running with its brakes set. The friction produces abnormal heat, which is called fever, and the doctors call it Pneumonia, which is really a "feverish" effort on Nature's part to free the MOST VITAL organ from its waste. If the kidneys are called upon to eliminate this loosened mucus, thereby shocking this organ, it is called Nephritis, etcetera, etcetera.
In other words, whenever Nature endeavors to save a human life thru her efforts to eliminate "feverishly," mucus and its toxic products, it is called acute disease.
Acute Disease
The Medical profession has over 4000 names for different ailments. The derivation of the particular or special name of the disease is made up according to the respective local place of elimination; or pertains to the congested point where the blood stream finds it difficult of passage and causes pain—such as pains in the joints, as in cases of rheumatism, for example.
For ages, this well-meaning effort and intended self-healing work of Nature has been misunderstood and suppressed thru the agency of drugs, and the continuance of eating, despite the warning danger signals of pain and loss of appetite. Notwithstanding the "help" of the doctors—a help, in fact, often injurious and dangerous to the patient's life — his vitality and especially his eliminating abilities are lowered, and Nature proceeds slowly. Under this handicap Nature cannot work as efficiently, requiring more time, and the case is then called "chronic." The word chronic is derived from the Greek word "chronos," meaning time. You will be taught in Lesson VII more about this "mystery."
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