MY EX - Ruchi Kokcha - Hörbuch

MY EX Hörbuch

Ruchi Kokcha

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Vinay is on his way to work as usual. Suddenly at the metro platform, his eyes fall upon the only love of his life who does not belong to him anymore. What will he do? What would you do if you were at Vinay's place? Would you change your path to avoid bumping into your ex so that you don't have to relive the pain again? Would you go and meet them right away, leaving the past behind? Or would you grab the opportunity to be able to see them everyday as long as it is possible and maybe someday grab the courage to say 'Hi'? Listen to 'My Ex' to find out what Vinay did when he saw his Ex one day.

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MP3 (als ZIP verpackt)

Zeit:0 Std. 34 min

Sprecher:Sukrit Sharma
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