My narcissistic mother: How to easily understand narcissism in mothers and improve toxic relationships step by step - Mariam Lehmhuis - Hörbuch

My narcissistic mother: How to easily understand narcissism in mothers and improve toxic relationships step by step Hörbuch

Mariam Lehmhuis

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This book is about explaining narcissistic personality disorder to you, especially in relation to mothers who are affected by this disorder and the consequences for their children. In addition, this book is intended to give those affected tips on how they can learn to cope better with their situation. To gain a better understanding of this mental illness, it is generally illustrated at the beginning of the book. First, you will get information about what narcissism means and possible reasons why this disease can develop. Then, the different types and symptoms of the disease are described. In addition, you will receive tips that will help you identify a narcissist.

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MP3 (als ZIP verpackt)

Zeit:0 Std. 57 min

Sprecher:Casey Wayman
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