My World Lullaby - Gabrielle von Bernstorff-Nahat - E-Book

My World Lullaby E-Book

Gabrielle von Bernstorff-Nahat

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The world is in great peril, unfortunately imperial wars, the climate crisis and human suffering abound. We must learn to love this beautiful world and planet again. We sing our children lullabies in order for them to sleep well. We grown ups to, must sleep and act well, more urgently than ever before. So here, My World Lullaby, a poem for the tender care of this world in all its facets and myriad forms to love. The poem My World Lullaby is accompanied by further poems close to the heart and written between 2019 and 2023. My World Lullaby is a gentle reminder: to act well at this crucial time in history. It is a gentle wake up call to love and then to sing your world song.

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Seitenzahl: 13

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This poem is dedicated to the memory of

Paolo Paolino

He was a young indigenous defender of the Amazon Forest, who was unfortunately murdered by illegal forest loggers.

His memory and embodied heroic actions live on!

May all defenders for the wellbeing of this beautiful planet and world be safe.

Table of Contents

Preamble to My World Lullaby

My World Lullaby

And other Poems

Breaking through

Night Sky

Preamble to My World Lullaby

The world is in great danger, she is in tragic

peril. The climate crisis is becoming more

intense with each day and season, species are

dying and imperialism and aggressive wars

trouble countries and millions of everyday

people, threatening their lives.

All the more reason to become active, to save the

planet, the climate, humanity and flora and

fauna. For this task we need to keep our spirits

high and our actions on the mark and well


This lullaby intends to soothe and strengthen

your spirit. We must become like children again

and simply love and live our love for this

beautiful world, planet blue and you, in order to

act well.

Find a quiet place, some solitude and meditate

on the beauty of where we are. Don’t forget the

beauty and generous nature of the world in the

middle of all its troubles. Strengthen your heart,

body, soul and mind in order to be able to

simply stand in awe, in love with this precious

and fragile world.

This poem does not tell you what to do, but I