Notes from the Other Side - Gabrielle von Bernstorff-Nahat - E-Book

Notes from the Other Side E-Book

Gabrielle von Bernstorff-Nahat

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Gabrielle von Bernstorff-Nahat knows the other side from experience. A once upon a time friend must have slipped a drug in her drink years ago, that evening and that drink sent her on a long journey into worlds she might have imagined but did not inhabit,-yet. Years of psychosis, or Spiritual Emergence, as Gabrielle lovingly calls her wanderings, into far off lands, have changed her profoundly. 'Since I have been on the other side, I love more and I hate less'. May some of this love and understanding seep into your imagination and heart, as you read Notes from the Other Side. The notes are not quite poems, nor are they just notes in the true sense of the word. Perhaps these sentences, thoughts and feelings are more like the flicker of light of a fire fly lightning up the night as briefly as these notations illuminate the vastness of the beyond each and everyone of us carries within him or herself. Gabrielle von Bernstorff-Nahat is a writer, painter and architect. She has published numerous Special Edition art books such as Touching and Hommage to Malevich's Black Square as well as poetry books such as You my Love, My World Lullaby and Engelskinder Gaza und Israel. For more please go to her website:

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