Pappillon Village - Gabrielle von Bernstorff-Nahat - E-Book

Pappillon Village E-Book

Gabrielle von Bernstorff-Nahat

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Pappillon Village is a plea for a more humane Psychiatry.. The introduction makes the plea that psychic and spiritual emergence must be creatively and lovingy integrated into the lives of emergent human beings. For this the author sketches Pappillon Village, a place for the practice of a creative, inventive and humane Psychiatry including Shamanistic soul travel, Prayer and Meditation. This book contains an intensive bibliography together with excerpts from the insightful book Sleeping with the Angels: A Spiritual Journey through Schizophrenia in order to give inside views of someone undergoing spiritual and psychological emergence. More on non-profit Projects of th author for a more humane psychiatry can be found on the non-profit page of her Homepage: Gabrielle von Bernstorff-Nahat is a writer, Poet, Artist and architecture. Her non-profit work includes being an advocate of a more humane psychiatry. She iis also a Visonary Coach and an Art Coach.

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Seitenzahl: 26

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This book is dedicated to the loving soul of Irene Zumsteg

Whose love wisdom and prayers have helped me throughout my life. Merci liebe Irene

Table of Contents

Introduction Pappillon Village

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Part 4

Chapter 5

Introduction Pappillon Village

Humanity, mother earth and the cosmos are in the age of Aquarias. Looking at the climate crisis and the news on this day, 8. January 2020 you would hardly believe so. But I do. May the fires in Australia subside, may there be peace with Iran, in the Middle East and Africa, may we manage to save Mother Earth and its sentient beings the animals. The Age of Aquarias is one of peace. May it arrive this peace, there are millions and more living towards this goal.

The climate is on fire because our psyche is on fire. We need to appease our fears, hatred and desire to rule over one another, Mother Earth and the Cosmos.

We need a more humane psychiatry. A wise saying says that a country is as good as the treatment of its women. The same could be said of its psychiatric patients.

Life is a journey of the soul. Psychosis are mysterious, they are as C.G. Jung said not the illness, but the work of the psyche at self-healing, the illness went before hand.

Spiritual emergences, psychological emergences are a part of individuation, a life long process which does not always have the face of what our culture refers to as an illness.

In pre-modern cultures, in many traditional societies the psychic person is a wise woman or man, a holy woman or man. Having a psychosis is the opening up of the soul, psyche and spirit to other dimensions. The process is deeply individual and personal. At times psychosis are out of body experiences, they certainly are soul travel.

There are pre-modern cultures who knew of this, shamanic healers often came out of spiritual emergences, in turn helping others afflicted. In the 12th and 13th ccentury Middle East Sufis already had hospitals for human beings undergoing spirtual emergence with psychiatrists and music and holymen healing the patient.

Psychosis or spirtual emergence is as varied as life itself. There are times in psychosis where the individual suffers from meeting the personal and collective shadows. This is the stuff the ego break Jung speaks of as the necessary aspect of individuation is made of. These can be very harrowing experiences with auditory and visual other worldliness. Michelangelo’s Last Judgement is something he saw, it is not solely a religious painting, it is also a painting of the negative collective unconscious or shadow. Michelangelo saw something, he knew what he painted.

Then there are the peaceful periods of such emergences with much harmony and beautiful epiphanies. The Kogi of Northern Columbia believe and live in Aluna, what we would call dark energy in todays language, the mother and father of everything is the universe, the dark energy with its stars, suns and planets. It is a place where we are from and return to. Perhaps one area of other