Myth, Surrealism and Folklore in the Writings of Angela Carter - Shamenaz Bano - E-Book

Myth, Surrealism and Folklore in the Writings of Angela Carter E-Book

Shamenaz Bano

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Essay from the year 2020 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, , course: PhD, language: English, abstract: With the rise of feminism in the West, there came a drastic change in the society in regard to women in terms of their status and position in the society. Women came out in all the spheres i.e. literature, politics, bureaucracy, sports, films and media etc. So because of this many women writers emerged in Britain who have gain name and fame internationally and who have enriched the British literature like the male writers. Angela Carter is one such English novelist who is known for her feminism and also postmodernism. She was a journalist who was famous for her magical realism, surrealism, fantasy, gothic, science fiction and picaresque works. Because of all this, she is considered as a unique and original writer of 20th century. She was ranked tenth in the list of "The 50 greatest British writers since 1945" by The Times in 2008.

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