Sri Lankan Women Writers Finding Space Within Political Turmoil. Punyakante Wijenaike, Kumari Jayawardena, Nira Wickramsinghe, Rosemary Rogers and Thisuri Wanniarchchi - Shamenaz Bano - E-Book

Sri Lankan Women Writers Finding Space Within Political Turmoil. Punyakante Wijenaike, Kumari Jayawardena, Nira Wickramsinghe, Rosemary Rogers and Thisuri Wanniarchchi E-Book

Shamenaz Bano

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  • Herausgeber: GRIN Verlag
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2020

Academic Paper from the year 2020 in the subject Literature - Basics, grade: NA, , course: Doctoral, language: English, abstract: Sri Lanka is a country which has witnessed tremendous political upheavals since ages. Although now, peace has been restored to the lands still there are many issues which have to be sorted out. Though an under develop country, but Sri Lanka was the first country to have given the world first woman Prime Minister, Srinivaso Bhandarnaike. Women writing in Sri Lanka began in 1928 when Rosalind Mendis published her first novel, The Mystery of a Tragedy published by Arthur Stockwell of London. The novel was not so successful and it did not pave the way to inspire other women to take up writing as a career. Women writing did not flourish in Sri Lanka due to many reasons but over the last three decades, it has witnessed a new wave of women writers trying to carve their niche in the world of English writing as there has been tremendous flow of women writers. Vijeta Fernando writes, ‘a half a century long drought followed before creative writing, especially by women, could take root and flourish in the island country.’ So the writing culture including both men and women developed in Sri Lanka in the postcolonial period.

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