Nigheanan Mòra - Catriona Lexy Campbell - E-Book

Nigheanan Mòra E-Book

Catriona Lexy Campbell

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Tha iad òg is làn spòrs, nigheanan òga sa bhaile mhòir cho toilichte 's a ghabhas … ach is e clach-mhìle a th' ann an tricheadamh cola-breith. Is nuair a dh'iarras Graeme air Jo a bana-chàirdean fhàgail airson fuireach còmhla ris-san, feumaidh Bell agus Anna rudeigin a dhèanamh airson stad a chur oirre. Bell, Anna and Jo have been having a whale of a time together since they left university, but when Jo announces that she's moving in with her boyfriend life takes quite a jolt. Desperate measures are called for if Bell and Anna want to put a stop to this … or maybe they all need to grow up and behave better. Catrìona Lexy Campbell's comedy of dating, matchmaking and relationship sabotage tackles the genuine challenges of friendship and adult responsibility with a combination of sensitivity and mischief. Anyone who never wanted to grow up, or still hasn't, will recognise themselves in her lively cast of characters.

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Catrìona Lexy Campbell is the author of five previous novels, including Cleasan a’ Bhaile Mhòir

By the same author

Balach Beag a Mhàthar (Stòrlann, 2004)

Cleasan a’ Bhaile Mhòir (Sandstone Press, 2009)

Samhraidhean Dìomhair (CLÀR, 2009)


Catrìona Lexy Campbell

First published in Great Britain

and the United States of America

in 2014 by

Sandstone Press Ltd

Dochcarty Road



IV15 9UG


All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form without the express written permission of the publisher.

Lasag is an imprint of Sandstone Press Ltd

Lasag’s series of Gaelic readers offers young adults a range of engaging, easy-to-read fiction, with English chapter summaries and glossaries to assist Gaelic learners.

© Catrìona Lexy Campbell 2014

Editor: Alison Lang

The moral right of Catrìona Lexy Campbell to be recognised as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act, 1988.

The publisher acknowledges support from the Gaelic Books Council towards publication of this volume.

ISBN: 978-1-908737-96-0

ISBNe: 978-1-908737-97-7


Caibideil 1

Caibideil 2

Caibideil 3

Caibideil 4

Caibideil 5

Caibideil 6

Caibideil 7

Caibideil 8

Caibideil 9

Caibideil 10

Caibideil 11

Caibideil 1

It’s Jo’s 30th birthday and her flat is heaving with party guests. Her boyfriend Graeme asks her to move in with him – it’s the grown-up thing to do, like a proper couple – but her flatmates, Bell and Anna, are horrified. They’ve been living together for ten years, ever since they were students. Jo can’t run off and desert them, can she?

Bha am flat beag aca trom le cuirp. A h-uile oisean is uachdar air a lìonadh le daoine ag òl, a’ smocaigeadh, a’ gàireachdainn agus a’ còmhradh ann an guthan àrda. Bha aca ri bhith a’ bruidhinn àrd oir bha an ceòl a bha an DJ a’ cluich gus na h-uinneagan a sgàineadh.

Bhon chòrnair, ghabh Anna balgam bhon chana leann aice agus sheall i riutha le .

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