Nile crocodiles - Boris Mayer - E-Book

Nile crocodiles E-Book

Boris Mayer

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Nile crocodiles are fascinating and awe-inspiring creatures that are native to many parts of the African continent. This illustrated book shows in more than 60 black and white photographs the fascination of these primeval creatures. The photographs are complemented by basic information about crocodiles and fairy tales from various African countries in which crocodiles play a special role.

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Seitenzahl: 31

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Table of Content



Crocodylus niloticus

Physical Features

Origin of the name

Habitat and distribution

Reproduction and life cycle

Short but powerful: the legs

Crocodiles and their territory

Threats and protection

The teeth of crocodiles

Crocodile sleeping habits

Crocodile eyelids

Fables: The Quarrel between the Leopard and the Crocodile

Nutrition and hunting behaviour

Fables: How the Rooster is related to the Crocodile

The protective scale armor of Crocodiles

Fables: Why Crocodiles attacks Humans

Survival strategies in dry seasons

Gender determination by temperature

Swallowing instead of chewing

Understanding crocodile digestive processes

The record-breaking bite force of Crocodiles

Fables: The friendship between the Monkey and the Crocodile

Threatening gestures towards conspecifics

Fables: Turned into a Crocodile

Fables: The ingenious tale of the Hare, the Elephant and the Crocodile

Fables: The ungrateful Crocodile

Identifying natural predators of Crocodiles

How Crocodiles regulate their body temperature

Sensitivity of Crocodile skin

Note on the pictures & Acknowledgements



Greetings to all who embark on the captivating journey through the pages of this remarkable photo book!

As the Ambassador of Zambia to the Federal Republic of Germany, it fills me with great joy to take you on a fascinating exploration into the impressive world of Nile crocodiles. Authored by Boris Mayer, a dedicated amateur photographer from Germany who is fascinated by the unparalleled beauty of Zambia, this photo book, illustrated with high-contrast black-and-white photographs, takes us on a journey through the Kalimba Reptile Park, located nearby Zambia's vibrant capital, Lusaka, with some wonderful images from our neighboring country Botswana in the Chobe National Park.

Within these pages, you will discover the fascination and raw power of Nile crocodiles, extraordinary creatures that occupy a unique place in the ecosystem, being one of the few creatures to have survived the extinction of the dinosaurs one hundred and eighty million years ago.

Despite the diversity of reptiles inhabiting the Kalimba Reptile Park, from venomous snakes to majestic constrictors, it is much more than just a collection of animals. It serves as a sanctuary and an important educational center, inviting visitors from around the world to experience the remarkable Nile crocodiles up close and engage with the crucial work of conservation and awareness. And that is exactly what Boris Mayer has done.

Through his descriptions and breathtaking photographs, the essence of the Kalimba Reptile Park is vividly captured, as well as its evolution from a pioneering crocodile farm to a beacon project for conservation and education. Readers will find themselves in the midst of the action, where the once-underestimated crocodile proves to be an impressive hunter, commanding both respect and awe.

Furthermore, this book delves into the rich cultural tapestry surrounding crocodiles, intertwining myths, legends, and folk tales from ancient civilizations to contemporary African societies. The retellings of African fairy tales from Angola, Nigeria, and the Democratic Republic of Congo offer a deeper understanding of humanity's enduring fascination with these prehistoric creatures.

As you delve into the pages of this book, I invite you to share my deep admiration for crocodiles and the tireless efforts of those dedicated to their protection. May this book inspire curiosity, appreciation, and a renewed sense of responsibility for the magnificent biodiversity of our planet.

Warm regards,

Winnie Natala Chibesakunda, Ambassador of Zambia to Germany. Berlin, May 30th, 2024.
