North to Maynard - Paul White - E-Book

North to Maynard E-Book

Paul White

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North to Maynard is a tale of an urban spirit, a ghost in the machine story for these modern 'tech' times.

It exposes something which could happen to any one of us, at any time.... even during a road trip, when you are travelling North to Maynard.

North to Maynard is an Electric Eclectic Novelette, an introductory work to introduce you to the writing style and narration of the author, Paul White.

I hope you will enjoy this story so much it will encourage you to purchase one of Paul's prime titles. 

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Paul White

North to Maynard

An Electric Eclectic book

To all who travel roads unknown, for whatever reason. May the spirits be with you... too.BookRix GmbH & Co. KG81371 Munich

Title Page

North to Maynard



An Electric Eclectic book



Paul White










Copyright © Paul White 2017

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.




About Electric Eclectic books

Electric Eclectic books are written by indie authors to introduce you to their storytelling styles.


Feel free to visit the author's website here where you can view his current books and see which will be published next.


Thank you for choosing to read a Paul White story and thank you for selecting an Electric Eclectic book.

Part one









I had been relaxing, almost dozing-off as I listened to the mellow melody of the Eagles ‘Hotel California’ when the Sat-Nav burst into life.


‘Turn right in two hundred yards'. 


I am glad I was not driving because I jumped in shock as the woman’s metallic voice blasted out unexpectedly. I would have crashed the car had I been behind the wheel.


Libby laughed at my reaction. At least she was concentrating on the road.

I shuffled upright in my seat, realising I was drifting into sleep asked, "How long have I been snoozing?"

"About twenty miles," answered Libby.

"I need a pee and a coffee," I said.

Why is it whenever I wake up, whether from sleeping all night or just a cat nap, I always need to pee?

"Yeah, I need a break too. We’ll stop at the next place which serves hot coffee. You can drive from there." Libby spoke as she wound down her window.


‘At the crossroads stay on the A265’