Of the Greatness of Life - Helmut Lauschke - E-Book

Of the Greatness of Life E-Book

Helmut Lauschke



In the unknown lies the infinity of hope, expectation and greatness with its beauty, joy, mourning and the dreams of achievements and fulfillments. Knowledge is the exception, ignorance is common. Knowledge is an achievement, ignorance is the natural origin. Achievements are work related, the ignorance not as a lack of interest, willpower and vision. Secrecy lies between known and unknown. It forges both together. The problem starts when you separate them and distinguish one from the other with the precision of truth. Language in its complexity is very difficult. To bring the tools for speaking together that is real art. The sensory and the motor skills in speaking is always difficult and never exact in the explanation of the details. The galaxy is the mirror reflecting human thoughts and words. It is a kind of filter that some thoughts and words permeate into the depth of the universe to recreate the world from the beginning. The misunderstanding is like a huge hole in the bridge of communication which is hardly or not to be bypassed that there is the risk of falling through with being expelled from this world spiritually and intellectually. The unknown is like the virginity of innocence which has to be explored and handled very carefully and respectfully. Music is right from the beginning more direct, spontaneous and comprehensive than the spoken word. Intelligence and recognition cannot be achieved by talking only. More discipline and reflections are needed to understand the meaning of life and nature and mankind and humanity and respect in general. To pretend something is like a building that is collapsing due to the totally wrong conception. Wisdom is in the consideration to listen to the principals of good and truth rather than to self-interest. Justice means that the stronger looks after the weaker, and to look after the good of the many (Socrates). In the realm of sensible things the eye can see the sight of colors only in the medium of light that emanates from the Sun. Likewise, in the realm of ideas the mind can achieve rational insight into the truth only in the medium of ideas, which emanates from the highest and brightest of them that of the Good. As the Sun is the source of both light and life in our physical world, so is the Good the source of all intellectual light and all spiritual life in the world of ideas (Plato). The empty vessel makes the loudest sound (Shakespeare). God has given you one face, and you make yourself another (Shakespeare). It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get (Confucius). Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it (Confucius). Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall (Confucius). The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones (Confucius). "Nihil est sine ratione" (Leibniz). Good philosophy consists of competent explanations (Leibniz). "If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants" (Newton).

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Helmut Lauschke

Of the Greatness of Life

Keys of Understanding




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Schlüssel zum Verständnis

Keys of understanding

Plato / Socrates





Impressum neobooks

Schlüssel zum Verständnis

Keys of Understanding

Ein Gedicht will Ausdruck der Liebe sein.

Wäre alles bekannt, das Leben verlöre den Zauber der Einmaligkeit, es mit dem Drang des Erkennenwollens und der Leidenschaft des Berührenwollens zu ergründen.

Der Lebenssaft, das Blut, umspült das Unbekannte, um sich mit ihm anzufreunden und Teil von ihm zu werden, es einzuverleiben und sich mit dem Unbekannten tief zu vereinigen.

Was Vögel zwitschern, versucht die Lautsprache einzufangen.

Was das Wort dann weitergibt, ist immer etwas anderes.

Wenn du dich dem Großen näherst, dann sprich wenig und das leise. Wenn du das Große in dir aufnimmst, um es zu erleben, dann schweige bis zur absoluten Stille.

Am Ende übertrifft Sprachlosigkeit jede Art von Wortsprache. Es ist die Musik, die dann noch mitkommt.

Großes lässt sich nicht ersprechen, es muss erschwiegen werden. Die Wahrheit liegt noch hinter dem Innenohr. Das ist tiefer als das Trommelfell mit der Paukenhöhle. Großes schlägt das Hämmerchen auf den Amboss, wenn Wahrheit unhörbar und unsichtbar in das nervöse Zentrum eindringt und es durchsetzt.

Schwindelgefühl ist die innere Turbulenz, wenn die Wahrheit gegen die Wände, nicht aber gegen das ausgespannte Trommelfell, klopft.

Die Aussprache soll mit Inhalt gefüllt und klar sein, damit der Einspruch von der Gegenseite gar nicht erst aufkommt.

Sprachlos ist man dann, wenn Worte die Orientierung zu dem erhobenen Ding verloren haben und den Bezug zum Geschehen nicht mehr treffen.

Sprache kommt nicht nur aus dem Mund; wenn sie gut sein will, kommt Sprache aus dem Herzen.

Keys of understanding

In the unknown lies the infinity of hope, expectation and greatness with its beauty, joy, mourning and the dreams of achievements and fulfillments.

Knowledge is the exception, ignorance is common. Knowledge is an achievement, ignorance is the natural origin. Achievements are work related, the ignorance not as a lack of interest, willpower and vision.

Secrecy lies between known and unknown. It forges both together. The problem starts when you separate them and distinguish one from the other with the precision of truth.

Language in its complexity is very difficult. To bring the tools for speaking together that is real art.

The sensory and the motor skills in speaking is always difficult and never exact in the explanation of the details.

The length of life is not a yardstick of value and valence of achievements and appreciation, peace of mind and physical health.

The unknown is the strongest challenge to strive toward recognition, experience and contemplation of beauty, greatness and truth.

A songwriter needs intelligence as well, the singer needs a good voice only to receive sympathy and applause.

The word can be magic if it brings over the core of the meaning. Without core, the word is meaningless like an empty peel, which should be kept back instead of spoken out.

The galaxy is the mirror reflecting human thoughts and words. It is a kind of filter that some thoughts and words permeate into the depth of the universe to recreate the world from its beginning.

The misunderstanding is like a huge hole in the bridge of communication which is hardly or not to get bypassed that there is the risk of falling through with being expelled from this world spiritually and intellectually.

The unknown is like the virginity of innocence which has to be explored and handled carefully and respectfully.

Music is right from the beginning more straight, spontaneous and comprehensive than the spoken word.

Communication without force and with the deep wish for peace is the right way of understanding and reconciliation for freedom and humanity.

The kind of movement can be read how people are listening and speaking.

It is often the degree of arrogance how much more people are speaking than listening.

It is the wise human being who wholeheartedly prefers listening more than speaking.

Progress comes predominantly from listening and reflecting what was said.

Word after word, it must come clearly with a balanced voicing in a disciplined sequence and meaningful wording.

Music is always better and welcome than the repetition of long but empty monologues and other repeated nonsense.

Something is genuine while something is foreign to us. The problem starts in distinguishing both properly in terms of the truth.

To confess the unknown is mostly closer to the truth than to pretend something as known what is blatantly a lie.

You need a life of thorough thinking up to the extreme to recognize that at the end of life there is still a vast unlimited space of unknown and unanswered questions.

To be silent brings you much more sympathies than speaking with lacking listening.

Intelligence and recognition cannot be achieved by talking only. More discipline and reflections are needed to understand the meaning of life and nature and mankind and humanity and respect in general.

To pretend something is like a building that is collapsing due to the wrong conception.

Truth or lies: Often the nicer words and wordings are on the wrong side. Truth becomes often stated harshly with a few words.

Language has a gender that cannot be changed to another gender.

Wording has an orthographic and grammatical “geometry”, but the piece of music brings the beauty of harmony.

Singing people like standing together, but not speaking people who often go apart from each other.

Knowledge gives the tools of understanding, but deep in the language rests the message in its truth and intention.

Music never lies, it is either harmonic and beautiful and soul moving or in the other extreme it is a disturbing noise.

Truth does not have a marker on the word that the wording can be exposed as a lie.

Do it like birds with passion, beauty and spontaneity. If it comes to speaking, follow the advice of the philosopher and listen. The language of wisdom is listening. The language of peace is listening again.

The word is not only magically, it orders torture and murder as well. It was often the case: the devil spoke and the people did applaud, and this went up to the horrible atrocities like the holocaust.