On the Law - Neville Goddard - E-Book

On the Law E-Book

Neville Goddard

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On the Law

Feb 19, 1965

Neville Goddard

I thought I would take a portion of John, a bit of Blake, something from a great scientist, and then my own experience and weave them together for you tonight, and make it a very practical night. We’ll start first of all with the scientist. That seems to gel in the minds of people that the thing is really based upon fact. Why I do not know, but that’s how people look upon the scientific mind.

This chap is called Feynman, Richard Feynman, Professor Feynman at Cal. Tech. He is considered one of the world’s greatest physicists, who is involved with our atomic bomb and our great nuclear bomb today, but basically he likes the theoretical side of it, not the down-to-earth side. He wrote a paper which came out in 1949. It was printed in what is known as The Science Newsletter and he was describing the behavior of a little particle which is produced by atomic disintegration. It is named today by our scientists as the positron. He wrote of the positron that “it starts from where it hasn’t been and speeds to where it was but an instant ago; arriving there it is bounced so hard its time sense is reversed, and it returns to where it hasn’t been.”

Now he said, “An electron that is bounced is really deflected but continues on its course, a changed course, but it doesn’t turn around.” So he calls this little particle “the turn around.” He said, “It has the capacity to meet itself coming back from where it hasn’t been.” “Having observed this,” said he, “we must now completely alter our concepts of the universe, and no longer can we consider the universe and the future of the universe as developing continuously out of the past. We must now see the entire space-time history of the world laid out, and we only become aware of increasing portions of it successively. That the whole thing is done, and you and I only become aware of increasing portions of that which is; that the future is not developing out of any past, not after having observed the behavior of this little particle,” that they call the positron.

I maintain that our scientists by their observations are only discovering the workings of their own minds; that the physics of the mind cannot differ in any respect from the physics of the rest of Nature. So they will not go along the mystical path, the path of faith; they must have it proved to them in their laboratories, which is perfectly alright; they’re discovering in their labs the workings of their own mind. Now whether Feynman discovered it to the point where he accepts it, I don’t know. He’s here in the city, he’s in Pasadena.

But here, these are his words and I’ve quoted them accurately. It’s the October 15 letter of 1949, it’s called The Science Newsletter and the date—-you can find it in the library—-October the 15th, 1949. When it was sent to me I was stunned and thrilled, because it is exactly how I felt towards the entire picture.

Now Blake makes the statement that the spiritual states of man, or he calls it the soul, are eternal. Then he calls upon us “to distinguish between the man and his present state; that eternity exists and all things in eternity, independent of creation, which was an act of mercy.” Everything exists; everything is present and everywhere now, right now. That’s what he claims.

Now we go to the Book of John and then we’ll come together and put them all together for you…the 14th chapter of the Book of John. First of all, he calls upon us not to be disturbed, “Let not your hearts be disturbed. You believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; were it not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and I will take you to myself, that where I am there you will be also” (verses 1-3). Now you read this and you think a man is talking to men. It isn’t so, that’s not the Bible: the whole drama is taking place within us. As I read it it’s taking place within me. Do not be disturbed; you believe in God, well, believe also in me.

The being speaking is my very being, for we are one. For in this same 14th chapter he tells you, I am the Father, I am the only way; there is no other way. “I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life” (verse 6). And so, you believe in God? Believe in me, for I am the way to God the Father; there is no other way, so believe in me. I’m talking to myself.

Now, in my Father’s house (but I am he) there are unnumbered mansions. A mansion is simply a possibility. There are infinite possibilities in this world, and every one can be realized if I believe in me…believe in me. Well, how could I do it? You mean I could this very night be the man that I want to be? I could actually be anything in this world? I maintain yes…if I really believe in me.

Well, let me share with you an experience. I did it this morning. I retired quite early and, therefore, I woke quite early. I had six unbroken hours and found myself at a very early hour of the morning fully awake, but much too early to rise and disturb the household.