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The songs by U2 can carry many different messages and among them there is a message of Faith and deep religiosity. Looking for a guiding thread from the origins of the band up to now I want to follow up through the songs all the biblical references and, through them, with a personal religious interpretation of the lyrics, I aim to analyse the spirituality of the band and I want to underline how strong and deep is the message that Bono wants to convey us with his lyrics and his music.
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Barbara Marinello
ON YOUR KNEES Biblical references, Religion and Faith
Titolo I On Your Knees - Biblical references, Religion and Faith In
the songs by U2
Autore I Barbara Marinello
ISBN | 9788891157997
Prima edizione digitale: 2014
© Tutti i diritti riservati all'Autore
Youcanprint Self-Publishing
Via Roma 73 - 73039 Tricase (LE)
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To all those who have been able to understand and encourage me. To all those who have been, are or will be part of my life. To Paul David Hewson, my light through the darkness.
The band
I will follow
Into the heart
Out of control
Another time another place
I threw a brick through a window
With a shout
Stranger in a strange land
Sunday bloody Sunday
New Year's Day
Like a song
Drowning Man
Two hearts beat as one
Red light
The unforgettable fire
A sort of homecoming
The unforgettable fire
Indian summer sky
Elvis Presley and America
The Joshua tree
Where the streets have no name
I still haven't found what I'm looking for
With or without you
Bullet the blue sky
Running to stand still
Red hill mining town
In God's country
Trip through your wires
One tree hill
Rattle and hum
Helter skelter
Hawkmoon 269
All along the watchtower
I still haven't found what I'm looking for
Silver and gold
Love rescue me
When love comes to town
God part II
All I want is you
Achtung baby
Even better than the real thing
Until the end of the world
Who's gonna ride your wild horses
So cruel
The fly
Mysterious ways
Tryin' to throw your arms around the world
Ultraviolet (light my way)
Love is blindness
Stay (faraway so close)
Daddy's gonna pay for your crashed car
Some days are better than others
The first time
The wanderer
The character of Macphisto: meaning and symbology
Do you feel loved
If God will send His Angels
Staring at the sun
Last night on earth
The playboy mansion
If you wear that velvet dress
Wake up dead man
All that you can't leave behind
Beautiful day
Stuck in a moment you can't get out of
Walk on
In a little while
Wild honey
Peace on earth
When I look at the world
New York
The ground beneath her feet
How to dismantle an atomic bomb
Miracle drug
Sometimes you can't make it on your own
Love and peace or else
City of blinding lights
All because of you
A man and a woman
Crumbs from your table
One step closer
Original of the species
Fast cars
18 singles
The saints are coming
Windows in the sky
No line on the horizon
No line on the horizon
Moment of surrender
Unknown caller
I'll go crazy if I don't go crazy tonight
Get on your boots
Stand up comedy
White as snow
Cedars of Lebanon
Bsides and miscellaneous tracks
A celebration
Alex descends into Hell for a bottle of Milk/ Korova 1
Falling at your feet
Waves of sorrow (Birdland)
Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me
Electrical storm
It's easy to talk about U2 considering their long career, their commitment in the world and all that has already been said and written about them.
The great variety of songs and the great variety of themes found in them means that there can not be an unambiguous interpretation of the message U2 want to convey with their music, but every single text can be perceived and analysed according to many guidelines, which vary according to what each one wants to read in every song, based on the historical moment in which we live, according to the society and culture from which we come, according to our inner being. So from politics to social issues, love, eroticism, the emotional and the spiritual merge and everything can be found in the same song. It just depends on what we want to read in it. But in the end is not this the sense of music? At least the real music that is played with the heart rather than with the instruments and the voice, now becomes only a means to convey emotions. If even just one of the messages that they want to be taken from a song touches us, it means that the goal has been reached.
In this book I want to take into consideration the religiosity of U2, from the group and the individual members of the group to an analysis song by song, from the origins up to today, of the biblical references that can be traced and a strictly religious interpretation of their lyrics. Of course this is a topic already covered by others, but this is such an important subject for the group and for those who have always followed it that there is always something more to say or add.
How important is religion to the training of the band is evidenced by the words of Bono himself: he says that the scriptures attract him because in him there is a dark side, and the Bible holds him up. He feels like a person who needs an anchor and firm reference points and the Bible, not seen as an historical book, provides him them and speaks to him leaving him a message that changes him from within.
There is a force of love and logic in the world, a force that guides the universe. This concept will be a common thread throughout the artistic and human history of U2. Faith leads on high, but it is spirituality rather than religion: religion often appears as an enemy of God, it is like a shell that encloses and often distorts its contents, which is the spirit that raises and conveys his message of love.
Heaven and Hell, the choice between good and evil, are always offered us and both are in us. Every U2 song contains this dichotomy and can be interpreted as earthly or spiritual, where earthly and spiritual merge into a single melody that conveys its message. Bono himself says: "the music that tells me something or leads to God or against God. In both cases, we recognize that God is the centre of the universe".
One of the recurring themes in the lyrics of U2 is religion and in particular the relationship with God. They used to say that the rock was the music of the devil, but Bono writes about religion, particularly taking inspiration from the Psalms. To define their music "rock of God" as opposed to the common idea of rock is perhaps exaggerated, but in November 1999, while rewarding U2 at the MTV Europe Awards in Dublin, Mick Jagger said: "This is the devil that rewards God".
The intent of this book is to try to analyse on the one hand the religious references that were clearly inserted by the band and their meaning, on the other hand the interpretation and meaning that fans can give depending on what they read or want to read.
Chapter 1
It was in Mount Temple Comprehensive High School in Dublin that the components of future U2 met. It was 1976 when Larry Mullen Junior put the announcement on the bulletin board looking for people to form a band. Answers came by Paul David Hewson (which actually was intended as a guitarist and was then taken as a singer), Adam Clayton, and Dave Evans who showed up with his brother Dick. Thus was born a group of guys with the name 'Feedback', just to give the idea that their intention was to do covers of other singers.
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