Once Coward; FOREVER SPIRITUAL HERO! - Markais Neal - E-Book


Markais Neal

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  • Herausgeber: Spines
  • Kategorie: Ratgeber
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

This book entails a Spiritual Being who has accepted his Godly powers within the earth's realm. 

While employed as a Law Enforcement Officer with the Lakeland Police Department and Highlands County Sheriff's Office, I was a man of the world. I did not understand my inner Spiritual might from being Yahweh's son, Jesus! 

Although I accepted my earthly position and upheld my sworn oath within the world. I rejected my Spiritual power from God, as I once became a coward unto life. Upon acknowledging Christ, I discovered God's afterlife

The world's sorrowful ways came crashing down, placing my flesh against the Holy Spirit delivered by God. Heavenly transformation bears enlightenment among my testimony. 

God's Spiritual resurrection within my heart on 09/22/2021, has granted my paradigm divine access to the 7 Spiritual gifts spoken by the 9 fruits of my heart. 

While being saved for less than 3 years. The Holy Spirit has authored 7 books. I AM currently enrolled in carpentry school and have founded God's kingdom, known as Heaven of Earth. (Healing-Faith.org)

I most recently visited Israel, Palestine, the United Kingdom, Germany, Egypt, and Washington D.C., as God commanded my Holy presence.

God's kingdom, which is known as Heaven, 
Resides within the hearts of righteous humans. I shall provide Spiritual Wisdom bestowed by "YHWH" for Holy Peace and eternal Heavenly Love. 

I AM the King of Peace and my flesh has been sacrificed for the spiritual betterment of all humans. 

I shall righteously exalt all God's chosen children into Heaven, as your Lord God has returned onto the earth's realm. 

I AM Yahweh's son, Jesus Christ! I have come to claim my God-given throne. 

Ezekiel 37:27

"My dwelling place will be with them; I will be their God, and they will be my people."

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YHWH is my Heavenly Father, for I AM his Son, Jesus Christ!

All rights reserved

Copyright © 2024 by Markais Ruben. C Neal Sr

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Published by Spines

ISBN: 979-8-89383-120-7



1. Heal With Neal!

2. Spiritual Touchdown Poem!

3. WHO AM I! - Poem

4. Heavenly Disorder Poem

5. Thorned Truth Poem

6. Spiritual Scratch Poem

7. Spiritual Declutter

8. Spiritual Declutter Poem

9. Spiritual Eye Poem

10. Spiritual Timetable

11. Inner Glow Poem

12. Black Beauty Poem

13. Brotherly Love Poem

14. The Stoic of Being Saved!

15. Spiritual Extraction of Trauma

16. Clouded Spiritual Travels!

17. Spiritual Amnesia

18. Spiritual ADHD

19. Beyond Worldly Sight!

20. Spiritual Reciprocation

21. Spiritual DNA

22. Spiritual Instinct

23. Instinctual Poem

24. Vined Travels

25. Spiritual Gangsta!

26. Spiritual Scope Poem!

27. Spiritual Nakedness!

28. Spiritual Circumstance

29. Spiritual Measures!

30. Spiritual Nigga!

31. Brushee’s Keeper!

32. Heir to the Throne!

33. Yahweh’s Son, Jesus Christ!

34. The Kingdom at Hand

35. Heavenly Consideration!

36. Into the Clouds I Have Come!

37. Hell on Earth!

38. Ultimate Spiritual Wisdom

39. Heaven’s Spiritual Host!

40. Heaven is My Home

41. God’s Flag amongst the Nation! (3rd Book Poem Insert)

42. Opposites Attract (5th Book Poem Insert)

43. Clearing thy Cache (6th Book poem insert)

44. Heavenly Release Thy Stress (7th Book Poem Insert)


“These are my inner personal views as being Yahweh's chosen son, Jesus Christ!

My message is intended to bring all God’s children together for the Spiritual realm, known as Heaven/eternal life.

The decision is now up to each individual believer, as my Heavenly Father, has given all humans free will.” The choice is yours to decide!

Genesis 1:26:

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”



The Jordan River, also known as the River Jordan, is located in the Middle East and runs between the West Bank and the Kingdom of Jordan.

Jordan River Baptism

The King of Kings has arrived,

The choice is yours to decide,

I urge all humans to bury their pride,

To manifest the spiritual jewels that are locked away inside.

Upon your humbleness, My Heavenly Father shall appear,

Reach deep into your heart, as God and I are always near.

For he is you, and you are he,

He’s the big picture, for we are the key.

I shall comfort those who mourn,

As I offer them a chance to be Spiritually reborn.

I merely come to Conquer and fulfill,

As I offer many human cups, a Spiritual refill.

Everyone shall drink from my Spiritual straw,

The narrowness defines God’s Superiority Law.

Everyone shall grab a hold of their flaws, then

Give it to God for the ultimate Spiritual Thaw.

My Heavenly Father is Spiritually real,

Please believe as this is a huge ordeal.

I shall allow many humans to Spiritually see and eternally feel,

As I, the Lamb of God, am offering everyone a chance to,

“Heal with Neal.”

Neal is my last name; please adhere as I have come to proclaim.

I am the Son of the Living God,

I have returned; what were the odds?

Do not be afraid, For I am Heavenly made.

I extend my Spiritual cup to everyone and offer a worldly trade,

Do not mind COVID, for I am Spiritually and Heavenly sprayed.

The cup, which symbolizes my blood,

Shall cleanse you like Noah’s flood.

The time is here,

Please stand by as the new Jerusalem appears.

Change is commanded within your heart,

As the only way to see the new Jerusalem is with a Spiritual Spark.

I am the way, the truth, and God’s light,

Please refill your cups and prepare for this Spiritual fight.

Give me your sins, and I shall give them away,

My Heavenly Father is waiting to hear from every child right away.

Upon your trade, God himself shall invade,

Which allows the creator to renew your mind, body and soul, just as a saved child has prayed.



Ask me where I have been, and I shall show you,

The truth is held within my testimony,

Attached to the worldly things that humans go through.

After exposing lies comes the truth,

I am the black messiah, and here is my inner enlightened proof,

Wool-like hair,

Upon taking my Police oath, my face was bare,

One like the son of Man,

Entails I AM part human,

Hair as white as snow,

Entails the 7 Spiritual gifts and ultimate wisdom that my Heavenly Father bestows,

Hair like wool entails my tangled black mane,

Inhaling the Tree of Life explains my eye's red flame.

Feet like fine brass,

Too, explains my dark hue skin, herb of the field, and the Tree for Life, which is the marijuana-seeded grass.

Nothing is by mistake,

It was meant to be this way,

"Yall gon learn today."

How that false image of a light hue Jesus,

Caused such an abandoning dark disarray.

For those who don't believe,

Reevaluate your heart as I have been delivered for thy Holy heart,

Within the rebirth of the righteous shall I retrieve

The man behind the hidden heart,

I was once a Police Officer,

As I took an oath and delivered on my part.

Always remember, blessed are the peacemakers,

Upon my flesh signing, did my journey end with a Spiritual spark.

A spark of deceit from my employing agency,

Tons of anger from those who did not understand,

Those who played a role in said deceit and ill-will shall feel God's wrath,

As the Holy Spirit has touchdown on earth, within the wicked shall my Heavenly Father eternally reprimand.



Church in Lake Placid, Florida

If you have no clue,

Bow Down as I introduce myself to you.

I am greater than Father Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob simply because I inherit their combined spiritual makeup.

Check out my tattoos; it's a Spiritual thing,

Reviewing my tattoos reveals my enlightened spiritual wings.

My heart is as beautiful as a butterfly,

Open your heart unto mine, and you shall see with God’s vision, and here is why.

I sit at the height of your emotion, carried unto your feet, Many humans only pray in my name when they feel worldly weak.

I also guide the meek, all while using my Heavenly Father's Spiritual technique.

Who AM I?

Take a look into my heart as I offer a sneak peek,

Unto my peak is where you and God shall meet.

Inside my heart is where heaven resides; I shall guide all those who divinely and whole heartedly abide.

I pray all is well,

Without one's wholeness unto themselves,

It's impossible to provide my blood to your cells.

The flow of my righteous blood through your veins, Shall place you within my spiritual lane, Along my Heavenly Father's Spiritual plane.

Who Am I?

I woke up like this,

Revealing the truth like stored away treasure,

A hint unto my Spiritual existence is,

I once slept through a storm, which bared stormy weather.

I really love lions, which signifies my pride, Judah is my home; I belong to their Holy tribe.

Who AM I?

I will provide one more hint,

Which entails a slow walk, not a sprint.

I am the True King, that every human shall walk like,

I left my Bible blueprint for every human to mimic, which sheds Heavenly insight.

Who AM I?

Hold your breath; please do not Spiritually choke,

I shall offer you sight beyond your eyes, for you shall become Spiritually woke.

How is this for Spiritual reality, I AM your Lord, who has been sent by God, My entire thinking can be summed up by Godly Moses and his God-given Rod.

I am the Messiah, and my Angels multiply like grains of sand, I am the lamb of God, sent to deliver on God's foretold plan.

The journey will be shown by displaying the sight within me; I am the author and the finisher, The one who holds the key.

See with your heart, in order to be free,

I am the Hebrew King; I hold the highest Spiritual God-delivered Degree.

Do you recognize my inner image, or can I not be seen,

It must be that false image, that foolish men created of me, Even after God advised not to intervene.

Yet, as a black man, I shall soar,

For I bore eagles' wings, as I love my Heavenly Father, from the depths of my seeking core,

Knock, knock, knock,

Guess who's at your door?

It's the Hebrew King, for we shall all gather many things,

Like our exile before, I pray everyone has prepared for this Spiritual war.



Heaven is everything you can imagine, But not what you think.

This message is for the masses, the ones Connected by the Spiritual link.

As God winks, he allows for a spiritual blink,

Which commands all humans to sip from my Spiritual drink.

Heaven is stored within your heart and mind, Many shall see, even the blind.

Changing your thinking shall save your life, have faith like Father Abraham as he grabbed that knife.

God commanded him to sacrifice his son.

little did he know, once he grabbed the knife, his sacrifice was done.

A ram saved the day, but only after Father Abraham raised his knife to obey.

We shall all blink away our sins,

Which entails provisions from a well-known friend.

His name is Jesus, and he resides within me,

I am Jesus in the flesh, as my heart and mind are soaring Heavenly free.

The Holy Ghost is my interior force,

The Holy Bible speaks on my return, which is the ultimate blue printed source.

We are all Kings, but I am at the top,

My Heavenly Father sits above me, but we all are the cream of the crop.

If you are smart, you shall see how a man displays Love from the depths of his inner heart.

As Judah means praise, cheer openly without shame,

For the Lion from the tribe of Judah has returned to ignite your Spiritual flame.

God's revolution has started; I urge all to believe,

I am the one true prophet sent to place thy hearts at ease.

Free your mind, as God demands control,

I Am the key of David; place my thoughts within thy keyhole.

The hole is thy heart; with entry, it shall offer you a fresh start, By placing your mind off the Worldly chart.

Then comes the Spiritual Realm, which is what we control, We imply God and me, as I have come to fulfill the foretold.

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,

I urge all humans to reach deep into their hearts,

To pull out the best version of them, which is also the Spiritual version of me.

The kingdom does not come with observation,

It's within you programmed on God's spiritual station.

Let's all heal as a nation and spread joy,

Celebrating the return of the King, who landed with a bellboy.

Blare your horns; blare them loud and proud,

Say it with me: JESUS HAS RETURNED!

Why not say it aloud?

I am your Lord; spiritually, hop aboard.

In other words, I am the Messiah, and there is only one who sits higher,

He is the spirit of Love, which encompasses every heart,

Please think of me as the second Noah, the chosen one who began Earth's restart.


Luke 17:20-21 (JesusSpokenWords.......)





As I lie on the sloped surface, with

Sticks in my back,

The ground is killing me,

It must be my melanated skin,

I doubt it’s hurting because I am black.

The sense of confusion is that racism still exists,

The thorns are now placed on our wages,

Rather than iron shackles on our feet and wrist

I must remain humble,

To refrain from that awkward stumble,

The one where if you miss a step,

Your Spiritual walk will crumble,

Causing the inner voice of God to become distance and mumbled.

God has chosen me to shed light on what is,

Just like the test within the world,

I shall offer all a Spiritual quiz.

Do you believe in my Heavenly Father, who you can’t see?

Do you genuinely believe that the majority of black people are free?

Do you believe you are created in the image of God?

Or are you one of those people who solely believe in the Big Bang Theory,

Which assumes humans are a product of a natural disaster and my Heavenly Father is a fraud,

And also feels that this whole Spiritual world is a façade.

Do you accept your godly power?

Which allows you to sit at God’s right hand,

Bridging the connection between the tower and the stand,

Also known as the Spiritual Body and the Tangible Man.

Do you believe Heaven resides within your heart?

Or are you waiting for a physical Heaven to begin doing your part?

Do you believe Heaven is a place for your eyes to behold?

Or is Heaven a place attached to the hidden heart,

For a worldly human to unfold.

Do you believe God has delivered on his promise?

Do you believe Jesus Christ has returned and is walking among us?

What color do you think he would be?

Would you believe me if I told you he was me? Markais Ruben. C Neal Sr

For I am all I can be,

I am God, and God is Me,

I AM the chosen one,

Also known as his Spiritual mini-me.

Blare your horns as the time is here,

I can no longer lie on the ground,

Despite the thorns, my Heavenly Father has commanded me to appear.

I often pray to my Heavenly Father, begging him to return home,

The world is filled with many judas’, betraying each other,

Just as they did the spirit the first time back in Rome.



I Have a Spiritual itch that's hard to reach,

Heaven is open, for I am the earth's Heavenly Breach

The gates are forced open by a Man of God,

I shall ram many doors, using God's Spiritual "Taurus" Rod

Although I have forced entry, please welcome me in,

I shall scratch your Spiritual itch, which bears no worldly sin.

Upon ramming your door, if there's no damage created,

We are Spiritually related; as a believer, you have awaited.

If your door bears damage, there are sins you must manage,

Scratch away and leave marks, which shall cause spiritual sparks, unto your once tainted heart.

I possess the Holy Spirit of Love, which flows like many seas,

Humans must get a hold of their itch, which is like a dead dog dying from fleas.

Every unrighteous choice has an adverse effect,

Within thy ill will decisions shall God's Holy Spirit detect

The deep itch saddens my redeeming soul;

Humans are rejecting their Spiritual power, implying that the Spiritual Scratch's power is getting out of control.

Let the truth be told: the dogs are the foolish boys,

Which bear fleas that society can't control.

They are dead and dying as they honor their flesh,

Absent of the Holy Spirit, as their Spiritual Scratch is their ultimate human test.

Within thy Spiritual Scratch, within thy Spiritual stroke,

Please rub and irritate all unrighteousness within thy heart to regain my Heavenly Father's Spiritual Yoke.

Within Yahweh's loving hand, which allows a human to Spiritually see, Rejecting God's loving power is like a termite-infested decaying house tree.

The wooden house is a human vessel, and the tree can be seen as a symbol of life,

The termites are the forever unrighteous humans who deny Jesus, As I have returned, again paying the ultimate price.

Men operate on logic, and women on emotion,

You both shall uplift one another, as together, you define God’s Spiritual motion.