Once upon a time there was Islam - Marco Antonio Caio - E-Book

Once upon a time there was Islam E-Book

Marco Antonio Caio

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Caio Marco Antonio was born in Benghazi, Libya. He has spent 20 years of his life in North Africa and in the Sahara Desert, working for an oil company. He lives in Berlin, Germany, and Rome, Italy. This book is a collection of many e-mails, received from different parts of the world. Most of them deal with muslims and their own way of looking at things.

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Once upon a time there was Islam

Caio Marco Antonio

Once upon a time there was Islam

Youcanprint Self-Publishing

Titolo | Once upon a time there was Islam

Autore | Caio Marco Antonio

ISBN | 9788892609037

Prima edizione digitale: 2016

© Tutti i diritti riservati all’Autore

Youcanprint Self-Publishing

Via Roma 73 - 73039 Tricase (LE)

[email protected]


Questo eBook non potrà formare oggetto di scambio, commercio, prestito e rivendita e non potrà essere in alcun modo diffuso senza il previo consenso scritto dell’autore.

Qualsiasi distribuzione o fruizione non autorizzata costituisce violazione dei diritti dell’editore e dell’autore e sarà sanzionata civilmente e penalmente secondo quanto previsto dalla legge 633/1941.

Thanks to your democratic laws we will invade you.

Thanks to our religious laws we will dominate you.

You sir, prefer your Allah who tells you to kill me in order to assure yourself a place in Paradise, or perhaps my Jesus who tells me to love you in order for me to go to paradise, and so He would like for you to be up there with me as well ?

This book that I have written was inspired by various e-mails sent to me by many people including some friends that live in some of the most disparate places on earth.

Letters sent via the internet by people who wanted to manifest their discomfort towards Islam and the illegal immigration by Muslims towards western countries such as our dear and old Europe, but not forgetting Australia, Canada and the United States of America.

It’s obvious that European governments within the past twenty-years have not done much to confront and resolve this very important problem. Now is much more difficult to find a remedy for all the damage that has accumulated within these last years.. thanks to the congenital myopia of most of the political establishment in Western Europe.

Of course the ‘do-gooders’ which we have many in Europe, maybe too many, they have greatly contributed to worsening this phenomenon and now we find ourselves with this huge problem and with not an easy solution.