Passepartout - Daniel Bosshard - E-Book

Passepartout E-Book

Daniel Bosshard

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Most people notice that something is going wrong in their lives, but don't know how to change things for the better. And Daniel Bosshard was in exactly this situation. In the book "Passepartout" he shows how he found his way out of this position. He does not proceed in a highly scientific and lecturing manner, but shows in a relaxed style how he found a better self and what can be derived from his story. It is a lot about self-reflection, toxic connections, but also philosophy or lifestyle. For all seekers who want to find their own way.

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Brief description: The master key for your personality development

Most people ask themselves the wrong question, "What can I do on the outside to improve my life" ... but the right question is, "What can I do on the inside to improve my life?"

From the inside out, the rest comes naturally afterwards.

I have built this book on the basis of my 15 years of experience and intensive study in all the major areas of personality development. It is meant to be an opportunity for anyone who has tried ways to improve or change in certain areas of their personality, reached a certain point, but then gave up again. It is a link and a guide to find your way in the extreme variety of development aids or even to show a necessary strategy, the so-called red thread that runs through the entire personality development, which will certainly save you from renewed failure if you follow the path. It allows you to achieve all your projects, the private projects as well as professional projects and of course your financial security and thus to realize all ideas or even better expressed your dreams.

Thus everything happens together in a pleasant form, on the basis of the described way in the book, a still unknown method and its procedure. Within only 2 years, you create yourself a solid foundation. For each topic regarding personality development, there are already very good books, with the perfect descriptions of how to deal with the issues, be it changes or start from scratch and work out inner strength. There should be a connection of my book and the books you already know, or books that appeal to you new, let them merge in harmony, with which you can work. My book is to put everything together and shows a way how to connect and network all the issues, that neither your inner nor your outer can not get in your way after 2 years at the latest. It will certainly not be a walk in the park and you will still have to leave your comfort zone from time to time in order to take successful steps. However, according to my experience on my way it is with the adherence to the path like a salvation that has developed exponentially after a certain time. The exciting thing is that since the Stone Age through the great philosophers until today you can always find many parallels, the only question is how open are you to recognize this and use it for yourself. See this book as a GPS of your personality development.

The book: Preface

Quick overview: within 2 years, first decelerate life, shut down, then reset and set to zero, clean up negative, stabilize, bring body, mind and soul into an optimal balance as well as create clarity, focus purely on positive, live out gratitude, meet all people benevolently, health in focus, intentions all around to 100% adapt to you, set intermediate goals and develop a solid foundation.

This is the PPTT's golden path to inner titanic strength!

Are you simple or

you want to be

- Daniel Bosshard -

Normally, if you don't have a clear path to take, so you have the city map of Cologne, so to speak, or part of it and would use in Frankfurt, then you have the map with streets and roads on it, however, you may not find what you think you will find, find dead ends, because the paths are not right, you have to make giant detours and at some point you give up with great probability. This means that without a clear strategy and a guiding path, it will be difficult in the long run to motivate yourself and not let a dead end stop you. On the one hand it is lack of discipline and perseverance, on the other hand the lack of understanding what gets in our way. Next appears the point that can take away the greatest burden and sharpen our senses when applied, it is the discarding of all the ballast that we carry on and above all in us.

Here you have to design your own map, start from scratch, take one path after the other, so as to find yourself, with the aids that you now have in hand. But this time in the right order according to plan, that's how it will work, this experience has already revealed itself to me and fulfilled. For me it became clear on the way what happens with blockages and why they happen, with those who give up too early. Because I knew from that time both sides, the situations before with the blockages and those without blockages, because the transformation with the application of PPTT lasted just 3 months, until I was already inwardly a completely different person. Giving up is primarily the problem of the long duration of the processes and the lack of sense of achievement behind it. The second problem is that it is usually not only about the one issue, but there are in many areas of your being smaller or larger problems that constantly demotivate you, make you depressed or even symbolically speaking: "do not see the forest for the trees", or another example "your screed is so full", so that you do not continue... Or another expression, "the entire unmanageable filing cabinet of your life in your head, filled with negative thoughts" stands in your way. All expressions that can give you a picture of what ballast means.

With one of these three examples it is probably clear to everyone what is meant by it and if it should not be clear yet, then look at the pictures to it. For what is clear, if you go into yourself, your whole life in front of eyes, what there everything has already triggered blockages in you, you can perhaps rudimentarily become aware of how much unprocessed ballast is anchored in our subconscious and we have never really processed.


Financially, you're always stuck somewhere (mentally, you're blocking yourself), you may even have debts or other money worries, fears about this. You are burdened by a family issue or one with your girlfriend, which is constantly on your mind. You feel misunderstood or unappreciated. You are constantly dissatisfied with your body. Even with the diet plan you do not get ahead . Or with your health you are constantly struggling, constantly colds, some pain, frustrations, depression, aggression, etc. Then you are unhappy with your job and have no future prospects. You have constant stress with your boss or work colleagues. You are constantly there for other people and do not find time for your own interests, your impatience is always in the way. In general, you have too little time to do justice to everything, including yourself. And there are still thousands of such examples, because other things constantly get in our way that we give up in the end or use certain things also as an excuse to give up. Outside stimuli distract you constantly and if you like to be distracted (which was often the case with me before), then you should get this under control. All these problems that accumulate and the resulting blockages are so huge and for most unmanageable. Without a clear path, a signpost to help you, it is almost impossible not to give up at some point because of them.

Exactly this can all be circumvented or prevented with the help of the PPTT, because you approach everything in the same go (here one opens so far closed doors), exactly after the correct strategy, with the correct map of you, your interests and in all areas important to you, as a time millionaire with the 2 years, which you take for yourself. This about letting go and forgiving inside and outside, through daily progress and feelings of success, on one topic faster, on another maybe less fast, but continuously and steadily, if you commit to it 100%. In these processes you develop an unshakeable confidence in yourself, which will no longer set limits for the future. Constant learning and growing become a normal need, you feel the comfortable feeling from it and there is no longer a feeling at any moment as if you have to overcome to do so, it is simply a part of us and flows. But what I would also like to mention, also in the future one will continue to struggle with negative, however, the dosage fits and our inner strength no longer has a problem to deal with it, this is the necessary balance, which also serves to build character, a harmonious interaction. The more wealth inside, which comes from inner freedom, the more outside, because with the inner growth follows the outer automatically.

Let's take here the examples of the pre-Socratics from the golden times of Athens, of the great philosophers, the beginnings of philosophy, of the free spirits of that time and decisive signposts that we can use especially today. Today with the knowledge and openness to everything, it only needs like-minded people to find supporters who want to use this great opportunity and that is what I want to aim with my path, in connection with the knowledge of the great philosophers in the back, who already created clarity for their part. It is today so and it was already then so, this certainty you can discover for yourselves.

To go back in time, where it really came to bear, first Heraclitus was Confucius at about the same time, then Socrates, then Plato and Aristotle, their ancestors Thales and Pythagoras were also trailblazers before, then came Seneca at Christ's time and Epictetus shortly after, Marcus Aurelius was then also from 121 to 180 AD in the era, which were all trailblazers and important signposts to our best self. The point is to understand their views and to let them have an effect on us, to grasp them in a contemporary way, to connect them and then to implement them in the right order, with the help of PPTT.

The Socratic Method, Stoicism, Ethics as well as Rationalism and Empiricism are all terms that might already be known to one or the other, but only very few have really dealt with them intensively. Aristotle's goal with his incessant questions about all areas and topics was to find a middle way, a balance without extremes, so that each person can find a basis to live balanced without falling into these extremes, also called "Eudaimonia".

The golden age, the so-called ideal state in the ancient mythology described at that time, everything peaceful, one had all the time in the world, people perfectly embedded in their environment, no wars, no crimes and vices, only love and peace, everyone could strive and realize their goals without inner ballast. What a pleasant imagination or... ! Of course, it will never be like this in reality, however, we can reach the ideal state within us, which can look something like this. We have to switch off our inner limits, because we only need the right way, then we can reach everything, it is already everything inside us. To switch off our limits and to find the way to our best I, it only leads through our inside and this can only be penetrated by letting go of everything, mentally and physically getting rid of all ballast. As soon as you become free, everything dissolves, you will gradually feel the boundless freedom within you, everything becomes possible.

Faith, discipline, perseverance

These are three qualities you must have in order to successfully follow this path to your best YOU.

"When you do all the time your best, God will do the rest."

It was a difficult time for me in December 2020 as it was for most people since Corona Covid-19 had restricted us a lot and I too was torn with my thoughts. Of course, the first priority was to comply with federal guidelines and restrictions to contain contagions, and if you didn't have to go to work, to stay home.

Fortunately, at that time I had additionally just had a nose operation (which incidentally took away a huge inner burden, because it had become the center of my life due to an asymmetry and I blocked myself in many ways) and because of this I also had to take it easy.

This was the time when I was at home and thought intensively about myself, how I want to further shape my life for the benefit of my future and how to proceed. The operation dissolved enormous blockades in me, that was for me like a starting signal and I became clear many things as well as conscious at this time. Such a liberation is completely underestimated for outsiders and unfortunately too often also by doctors, partly also still wrong statements are expressed, which are not correct from my point of view at all, but I will not go into that now. They also look too little at the "system human", but only on symptoms and repairs.

Although it was a new investment for me personally at that time, which tore a bigger hole in my debt mountain, which I still had until then. However, this was a decisive investment in me and my self-confidence. I must say that there was never a right time for me to spend or to pay bills, it was always the wrong time, because I always had too little money. I can only say and double underline, for me this operation was the best decision for my inside, not for the perfect outside, it was the perfect inside, my whole inside filled with life. Thus it shows that this investment was exactly the right thing and above all useful.

There I had it then suddenly before my eyes, I knew, if I would clean up everything so, which is a load on my soul, then I can create everything. But at the same time I knew that most of it is no longer visible or present on the surface, but partly stored in the deepest layers of the subconscious and firmly anchored. So it was clear to me, by starting to solve the layers in small, steady processes, grab at the root like my nose operation, then everything dissolves with time . And these blockages that I had solved with my nose will also take a load off me with any other issue, no matter which one, it will work everywhere . Symbolically it behaves as if one observes a puffer fish, which inflates itself fully with danger and stress and turns into a ball, if then the danger is away, the air goes out again gradually . This letting out are the individual themes that are stuck in you and slowly dissolve .

I had already in 2010 dealt with a very good book called "The Sedona Method" about letting go and I can say it had also helped me at that time, but only in the short term. Then the previously mentioned problems came into play. Also with me it was in such a way that I had many other topic areas, which occupied me, like above all also my financial situation. If I had not decided to tackle all my stressful issues at the same time, I would have continued to go in circles and would have been constantly stuck on another problem. Thus, sooner or later, I would have pretty much given up again.

Sure I had before also many success experiences and had developed well. I also had a good life when I currently in December 2020 compared with many others. I could have continued to live like that and resign myself to it and that would still have been a decent life, with ups and downs, as I knew it just. However, I no longer wanted to be one of those who play the lottery to hope someday with a lucky hit on a relief. I not feel like it anymore "to work ass off" to go home in the evening then broken with zero residual energy, because I am not balanced. Further, I had already practiced meditation and breathing exercises, these methods also helped me to a certain extent, quite clear, however, here it behaves the same, there are other areas that come in the way. Thus, one is certainly a little more relaxed with these methods, but not the result, what I wanted and needed for me.

I have been doing sports all my life, sometimes more, sometimes less. In addition, I deal intensively with my diet for over 12 years. I read books only for about 5 years, because I could not inspire me before. When I think back and put myself again in such a situation, I can not really understand it, but I know today, I was not so far inside me. When I had begun at that time with the first reading attempts and then read one or two pages, I was already impatient or my face fell asleep, so to speak. I was inwardly simply said not yet open to it. So that meant I also had to acquire it first, which was not easy at the beginning. However, in the meantime I have become a so-called bookworm, as it is called so beautifully. And today not a day goes by without me reading, even audio books run at every opportunity. When I go for a walk, when I'm in the car or even in between times at home: I use every opportunity to listen and read, because I feel the value for my development and through constant recall the topics are quickly memorized. Here everything took its beginning, which concerns the emergence of this book.

Another topic is sports and or enough intense exercise, which is also so elementary important for the whole organism. Our body in its structure needs movement to supply everything with the needed oxygen and to invigorate our whole apparatus, also the lymphatic system, the lymphatic fluid needs a good oxygen supply, which we can support even more for example by breathing through the abdomen (e. g. breathing exercises are very efficient), in combination of sports and exercise optimally guaranteed. Every single topic that I have mentioned up to here is equally important for personality development, however, you also have to make sure that one topic of those mentioned does not negatively get in your way, thus blocking you from dealing with it or neglecting it during the intensive engagement with a second one that seems more important to you. So, for example, if you are intensively engaged in sports and nutrition, which is actually great, but at the same time you neglect letting go, also other relaxation methods, or what about your finances, your habits, do you also take care of it, your subconscious with the intestine-brain connection, as well as your anatomy... etc. with the ignoring of a topic you can trigger blockages. Everything should grow uniformly in small, but steady, continuous steps to a whole.

For more than 42 years I have been dealing with my life consciously and unconsciously. Sometimes it was about my parents, sometimes it was about me, sometimes it was about my girlfriend, sometimes about my friends, sometimes about my coach, sometimes about me as an athlete, sometimes about my work, sometimes about my environment, sometimes about events, sometimes about this and that...

You are born, you are raised, your parents teach you many things, to the best of their knowledge and belief or you grow up without parents or only with one parent, which can be even more difficult. One grows up sheltered, the other less. Then one comes to school age, where one finds friends and develops in the circle of friends or one finds no friends and remains mostly for himself. Perhaps one pursues a sport or some art, perhaps it is directly at the beginning about clear goals that one sets. But at any time even in these respective decisions you always meet new people who influence you sometimes more, sometimes less, positive or negative. Then, little by little, beliefs emerge, which we will come to in a moment.

One of the most important and haunting truths of life is, everything is in constant flux and movement, energy is also a constant flux and you can connect with it. To make it more understandable, when you read a book and you read it again after a month, you read it differently, you notice different sections and things that you did not notice before and also evaluate it differently because you have gained new experiences. This happens exactly because of this, it is a constant flow and your constant development that brings about this effect. So to be able to connect with this flow, you have to become free and the closer we are to it, the easier it will become and the less will get in the way. Also Heraclitus and Plato once said that things are constantly changing or being changed, thus they are difficult to define and to really know as well as understand something we must achieve the perfect form and the perfect idea. We get the best and the purest version out of you.

Beliefs and other book details

Back to beliefs, it arises during the development of a person, the influences from outside, beliefs and values, you are every time the sum of your decisions, at any time in your life. If this sum is less than what you imagine, so you still want to improve one thing or another, or start completely new, which I assume, since you are reading this book, then this book can help you. Who continues to live his life as before and is not happy with it, of which 95% will not get much further or not at all in the further sums.

This book stands as a link to all previously known approaches, a piece of the puzzle that many may be missing to get clarity on the way to yourself, to the best and most successful ME that you want to make of yourself, your individual personality development. The best ME looks about the same as if you would put together your perfect future in your imagination, with a magic wand, simply put "your dream life". At best with a clear why behind it, because with the why a deeper sense arises in it, which drives you even more intensely, with the necessary emotions to it.

This is where the procedures, map and strategy described in this book come into play. If one proceeds according to it, then stands one and the solid foundation as good as nothing more in the way. It's like when you build a house, you need most of the time for the foundation and no one starts here with the roof first. That's why we calculate 2 years for the foundation, so you can achieve this as a time millionaire in eustress (positive stress). However, here we are talking about a complete renovation, because if the foundation has irreparable cracks, only a complete basic renovation will help here, because we are already in the middle of life.

Only precautionary repairs cause only that one covers cracks, it will constantly arise again new or the covered tear again. This foundation you will individually adapt to you and put together. As everyone knows, once the foundation of the house is in place, the rest goes very quickly. And in my experience, it will eventually become exponential if you keep at it. I can tell you from my experience, I felt noticeable changes after a short time, which gave me constant confirmation and gave me constant boosts of motivation.

However, you can not achieve your dream life just like that, it takes, even if through this book you will have more time available and a guide, still the same law of life, you need to constantly move out of your comfort zone to evolve. It will be easy for a while because you will be freer and more relaxed, but then every now and then there will be a difficult phase to go through. When you are through it, the next time you will have an easier time with the same situation, because you have already gone through it, so that means you have grown. And so every new situation that presents a difficulty, a hurdle, a problem, will make you grow. Because the problem is only as big as you make it. If you take the problem at that moment, analyze it briefly and look for the best possible solution to it, you will solve it and grow. So you will also realize more and more, there are no surmountable problems, I just need to find the right solution every time. You will gradually be less and less influenced by such situations, until you see the problems to solve as a gift to grow and even become grateful for them. Fear, discomfort and inconvenience must no longer stop you, then you are ready for your future of inner and outer wealth.