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"Pheneas Speaks" is a book written by Arthur Conan Doyle that was first published by
The Psychic Press and Bookshop on 21 march 1927.
The book presents several communications that Conan Doyle had with spirits. In the first part, the spirits are relatives (brother, mother, editor, etc), and in the second part with various spirits including one called Pheneas who brought important revelations.
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July 31st, 1921
August 2nd, 1922
October 10, 1922
October 11th, 1922
October 19, 1922
June 1, 1922
November 15, 1922
December 28, 1922
January 18, 1923
February 11, 1923
February 13, 1923
October 12, 1923
October 29, 1923
December 30, 1923
February 4th, 1924
May 25th, 1924
December 10th, 1922
December 15th, 1922
December 28th, 1922
March 8th, 1923
October 20th, 1923
January 19th, 1924
March 8th, 1924
April 19th, 1924
April 27th, 1924
May 31st, 1924
June 15th 1924
July 5th, 1924
July 8th, 1924
July 17th, 1924
August 9th, 1924
August 18th, 1924
August 24th, 1924
September 4th, 1924
September 5th, 1924
September 10th, 1924
October 1st, 1924
October 8th, 1924
October 8th, 1924
November, 1924
November 12th, 1924
November 13th, 1924
November 22nd, 1924
December 24th, 1924.
January 12th, 1925
January 20th, 1925
January 31st, 1925
February 1st, 1925
February 22nd, 1925
March 5th, 1925
April 6th, 1925
April 12th, 1925
April 18th, 1925
April 24th, 1925
April 25th, 1925
May 6th, 1925
May 18th, 1925
May 31st, 1925
July 3rd, 1925
July 26th
24th August
September 4th, 1925
September 16th -17th
September 28th
October 3rd
October 4th
October 14th
October 13th
October 21st
November 14th, 1925
November 20th, 1925
December 20th, 1925
January 10th, 1926
January 26th, 1926
February 12th, 1926
February 15th, 1926
March 25th, 1926
April 10th 1926
April 26th, 1926
May 8th, 1926
May 16th, 1926
June 26th, 1926
August 5th, 1926
August 16th, 1926
August 17th, 1926
Friday, August 27th, 1926
September 1st, 1926
September 28th, 1926
September 29th
October 10th 1926
November 26th
A Last Word
It is no easy task to edit such a volume of home-circle communications. They are in their very nature so intimate and personal that one has a hesitation in presenting them to the world, and yet some of the teaching is so helpful that it was clearly meant for a wider circle. It is impossible, however, to confine the account to such passages, as to do so would be to lose that setting of beautiful comradeship which concerns itself with the smaller things of life as well as with the greater, and turns the Communicator into a dear brother as well as an august teacher. Our family life would lose something very precious and essential if the bright presence of Pheneas were withdrawn. This, however, is a calamity which, we are assured, will never occur.
Great excisions have to be made in this record. A large part of them consist of prophecies as to the immediate future of the world. All this must wait until its publication should seem advisable, and may form a second volume in the future. Let it be briefly stated in regard to them that any earth changes are remedial, and introductory to the happiest era which has ever been known.
Apart from these excisions, there are many minor ones which contain matter which is too personal for publication, or too remote to either, interest or instruct the reader. Only about one third of the entire script is included in this record.
It is now five years since the great gift of inspired writing first came to my wife. In her intense honesty and deep modesty, she somewhat retarded it at first by holding back her impulses in the fear lest they should come from her own subconscious self. Gradually, however, the unexpected nature of the messages, and the allusions to be found in them showed both her and me that there were forces at work which were outside herself. Sentiments were expressed. quite foreign to our own. Information was given which was sometimes mistaken, but in many cases, as will be shown in the text, was absolutely correct, including many prophecies as, to world events, which were later fulfilled. As to, the mistakes, it is well that the reader should realise, if he does not already do so, that even a high spirit is not omniscient, and that the knowledge which he has is conveyed to him, and so to us, in particular ways which may lead to misunderstanding. It is for this reason that the recipients, of such messages should always test each assertion with their own God-given reason, and apply to them all the usual safeguards of common sense.
Our first written communications, dating from early in I92I, were from relations and friends who had passed beyond the border. Occasionally also we had visits from strangers who were attracted by what they called “ the light” - a common other - world description of the psychic atmosphere of a séance. This family intercourse, and the incidental interventions have been treated shortly, as they are of secondary interest to the reader. Foot-notes have been freely used throughout to enable the reader to understand the situation. Here and there a name has been changed, which is better than that use of alphabetical letters which takes the human reality out of any narrative.
On December 10th, 1922, Pheneas, my guide, came through for the first time, and from then onwards he took chief control, though by no means to the total exclusion of the others.
In April, 1924, the writing mediumship changed to semi-trance inspirational talking. The Medium never completely lost consciousness., but her hold upon her own organism was slight. The eyes were tightly closed, and never opened until the power had left her. This has been the usual method of communication up to the present day, and careful readers will observe how the messages increased in power as fuller control was gained.
I repeat that the sentiments expressed by no means represent those of the Medium or of myself. Speaking for both of us, I may say that though we share the admiration which the whole world feels for the life and teaching of Jesus, we neither of us realised Him in the vivid overwhelming fashion which was characteristic of some of these messages. I have personally often felt strangely unworthy of the role allotted to me of broadcasting things which seemed to come from so high a source, and were worthy of a far more spiritual messenger. I have found it impossible for this reason to transcribe many of these communications, but their general tenor is not affected by the omission. I would stress the fact, however, that much of the teaching is absolutely foreign to my wife’s conscious convictions, or to my own.
It has pleased our Guide not only to give glimpses of the life in the other world, but to touch upon the conditions which we may personally hope to find. I hesitated to include any of this, but I reflected that there was nothing to show that such conditions were not common to many others, and thus there is no special merit claimed by their attainment. They are interesting as very closely corroborating other descriptions of the other world which my wife has, I am sure, never read of, so that they could not have lingered in her subconscious memory.
Our three children, Denis, Malcolm, and little Jean, whom we call “ Billie”, were respectively thirteen, eleven, and nine when the Mediumship began, and it covers the gap between childhood and early adolescence. I explain this as it accounts for the tone and substance of the messages which the Control has sent them sometimes playful, sometimes practical, always loving, like a wise and tender elder brother.
To all of them he has been a guiding star in their young lives.
There are some no doubt who would feel that such intermediate relations take something from that whole-hearted Communion which should exist between man and his God. This is the argument which the Unitarians use as to the worship of Christ, and it is one which should, I think, be very seriously considered. But the Christ conception brings an unthinkable God within the limits of our finite brains, and in this way enables us to be in mental touch with some concrete image instead of a mere vague outreaching of the soul.
The same argument applies, as it seems to me, to all those higher Spiritual beings who may exist between ourselves and the level of Christ. They are the steps of God leading ever upwards, the lowest step no less part of the whole than the highest. Protestantism abolished the old saints, many of whom no doubt may have well deserved such abolition, but they placed nothing in their stead. The old idea that a Francis of Assisi, or a Vincent de Paul was near us, taking an interest in our actions, and ready to respond to an appeal seems to me to bring actual religion into our everyday life in a very practical and intimate way. We do not neglect God by honouring one whom we look upon as nearer to Him than we are ourselves.
That is the view which I take of such high Spiritual Guides as Pheneas. If our thoughts turn to him in everyday life it is that he stands for everything that is high, and that he is a near and a familiar figure. Let us compare a man's position under the eternal with that of an Indian villager under the British Raj. When he is in trouble, or claims redress, he does not make a personal appeal to the king. He turns to the king's representative, who may be no more than the local police inspector. If the matter is more than can be dealt with, it goes back to the local magistrate, to the district commissioner, to the provincial governor, to the viceroy, finally to the high authorities in London.
So it seems to me a very human and reasonable scheme that our immediate Spirit Guides have others behind them, and yet others, extending in an infinite hierarchy through such a great Spirit as the Christ up to the unthinkable centre of life and of love, and that the lowest vibration may, if needful, be transmitted to the highest. Such teaching has come from the beyond, and seems to be borne out by all that I can learn of the true functions of such a teacher as I have described.
Let it not be thought that such Communications are easy, and that we can at will get what we desire of help or knowledge. There have been months on end when we have longed for Pheneas, and sat awaiting him with every condition favourable, and yet he has not come. Then at another time, unexpected, unannounced, in the midst of conversation, in the course of a meal, he will suddenly, with altered voice and sweeping Oriental gestures of greeting, make his presence known. He is always a high gentleman, however, and never intrudes at a time when his presence might put the Medium in a difficult position.
Any further difficulties which the reader may find, or explanations which he may seek, may perhaps be dealt with in the script itself, or in the notes attached. We shrink from the sending of it forth, for it is all very sacred to ourselves, and yet we appreciate the satisfaction which it would be to us if we knew that it brought comfort or knowledge to others. We would beg the most orthodox reader to bear in mind that God is still in touch with mankind, and that there is as much reason that he should send messages and instructions to a suffering and distracted world, as ever there was in days of old.
No doubt the picture presented of a coming world which is arranged upon the same general lines as this one will seem revolutionary, and possibly repugnant to many readers. Those who are psychic students, however, when they have passed the kindergarten of physical phenomena, and gone on to the vital messages beyond, will find with very few exceptions that the same sort of life is depicted. The reader who desires fuller information upon the point is referred to the works of Swedenborg, Andrew Jackson Davis, and George Vale Owen; also to many more recent volumes of personal posthumous experience.
December, 1926.
As specimens of the Family Communications received in the early days of mediumship, I take the following (beginning at July 21st, 1921). My brother-in-law, the distinguished novelist, E. W. Hornung, had passed over a short time before. Getting into touch through my wife’s mediumship, with my eldest son, Kingsley, who passed in 1918, I asked how it was with Hornung.
Are you in touch with Willie Hornung?
Yea, he came over all right to us.
How is he?
He is heavy and tired. But he will improve. Already he is better. His mind is more open. (He had been intolerant about Spirit Communion in his lifetime.) He is sorry, and he realises things now.
A long pause.
I am Willie. I am here. I am so glad to be here. Arthur, this is wonderful. If only I had known this on earth, how much I could have helped others. However, it is too late. I am with Oscar. [His son.]
It is so glorious. I am working and feel so well.
It is so nice to be free from my asthma.
You are happy then?
It is a wonderful life - so high and fine in all ways. Worth living for.
If only people knew!
There is such heaps and heaps I want to say to you, Arthur. First of all, to tell you that I love you all. I have learned a lot since I came over here.
Is your present work literary?
Yes, of a kind. It is most interesting. I prefer it to my work in the world. It is so much more vital. It really counts.
Could I finish any of your work here?
Not much, thank you. It does not matter. We will leave it so.
I wrote a preface about you in your posthumous volume.
I saw it. For a time it is better not to speak to my people about this.
You remember that Oscar sent messages? *
Several times. But we would not listen.
Oh, the pity of it! Oh, the pity of it!
*The son had sent evidential messages through us, but the parents had turned them down on religious grounds.
If I had my time over again how different I would be. But it is too late.
The knowledge was not given you.
No, but I'll progress here. I am doing so.
Well, I always admired you.
Yes, I know you honestly admired part of me. It’s hard to break off. It is such a joy to come back the first time.
You are very welcome.
Thank you, dear old fellow. My love to all.
What's the use? They won't believe it.
Never mind. Plod on. You will win through. Right is might.* Goodbye. God bless you!
*This was very characteristic. He was fond of little jests and inversions of ’this sort.
Some days later E. W. Hornung came again.
This is good.
I had been hoping to get through again. I feel rather selfish, for there are so many others who wish to communicate, but they made me come.
Would you come to the medium, Miss Besinnet, and show yourself?
A famous American materialising medium who was visiting the Psychic College in London.
We have seen her. She is a fine medium and a good source.
Is my teaching right?
It’s fine what you say and just right and true-all of it. I am in the third sphere-homeland. I am glad I am in it.
Shall we come there?
Rather. I have learned much over here. I am longing to be really close to you both.
So do we.
That’s so lovely. I wanted that to complete it. The pity is that we can’t see each other face to face.
The Medium had a dream of a lovely place.
Yes, it was your future home. We felt it would do her good to see it.
She finds it hard to realise.
She must believe it is true. She will one day live in it with you and your dear ones.
It is a very sweet place - full of charm. There is water near and great peace.
You have no idea how much we are round you all, or how we associate ourselves with your daily lives.
How about Innes?
Innes was my only brother, fourteen years younger than myself. He died as Brigadier-General and Assistant Adjutant General of the 3rd Corps, so worn out with his war duties that he had no reserve power to meet the pneumonia, contracted just after the Armistice.
Fear not. He will come through very soon. He is still resting. He needed it very badly, they tell me. He told me he had seen you, Arthur.
I was aware of it. It was like a vivid dream.
We are, of course, all together, but he is not doing much yet.
I am so glad you have taken this up.
I am fearfully interested. I hate to think of not having had it all this time, but now I am going to make up.
Have you active amusements?
Rather. And I am no longer handicapped by my horrid old asthma. You would not recognise me. I am much improved in appearance.
Any good my telling Bute? [A relative.]
None whatever. He is even worse than I was. He will learn in time. But a little too late.
Could you help in psychic photography?
I’m not sure that I can.
Hornung came again, some months later. I take his conversations in sequence, but there was much between.
Hullo! I’m Willie. This is good.
You enjoy coming?
Isn’t it natural that I should, considering that I have been cut off from you all so long. I do so love getting through to you, but I am so new at it all. Jean (the Medium) has two fine guides - one a very high guide who has come to help her in this work.
So many are here.
By the way, there is a fellow here who played cricket with you upon earth. He has just come over. He has never seen or heard of this earth telegraph and is greatly interested.
Can you get the name?
Names are terribly difficult. You see a name does not represent any sort of an idea. It is an indigestible chunk. You can’t suggest it to the Medium’s brain. But I will try.
The Medium then wrote a sequence of letters which made no sense, but ended with CINI.
If that is a name it is an Italian name. I never knew an Italian who played good class cricket.
Well, he is here and sends his regards.*
*This was most evidential. Paravicini, who played for Middlesex, had died two days before, and neither the Medium nor l were aware of it. I can’t remember playing with him, but it may have been so.
After our first American tour Hornung came again at a séance. I had a message from him through a medium at Toledo, and I had actually seen his son Oscar plainly materialised.
I am Willie Hornung.
Hullo! I have not touched you since Toledo.
It is true, old man. We were there.
Should we go to America again?
Yes, rather. The seed needs sowing in many places.
You know that I saw Oscar?*
*I saw his materialised form with every feature clear as plainly as ever in life
Yes, he was awfully pleased that you saw him then, and that you are always so ready to get into touch with him.
He is getting on so well over here in many ways.
What about Cynthia? [A living relative.]
I fear it is no good, old chap. She is too much in the grip of the church. Alas! She will be so dreadfully sorry.
God bless you a thousandfold and keep you in His care - all of you in this blessed home, the centre for all of us on this plane.
From that time onwards we heard occasionally from Hornung, always in the same characteristic strain, but presently the advent of Pheneas displaced the other Communicators. I will now give some specimens of Communications received in those early days from my brother-in-law, Malcolm Leckie, D.S.O., a splendid young doctor who gave his life under heroic circumstances at Mons. His messages are characteristic of his own sunny, lighthearted and modest character.
Dear old chap. It is good to be here.
We love to have you.
I don’t often come because there are so many others who need it more.
I am so happy, and life is very full here and so interesting.
I go on with my medical work, but it is much more vital, and means much more to me now. I am helping some on your plane. At Guy’s Hospital there is a good man whom I impress with my greater knowledge. He will be well known some day. Names are so difficult. You will be very happy when you come here.
We would be glad to come if we could all come together.
No, you are needed so badly where you are. You are greatly privileged in carrying the banner - Christ’s banner.* We’ll see to your health - never fear.
*This is the sort of message which honours but embarrasses us.
Ask about anything, dear old fellow.
What about Spirit healing?
It is great - ever so great. Spread the news. The world needs it so.
You would have called it quackery.
But I know better now. They (the doctors) will get past that, and we will be able to work through them then. If only they would have open minds, and receive this great truth and knowledge.
What about this drought?
We are so sorry for you - on the top of the war. Humanity has had much to bear.
They will not get down to the truth.
Yes, you are right, Arthur. We all feel that. But times are changing. Soon you will see proof of that.
What about your mother?
She is so young looking, and very happy. She is full of laughter here. It is good to see it. We are helping to prepare your home. We know just what you both like. It is already looking sweet.
At his next visit he said -
It’s I, Malcolm.
I should so much like to send dear old Pater all our loving birthday greetings. We have all been with him so much.
Kingsley is Denis’ * special guide.
*The elder of my two living sons.
He loves him devotedly, as we all do. He is sent direct to do good work in the world. He is a great trust. Guide him well. He is encircled with power which will lead him ever upwards, helping, strengthening and guiding him. We love him and you greatly. Malcolm and Billie * are fine.
* My younger living son and my younger daughter.
In your old world you do need bucking up so badly.
Can we believe all this?
We tell the truth, dears. We could not do otherwise,
You died like a hero.
I simply did my duty.
(A step was heard at this moment outside the door. I knew it was Mr. Leckie, Malcolm's father, who was not in sympathy with Spirit Communion. " That was Pater.")
Yes, I saw him. It is such a pity that he can’t sit too, so that I could have the joy of speaking to him again.
Shall we say so?
Yes, do, from me.
Other messages from Malcolm Leckie will be found later in their due sequence. I would now give some early messages from my son Kingsley, and from my brother Innes. Neither of them were in sympathy with Spiritualism in their lifetime, and both of them came back through several mediums to deplore the fact. The same applies to my mother, some of whose messages are given.
Kingsley is here.
The power is good. It could not be better.
There is so much I want to say in so short a time :-
Where are you?
I am very close. I can see you all clearly.
How fine that is.
Yes, it is great. I hear you clearly. You will be able to see us soon. Jean’s mother is here. She thanks you for those flowers. (These had been put on the grave.) We are a great party, all one and so happy.
The Mam (my mother, A.C.D.), understands all about this great truth now, and only regrets she didn’t when with you.
She could not know.
(Here my mother broke into the dialogue.)
Yes, but I ought to have trusted your judgment, my own son.
Poor dear Mammie.
Not poor now - just the opposite.
You did all connected with my affairs just as I should wish.
(Noise was beard of Billie at the door.)
That’s my Girlie. (This was my mother’s typical word.)
We live in our own homes.
This is such a help. The bridge is found for us all.