Ponkapog Papers - Thomas Bailey Aldrich - E-Book

Ponkapog Papers E-Book

Thomas Bailey Aldrich

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THESE miscellaneous notes and essays are called Ponkapog Papers not simply because they chanced, for the most part, to be written within the limits of the old Indian Reservation, but, rather, because there is something typical of their unpretentiousness in the modesty with which Ponkapog assumes to being even a village. The little Massachusetts settlement, nestled under the wing of the Blue Hills, has no illusions concerning itself, never mistakes the cackle of the bourg for the sound that echoes round the world, and no more thinks of rivalling great centres of human activity than these slight papers dream of inviting comparison between themselves and important pieces of literature. Therefore there seems something especially appropriate in the geographical title selected, and if the author's choice of name need further excuse, it is to be found in the alluring alliteration lying ready at his hand. Contents Leaves from a note book -- Tom Folio -- Fleabody and other queer names -- A note on 'L'aiglon" -- Plot and character -- The cruelty of science -- Leigh Hunt and Barry Cornwall -- Decoration day -- Writers and talkers -- On early rising -- Un poête manqué -- The male costume of the period -- On a certain affectation -- Wishmakers' town -- Historical novels -- Poor Yorick -- The autograph hunter -- Robert Herrick.  

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2019

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