Problems of teaching in Mathematics in Zimbabwean schools - Chrispen Mawarire - E-Book

Problems of teaching in Mathematics in Zimbabwean schools E-Book

Chrispen Mawarire

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  • Herausgeber: GRIN Verlag
  • Sprache: Deutsch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2023

Akademische Arbeit aus dem Fachbereich Didaktik - Mathematik, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This paper aims to explore on Mathematics teachers' understandings of the Mathematics curriculum in the Zaka West cluster due to an outcry over poor Mathematics passes from both urban and rural schools in Zimbabwe. A study was undertaken to explore and illuminate the complexities faced by 'O' Level Mathematics teachers in the implementation of a Mathematics curriculum so that necessary recommendations that would help improve the teaching and learning of Mathematics would be made to all participating schools and other teachers across the country. The major aim of the study was to stimulate Mathematical thinking in teachers and to revitalize the teaching of the subject in Zimbabwean Secondary Schools. The following research questions will be answered: • What do the teachers perceive to be the aims of the 4008 ZIMSEC 'O' Level Mathematics syllabus? • What are the pedagogical strategies that the teachers use in Mathematics lessons? • How are these pedagogical strategies, methodology and REACT, related to the nature of 'O' Level Mathematics? • What do 'O' Level Mathematics teachers perceive as the challenges faced in the teaching and learning of 4008 Mathematics? • How can these challenges be eliminated or reduced? This paper is organised as follows: the first part is the conceptual framework of the study; the second part presents the methodologies employed in the study; the third part is the section on the findings; the fourth part discusses the findings which is followed by the fifth and last part which is the conclusion.

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