Purposeful Singleness - Elfi Beck - E-Book

Purposeful Singleness E-Book

Elfi Beck



This short prophetic book is a message to single people and describes what God wants to do, particularly for single Christians. They are to be prepared for their calling and future marriage—a marriage that will reflect the glory of God and reveal the restoration of the relationship between man and woman—the sons and daughters of the Almighty God. These are some of the topics discussed: How God sees single people / Identifying and moving into your calling / Preparing for marriage / The biblical significance of marriage / Sexuality and singles

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Seitenzahl: 78

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2018

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Elfi Beck

Purposeful Singleness

For single people who are waiting for their marriage partner




















First edition 2018

© 2018 Dr. med. Elfi Beck

© 2018 GloryWorld-Medien, Xanten, Germany, www.gloryworld.de

All rights reserved.

Bible quotiations, if not otherwise specified, are from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV®; Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by Permission of Biblica, Inc.® All rights reserved worldwide.

Other bible translation: King James Version (KJV), New King James Bible (NKJB).

Translation from German: Janet H. Mayer

Layout: Manfred Mayer

Cover design by Jens Neuhaus, www.7dinge.de

Photos: pixabay and private

ISBN: 978-3-95578-953-4




Having been married for 37 years, ministering to singles through seminars, retreats, and individual counseling, and co-laboring in healing ministry, we are excited to recommend this important book by Dr. Elfi Beck for anyone seeking to live a life of purposeful singleness. She discusses a difficult subject with sensitivity and compassion, without compromising God's Word and intention, encouraging readers to follow God's plan for a fulfilling Christian single life. Through the guidance of Holy Spirit, and with the wisdom contained in this book, one can avoid the pitfalls that have trapped those who attempted to travel the single life without God's wisdom and guidance.

David W. Nelson, MD, MPH;Dena M. Nelson, MA, CAGS (Mental Health Counseling)Richmond, Virginia, USA

This book addresses some great points. It reminds us as singles what is worth focusing on and remembering along the way. The practical application is evident throughout it. There is balance and wisdom to it, asking good questions all along the way and bringing in the references of applicable scripture that takes it deeper. I recommend this book to any singles to read and to let it shape their view of what is possible in a relationship. It’s a solid book.

Justin ByrneHost of “The Single Life Workshop” and a part of “Nothing Hidden Ministries”


The title “Purposeful Singleness” may sound challenging because, for many people, being single is frustrating rather than exciting and visionary. Most single people do not enjoy being single, especially Christians because they are not interested in short-term relationships and one-night stands. But how can I find the right partner? Will I have to remain single forever; is that my destiny? Many people are afraid of relationships and hold back from them.

The number of one-person households in our Western societies is growing rapidly. And the proportion of single people in churches is also increasing. How should we react to this? How can we help young people, in particular, to initiate and live out a healthy partnership? In this book, Elfi Beck offers great practical tips; the book is an excellent guide and source of advice for single people who wish to reflect on this subject. Her thoughts, some of which are prophetic in nature, are most encouraging and will inspire readers to place every area and period of their lives at the disposal of God’s great vision.

Edwin JungPastor of “Pfingstgemeinde Braunau”Chairman/Superintendent FCGÖ

It is unusual for a single woman to write a book about her civil status, and a book like the one Elfi has written is even more unusual.

This is actually a book about discipleship—that was my first reaction. Here, people can learn to accept their status as being the best thing for them at present, to love it, and to fully embrace it. Here, people can learn to reach out to God and to prepare themselves for their calling and future marriage. That is top class. That is how it should be: learning to accept your status and to see today as the best day of your life. Because that is now. Because you are loved, and the Father has only the best intentions for you; because you can discover who you are and fully develop your gifts and talents in everyday life and in the church. Put briefly, to love your life and to worship in truth.

Elfi identifies various topics and invites the reader to face these questions. She does so in her own personal, meticulous and relaxed manner. Over and over, her passion for God’s kingdom becomes apparent. She has written this book in the same way as she lives—with 100% alertness and commitment, whether as a Christian, a doctor and a missionary in Africa or as a volunteer in a ministry anywhere in the world.

Kurt HäfeliChurch leader / Leader of ministries to adults at FCG Aarau

As a result of our own eventful life, and after twelve years of marriage and joint, full-time ministry, we know how essential it is to both stand on the same foundation—JESUS. If we desire to follow him, the fundamental decision must be taken in our hearts that we will trust Jesus in every experience, obey him, and allow him continually to change us through his grace. And this decision—which we make over and over—is the best foundation for you and for your future marriage partner.

When we read “Purposeful Singleness” together, we kept exclaiming, “Oh, this is awesome—we must give this book to so and so!”, or “Hey, it would be so good if we could distribute this book.” We are convinced that this short book will be a blessing to you. It will encourage you and inspire you to no longer see your time as a single person as ‘waiting time,’ but as a valuable period of your life, in which you can make good decisions for your life and allow yourself to be prepared and transformed by Jesus. This book addresses many practical topics of single life and will help you know how to live a dedicated and fulfilled life—a life in His wonderful, perfect, loving, and unique plan for you.

We know Elfi Beck personally, and she is an amazing, committed woman, who loves Jesus passionately and serves and follows him wholeheartedly. It is wonderful that she has shared the knowledge, experiences, and the ‘land” that she has taken in her own struggle and through her perseverance. You will be blessed!

Claudio & Claudia Killiasjesusrettet.ch

A great deal of suffering could be avoided if single people thought about their personal calling early enough. Precisely this important issue is often neglected because they concentrate too much on the butterflies in their stomach. Later, when they are married, this very topic can be a cause of turmoil. The close relationship to the Holy Spirit is the most important factor in this process. He is the best coach and has an individual training plan for each person.

This book is authentic and reflects the Elfi that we know. Her experience as a doctor is also helpful in dealing with this subject. Her relationship with the Holy Spirit and her faith demonstrate astonishing maturity, which takes the reader on a journey. In the “airport of life,” there are sometimes delays because people have free will. I can warmly recommend this book (also to those who are “no longer single”).

Elisabeth BlaserD u. E Blaser Ministries

Jesus promises us abundant life, not only once we get married. If we live our life with the attitude, “When…, then…”, we will miss so much of what God has in store for us. “When I am married, then I can…” is an attitude that robs us of life. We do not need to wait until we have found our partner to be happy.

Learning to love ourselves, because we are experiencing how much God loves us, is the foundation for being able to love our neighbor: “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39). If we cannot love ourselves, or do not take time to allow God to love us, we will not be able to love our neighbor or our partner.

How awesome, then, that we can use the time as a single person to allow God to love us and to love ourselves so that we can then love our spouse. “Purposeful Singleness” will help you discover that you can have an abundant life now, and can feel loved now. It will give you vision for the time you spend as a single person and will enable you to live a fulfilled and victorious life, as you follow God’s plans for you.

Silvan CarabinMinistry school leader / CEO SLA-Aarauwww.silvancarabin.com





PART 1: Prophetic visions about single people and practical preparation

1 A prophetic vision: people drowning

2 Prophetic vision: Waiting is a season of preparation

3 Preparing ourselves for marriage – Some practical suggestions

4 Entering our calling and allowing our heart to be healed

5 Marriages for the kingdom of God

PART 2: What does the Bible say about man, woman, and marriage?

6 Putting God first

7 It all began with Adam and Eve

8 Married life

9 Sex belongs in marriage

10 What do we do about our sexuality if we are single?

11 What about masturbation?

12 Are there people who should remain unmarried?

13 Marriage is a calling and a covenant

14 What does obedience really mean?

Part 3: My own story




This book is dedicated to all single people who are waiting

for their marriage partner and dreaming of a marriage

as God intended it for man and woman.