Rather Negro Than Black The Creation of "an Inferior Race" by the Whites God made man in his image and the - Dantse Dantse - E-Book

Rather Negro Than Black The Creation of "an Inferior Race" by the Whites God made man in his image and the E-Book

Dantse Dantse

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  • Herausgeber: neobooks
  • Kategorie: Ratgeber
  • Sprache: Deutsch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2022

Black or White are long since stopped being only skin-colors, but became digital programs with clear functions. The spirituel law says: "There is no coincident". 0,5 p% of people know that, 99.5% of people are consumers. They consume everything, question nothing, they believe only what they see, hear and feel and that blindly. Their knowledge is what is put in their heads. Important for them is security, a full belly and sex. Fun and consumption decorate their life. That everything which happens around them is following a reason is a fact they would fight, as with the words black and white. These 99.5% of people have never taken the time in questioning why they address themselves differently than they look. Why Blacks are not called brown and why Whites are not called beige? Look at yourself, look at your skin-color: Are you white? Like the color white? Or rather beige? Are you black or rather brown? Do you still think this is a coincidence? Ah, yes. Why did the light-colored people decide to call people either Black or White? All seems to be insignificant, right? But actually, there is a giant, clever and complex racist system, or rather program which is digitally installed into Black people, at work which has the goal to provide White people with political, religious, cultural, psychological and business advantages by negatively steering Blacks sense of self, their thinking, their actions, their self-esteem. They steer that with the countless negative qualities and connotations the color black which has been purposefully created in the color black. One has to feel inferior, and the other superior. And it works fantastically for hundreds of years.

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Dantse Dantse

Rather Negro Than Black The Creation of “an Inferior Race” by the Whites God made man in his image and the

Whites made the Blacks according to their vision BANGATÉ the small child: the savior The silent and biggest crime




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Dantse Dantse: RATHER NEGRO THAN BLACK: the creation of „an inferior race” by the whites God made man in his imageand the Whites made the Blacks according to their vision BANGANGTÉ, the small child, the saviour The silent and probably biggest crime of all times: Calling people black.

About the Author

Why am I writing?

An Interview with Dantse Dantse

Important and unique selling point

Important note:

Explanations 1. What does “Rather Negro than Black” mean?

Bangangté or we refuse submission

Foreword: Hardly a chance of escaping: The coding and programming of black people to be doomed to fail under the symbolism of the color and the word “BLACK”

Newspaper article Frankenpost: Rather Negro than Black:

About the book: Black and white are no longer skin colors, but digital programs with clear functions

1. Whoever has power over your subconscious has the power over your life and is your creator

2. The black man under general hypnosis.

3. With the name they gave black people an identity and separated them from them. And intellectual blacks still do not get it.

4. It is time for people who still call themselves “Black” to think differently and redefine themselves in ways that will benefit them, regardless of what others think.

4.1.1 1994: The statements of white cops when the black cop treated me badly

4.1.2 2009: Again in Paris, Charles de Gaule airport

6. I mess around with thoughts and imagine what was going on in the white’s minds when they created the Blacks

7. Who gave you the right to name me? Calling me “Black” even though you did not give birth to me?

8. From Black to Negro and back: A history of the word “Black” that remained negative

9. I would rather be Negro than Black. Why the rejection of the word “Negro” spares the conscience of white people

10. The power of word and speech over our thinking, behavior and perceptions

10.1 Understanding the power of word and spoken: What the word “Black” causes in people

11.The magnetic and magical force of names and words

12.Calling people “Black” is the greatest crime against humanity that is quietly going on

12.1Being Black Is Self-Cursing: How the Qualities of a Word Become a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

13.How the Whites created and programmed the Blacks

13.1And God created man in his own image, and white men created black men in their vision, said the wind

13.1.1The white creation

13.1.2What is a Black (or Negro) according to the creators of these “races”: The brightest minds in Europe said this

13.1.3The conversation between the wind and the little black child about the creation of the Blacks by the Whites

13.2Rather Negro than Black: Unraveling the code that condemns Afro people. How white people completely disabled and cursed an ethnic group with one word

13.2.2Meaning of the word “black”: Black or white are no longer skin colors, but digital programs with clear functions

13.2.3The worst qualities of the word “Black” and its unconscious influence on Black people

13.2.4What actually lies behind “Black”, “Black” is not a skin color: How the whites created the black with clear negative characteristics

13.2.5To be black is self-cursing. How the quality of a word becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Calling people „Black“ is extremely racist.

13.3Stereotypes, characteristics and meaning of the color black

13.3.1 In the African cultures

13.3.2Meaning of "black" in beliefs

13.3.3 General

13.3.4 Negative terms associated with “Black”

13.3.5 Application examples for black

13.3.6 Examples of blacks cursing themselves

13.4 Stereotypes, characteristics and meanings of the color white in humans

13.5 Examples of expected functions or behaviors of blacks, which they also fulfill with brilliance.

14. Worshiping harm caused by the word “Black” to black people

14.1 The making of a dangerous species: The black (African) intellectuals, the black's new colonizers

15. You say you are equal? No, we are not equal. The Whites dominate everything.

15.1 The designation authority of the Whites over the Blacks

15.2 They take the power to give you a name and define you.

15.3 You do not even get a grave if you are black

15.4 “Who gave you the right to call me black”, the little child complains

16. “Black” is worse than “Negro”. I am not “black”.

16.1 Slavery was not invented for blacks. Whites were and are slaves too. Slavery has always existed.

16.2 The difference between a black man and a negro (slave)

16.3 “Colored” reinforces the word “Black”

16.4 They call you colored, but they are really colored and even change color.

16.5 Africa and Africans is even worse

16.5.1 Africa is being discussed without anyone asking you.

17. Black, African, Colored, Negro – Who are you?

17.1 “Who are you?” the wind asked the little black child

17.2 “Who am I?” Then the little child answered …

18. Three true stories that will show you what black people do to themselves because they are black

18.1 I wrote to a black director and a white director and their replies were tough

18.2 I had an experience: she refused to write a foreword for me and she telephoned a white man

19.1 The Crying of the Black Baby

19.2 What is the matter with you, you black man?

19.3 I am Guy, nothing more

19.4 The boys asked him: „Do you speak African?“

19.5 We are not the same and also not equal

19.6 They call you ape and be happy about it, because the monkey is the better man

19.7 You black man, you have failed your family

19.8 You black man, what have you done? What have you screwed up, you African?

19.9 I am not a Negro, no more (no more, no) a slave without chains

19.10 Where is your money, you laughing bird

19.11 You black man, a giant with feet of clay. You have the power and you do not know it

19.12 Who gives you this strength, you image of God? God and your ancestors who you rejected

20. The pygmy said: Even the monkeys will colonize and rule you Blacks (A true story that changed me)

21. The black man in front of the court of heaven

21.1 The judge calls an expert

21.1 Decision of the judge

22. God’s anger against Blacks, or Rather, the People Created by the Whites.

22.1 You betrayed me, you, the person who they call Black

22.2 The second original sin: When they accepted the name Black

22.4 God says: The black men have let their trousers down, the undressed before other men

23.1 Questions from Bangangté to his parents

23.2 I have a dream as a black man

23.3 I am rather a Negro than a Black: The letters of a small child to his parents and to god

24. Reconsiliation through Bangangté: The answer of god toBangangté

24.1 Praised be the black woman

24.2. Dear God, I Come Back to You

24.3 God’s mercy and a chance for blacks: The decoding and the end of the program to fail

25. The decoding: The end of the blacks and the birth of golden people

26. How Should You be Called, Bangangté?

27. Special: Dantse and the DantseLogic- A knowledge and life teaching which changes your life

27.1 The unique features of my books and of my knowledge teachings: Why do my books help so much?

27.2 My books are like immediately working medication or therapy – WHY?

27.3 MY books bother and people let me feel that and threaten me.

27.4 DantseLogic: There are no miracles, no magic, only phenomena that we don’t know how they work yet

27.5 Why are we led to believe in miracles?

27.6 The formula of an inner, spiritual disposition: The magical DantseLogic success rule for a positive mental attitude

27.7 Why I decided, as a non-medical professional, to write about diet and health

27.8 My knowledge and my books give you a head start. My teachings can change your health holistically

Life of the author

About indayi edition

More books at indayi edition (excerpt)

4.1 Two experiences at Paris airport made me finally have no doubt that the word “black” is a self-destructive program

19. Poems about being Black and African:

23. Letters from Bangangté: The liberation of being black

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My promise: You will be helped with my books and the theory of knowledge DantseLogic.


Your immune system never rests, it always works. 24 hours a day, every day of your life, the immune system searches for cells which indicate an infection of a cancerous change.

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From the successful series DantseLogic, master your health.

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A diet logic that heals.

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Bibliographic information of the German National Library:

The German National Library lists this publication in the German National Bibliography; detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at http://dnb.d-nb.de.

1st English edition May 2022(First published in Germany in March 2022)

© indayi edition, DarmstadtDiltheyweg 5, 64287 DAAll rights reserved. The work may be reproduced - even in part - only with the permission of the publisher.

General management of typeset and cover: Dinah Jacobi

Translation: Yvonne Schaffarczyk

Dantse Dantse: RATHER NEGRO THAN BLACK: the creation of „an inferior race” by the whites God made man in his imageand the Whites made the Blacks according to their vision BANGANGTÉ, the small child, the saviour The silent and probably biggest crime of all times: Calling people black.

How cats tamed lions.

Challange: The coding and programming of failure in black people and its decoding.

Being black is a self-inflicted curse:

How the qualities of a word become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Calling people black is extremely racist. They give you a name, a quality, an emotion, a thought, a culture, a language, a diet, a fixed way to lead a family, a style of faith.

About the Author

Dantse Dantse comes from Cameroon and is a knowledge teacher, knowledge coach, entrepreneur and multiple bestselling author with over 120 books in German as well as in other world languages. He writes self-help-books, non-fiction books on health, psychology, parenting and novels. He is publisher, a founder, an expert in nutrition, the human mind and of personality-developmental-science. Dantse Dantse works and lives in Darmstadt.

As a child he lived together with 25 siblings. His father was married to 3 women simultaneously, they all lived together on a property. Values like giving, sharing, emotions, love, jealousy, patience, and compassion are differently nuanced there compared to a so called “normal” family. These childhood experiences, his African roots, the European influence and his many years of coaching experience make him see some things differently act differently and be different. There is something refreshing and inspiring and enriching about it.

As an unconventional author, he enjoys writing and publishing books that reflect his intercultural experiences. Books about values and topics that society does not like to address and prefers to sweep under the rug, but which affect millions of people, such as family energy vampirism, homosexuality, sexuality, organ trafficking, racism, mental disorders, sexual abuse in families, etc. He writes and publishes books that aim to explain, change and improve – be it through his advice, non-fiction, novels, children's books or political blog comments.

Dantse Dantse's books, all of which are African inspired, change lives. They are intended to help you think and rethink, broaden your horizons, bring the world together and honor Africa. The charming publisher of indayi edition, http://www.indayi.de, the publishing house for special books, says: "My dream is to publish even more books by African authors". For Dantse Dantse, Africa is at the center of his work.

With his innovative and inimitable African-inspired knowledge and life theory "DantseLOGIC", www.dantse-logik.com, which has made him a sought-after knowledge teacher and successful coach, he helps people to achieve their goals and to be successful and happy in the long term and to fight diseases without medication.

Apart from that, he is also the founder of the online portal KLICKLAC, an online platform for buying and selling digital guides, http://www.klicklac.de. This online marketplace enables authors and consultants as well as people from other professional backgrounds worldwide to sell their knowledge or their books chapter by chapter in text, audio or video form. The users should also benefit from this: They can buy the advice they really need for little money and do not have to buy the entire book.

His motto is action and at the same time program "Your success alone is my benchmark, this is what I stand for with my good name and reputation."

His distinctive writing style, shaped by his African mother tongue, is his distinguishing feature and was preserved in the text and only carefully edited. His books are now being translated and published in many languages around the world so that more people can benefit from his wealth of knowledge.

Dantse Dantse

Email: [email protected]

Author and publisher: www.indayi.de

Knowledge teachings: www.dantse-logik.com

Founder: www.klicklac.de

Why am I writing?

Think diverse, because you can be anything.

Why am I writing?

I write for diversity

I write for diversity of thought

I write for the diversity of knowledge

We must have the power and the right to think in diverse ways.

We must always have the capability to be allowed/able to ask questions.

We have to take the power to question things - no matter who they come from, be it from the President, from the Pope, from Prof, Dr. Dr. or by the Nobel Prize winner … We must take the power to question everything they do or say..

When you are told that right is right, ask yourself why left is wrong.

In a world ruled by money, manipulation, interest and the vitamin relationship, it is legitimate or even a negligence not to do it, if you do not question everything. It is a sin if you do not check everything people say and do, even if you believe them.

The human should not be trusted even according to the Bible. You should not even trust yourself. Always constantly check what comes out of you, what you think, what you want, what you feel like doing. Check yourself and question yourself too. You will be amazed at the insights you gain and why you should think differently.

That is why I write so that we can broaden our horizons instead of narrowing them down and limiting ourselves.

I write for the variety of possibilities that slumber in humans.

I write to tell people that if they think diversly and recognize their diversity, they can and will achieve much more.

I write for diversity so that we do not just look in one direction.

I write so that we can see a thing in as many of its facets as possible.

They tell you that you can only think and be left, right or straight ahead.

I tell you that all this is not right. You limit yourself that way – because you can be anything.

I write so that you know that in a person you can think and be left, right, straight ahead and even have to.

I write for the diversity in people. You can be a meat lover, vegan and vegetarian at the same time. You can and may be all of this.

I write for polygamy, polygamy as variety in love, polygamy in thought, polygamy in political belief, polygamy in knowledge, polygamy in culture, polygamy in religion.

I write for diversity of knowledge and in knowledge. In addition to conventional science, there is also enormous, not yet exhausted knowledge in nature that is much more powerful.

Many journalists asked me about my positioning, about my target groups, why I teach and write in many areas instead of specializing. I answered them:

Does the body specialize in just one thing?

Can your eyes function well without your intestine?

Can a subconscious function well without the conscious mind?

Can your sexuality function well without your diet and your psyche?

Can you be happy in your job if you are unhappy in your family?

Everything is in one.

It is not ignorance when you are multifaceted and global, but it is a lack when you are only specialized in one subject.

Burnout at work can have more to do with wrong diet than the job.

Impotence can be related to what you drink.

Pain in your eyes may be related to a diseased bowel.

How can you want to treat a person without being spiritual? Without installing values in him?

How can you offer a personal development course without being all in one at the same time? etc.

A coach, a teacher, who is not well versed in many areas can only give people tranquilizers.

I give solutions that can finally eliminate the problem.

A psychologist who is not also a sex therapist, a nutritionist, a biologist, a mathematician, a spiritual person who has little connection with nature and its laws can hardly help patients in the long term.

That is why I am diversity and position-free.

It will not be who wants it, but who can - and I can do it.

I am very fit in many subjects and that is why I create things that many call magic - only through my theory of knowledge, the Dantselogic.

People only see limits and hurdles everywhere. They always want to exclude, although God wants all people together. Good or bad, rich or poor, honest or scammer, criminal or law-abiding:

It is raining over everyone's heads, the sun is shining for everyone. That is God.

We are diversity and I write so that we can and are allowed to see in all directions. We are allowed to do that.

We have eyes to see and not to be blind.

We have ears to hear and not to be deaf.

We have the mouth to speak and not to be silent.

If Jesus had not spoken, he would not be what he is today and the world would not be what it is today.

That is why I write.

An Interview with Dantse Dantse

“Use the support of nature. She is there to help.”

Knowledge teacher Dantse Dantse, when and in what year did you start developing your teaching DantseLogic?

This question cannot be answered with a year or a point in time. It came gradually.

It already started when I was 12 years old after I met a wise old man in Cameroon whom my father introduced to us; a man who lived in the forest and had no contact with civilization and had never seen a white person.

This man told us about things that were amazing to me because at that moment it surpassed anything I had learned in school. He had knowledge of some things that were only recognized in science 40 years later. I had already learned a lot from my father and in the knowledge school in Africa, but after meeting this man who spoke about mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology and chemistry much more precisely than I knew from school, I decided to engage more with the knowledge of logic.

That was the first moment in which I knew that logic and a different way of thinking, in connection with understanding the laws of nature, could make a lot of difference. Things you might call magic, but they are based on logic. That was the first moment I began to understand the power of logic in relation to the laws of nature.

It has continued like this over the years and I have continued to improve; I have done research for myself and with other people of all religious persuasions.

I was with Buddhists to understand their logic;

I was with Muslims to understand their logic;

I was with the Hindus to understand the logic.

I have met many lodges, communities and federations, such as Rosa Kreuz, Rotary Club and studied the Freemasons and the philosophy behind them to understand the logic.

I have dealt a lot with the laws of nature; with the science of mathematics, biology and physics and then realized that everything has a logic.

After years of doing this research, it was clear in my mind that nothing is magic.

There are only phenomena whose course we do not understand; but everyone always has an explanation and everything always has a logic.

I slowly realized; if you know the logic behind something, then you have power over those things and can do with them however you want. If there is a problem, you can find the solution.

That is why it was a process for me in which I learned a lot. This process has taken years and is still ongoing. I have not arrived yet. I am always learning; I am very curious; I read a lot; I study all things that are new in all fields, from science to things called esotericism; I study everything. And that is why there was not a specific time when I decided to develop my teaching. It was a hard working and learning process.

This continues to this day because I always have the impression that I do not know everything and that there is still a lot to come. That motivates me to keep learning.

In the last 15 to 20 years I was able to use this logic to achieve a lot, help many people and myself too.

As a result, I did a few things 20 years ago that my environment declared impossible, but I managed to do them and until now, when I tell people, hardly anyone can believe them.

This development was a process and very hard work; sometimes very depressing at first. After many disappointments I got access to this logic. It just kept getting better. I am not satisfied yet and I will never be satisfied in my life, because if I know one thing, then it is clear that there are other better things. That better is always what I am looking for, without being a perfectionist. I do not like perfection. She just slows me down.

During which period were the 120 books written?

They were written in the last 25 years; but they were first written in my head. That was the biggest and most difficult work. Now the implementation on paper or with a computer took place in the last 10 years. 120 books, even more, that sounds like a lot; almost impossible for that period, but that is just normal with this logic that I invented. This lesson that I understood is what helped me to write this large number of books in just a few years and to achieve this accomplishment that is considered impossible. This is proof again that my teaching works.I am the proof myself, because many of my books are over 300 and 400 pages long, some over 1000 pages. You can imagine how difficult it is to write only 10 books like this. While doing so, writing books is not my only activity during the day. I advise people, work on other projects such as klicklac.de; I am a family person and take care of my children and family every day, meet friends, like to go for walks, yes I do not lock myself up, I live quite normally, even if very unconventionally.

Yes, creating this in the last 10 years and the next 40 books that will be added in the next year would be considered impossible. But what I do myself (because it is always good to practice and show on yourself what you do) is proof that there is no impossibility when you work with nature and understand the logic.

You only see my 10 fingers working and typing. If I only used those, I would not even write two or three books in a year. That means I would now be around maybe 20 to 30 books. If I only used my head I would not be creative anymore and I would be tired already today.

Ever since I started putting the things that were already written in my head into the computer for other people, nature has been there and has been helping me.

This is also what I say to my readers, my clients and my students:

“Use the support of nature. She is there to help.” That is an important element in DantseLogic.

From the beginning there was only the good. God has put so much power into nature to make life easier for his children. But people do not take this opportunity because they believe they are so strong that they can do anything on their own. People lack the humility and strength to realize that they are nothing, that they are not that important, that they are not that strong and that they need help.

Maybe my problem was that I am and was weak. I wanted to achieve something that I could not achieve on my own. That was the reason why I decided to take a different route to have it easier. I wanted to achieve a lot, do a lot for the world and people. I wanted to do a lot to please God because I am contributing to make us feel good, but it was too much for me. I stood in front of it and had to realize that I would never be able to do it on my own. It hurt me to realize how small and limited I am. I had to seek support. Because not achieving my goals because I am weak was never up for debate. My studies in the knowledge school in Cameroon, which I have attended since my childhood, helped me there.

Nature is stronger than the human and does not need the human. But she has everything that the human needs and in her is the power of God, who shaped nature to be at our service, not as a servant but as a master.

On this way I have now properly perceived the power of nature and studied how laws really work in it. You can write with 2 hands, write with 10 fingers and nature will give you 40 more if you ask her.The problem is that you do not see what nature gives you. That is why you think nature will not help you.

I sometimes started writing books and then I was amazed that I finished them in such a short time. I could not explain it to myself, but I knew and I felt that nature was writing with me. I cannot put it into words exactly, but my customers who come to me for their problems can also explain such effects a bit. Some worked 20 hours a week and were overwhelmed, tired, exhausted. Now they work 40 hours a week and have more energy, are much more bright. They therefore make more money with much less effort. Nature helps them.

A German customer came to me with his money problems and now he is making a few hundred euros more without doing much more; without having negotiated a salary for it. How do you explain something like that?

We are connected among each other with logic and above us is nature; and above nature is God.

What exactly moved you to develop this teaching?

I did it to help people and to leave something on earth that can even help people without me. Such fundamental decisions are usually preceded by special experiences. I experienced ups and downs in my life that made me do this.

What moved me was my desire to achieve something great for people with the African natural knowledge that I have acquired over many years. Yes, and to achieve something useful with it, which will help people to have a happier and better life. Something that makes life easier. Before this mammoth task, I felt small and weak. Humbly realizing that I cannot do this on my own and with my human possibilities, paved the way for me to find something that should help me to achieve this goal. How could I have written over 120 such difficult books that really help? Maybe if God gave me 200 or 300 years to do it. I would not be able to do that either.

But I learned, especially in Africa, what is possible. What is infinitely possible. I wanted to do so much but realized that it is impossible for one person alone. I found myself so weak in the face of this mammoth task that I wanted to accomplish; that is why I started looking for an alternative. That is one reason why I did it and also my desire to give something to the world and people and to spread African knowledge. My realization that I am weak. My humility has driven me to be what I am and what I do.

Another important reason was gratitude.

I will tell you a story from my family. I grew up in a generally good wealthy family living in a villa, with a chauffeur, maid, gardener, etc. By the time I was 16, I had a special permit to drive and drove to school myself. I lacked for nothing, even though my father had three wives and over 30 children.

My father managed to achieve wealth; Prosperity not only for himself, but for the whole large African family and his numerous siblings left by his father. He has reached Prosperity for his children; the children of his sister and his brothers; half-brothers; everyone lived with us. He paid for everyone, down to their underpants. That means, the family came, left the children there and left again without giving a single cent. He had to pay for everything himself. He never complained about it. He always said we have to be thankful for what we have. If you have a piece, you can share it so everyone can have a piece. If you have a piece, you can share it so that everyone can have a piece. He always told me that his job in this world is to give something to as many people as possible. That impressed me very much. Even before I graduated from high school, I swore that I would do more than my father. Not in terms of the amount of money he had, not in terms of the amount of houses he had. But to help even more people than my father. That was a sticking point in my life. I have always said to myself, “I’ve never suffered; I woke up and everything was already there. God was just there for us. And every time I heard how my father suffered to get where he was, I cried and felt ashamed that I have almost everything and yet accomplished so little, unlike him.” I was not even 14 then.

I thought that if someone from a village and without a father can do what he has done, I have absolutely no reason not to help a lot more people than my father did. That was my decision. That was clear to me. I, who was fortunate enough to live in Prosperity in a good family, if my father helped so many people even though he came from a poor family, I must help tens of times more people than my father.

I wanted to be grateful to God and my father. I think he is very proud of me. I know and I am very happy that I stayed true to this “oath”. I should show him my gratitude; him who was always there for others, him who always wanted to help people. A man who only lived with and according to values. To continue what he did without his help - almost alone, like him - is a gesture of gratitude.

When exactly did I start practicing my teaching?

Exactly when I decided to make this my profession was another deep, difficult moment in my life. It was the breakup and divorce from my German wife, with whom I have two children. An absolute low point in my life. It was sad, it was tough. That was also a moment when all my friends left me.

Until then I was constantly in business with Africa; I was on the road almost every two months. When I was there, I was very close to the children. Back then, money ruled my thoughts. Money, money, money…

I thought I could help people with money. If I have a lot more money than my father, then I can help even more people, I thought. I never thought of myself about anything. In my head it was always just: “If I have that much money, then I will build the school; if I have so much money, I will do this or that.” I have never thought that if I have so much money, I will build myself a castle or then buy a great car. It will have to come at some point that I also think of myself; but so far there has not been. I made money and helped a lot of people with money. I have helped many social organizations in Cameroon and I never wanted this to be publicized. I have helped street kids, given seed capital to a lot of people I did not really know. It often happened that I was approached on the street by a person whom I had helped at some point. I was always surprised when they thanked me because I did not even know them anymore. Yes, money was always the focus, but I was not happy. I was famous, I was the most famous person in Bafoussam (West Cameroon), but I was unhappy.

And after this breakup and divorce, which hurt me at first because of the children (I was very ashamed and saw myself as a failure who had not managed to secure a real family for his children like my father did), I came the sudden decision that I would no longer travel to Africa. That was my best decision. I came from a trip from Africa, the thing (breakup) happened and I decided I stay with my kids. The business and the money are over. Period. Enough. The end. I would definitely put that behind me. You can imagine what came next. A lot of pain, a lot of problems - also with money. Suddenly I had canceled my old job. I was left with nothing.

I had a company, a GmbH, here with two Germans who were friends of my wife. When they heard that we were breaking up, they left immediately. I was overwhelmed. I dropped everything and stood there with no money. I started doing jobs on construction sites again. There was even a Christmas when I had no money and had to beg. In the end I got 10€ from a woman and 25€ from a Catholic parish. This is how I spent Christmas and the New Year with my children. I also bought the gifts from them.I once walked my son to football in winter and had to wait for hours at the empty village train station for the train. It was cold but we sat and sang and were happy. I told him stories that made him strong and gave him hope. I did not have a car anymore.One day we came from training and I had to carry him almost two miles (he was 12) because his feet hurt and I did not have money to pay for the bus. There was no one left for me. Everyone who had helped was gone. Nobody wanted to see me. I had never been this poor in my life since I was born. These experiences greatly strengthened my father-child relationship and we were never unhappy. I was sure I could do it. During this time I sometimes thought of my deceased father and his wealth. But I remained stayed strong that I do not want any of his legacy.

Amazingly, I was happier without money. I was more positive. I often slept without eating, but I worked on myself a lot. I suspected that I was on the right path, even though everyone smiled at me and insulted me. But that was the moment in my life when I heard my inner voice most strongly to do what I always wanted to do. You have to help people now and you do not need money for that. That meant I had to put all the lessons I had learned on paper. I had to create a therapy. I made that promise to myself. Everything came at that moment. I have to make this a teaching that can help people and that people can read to find solutions to their problems, I said to myself. That was the same moment when I decided to write books. It was roughly like that.

People were very hard on me back then, they had no sympathy, just like I was probably towards them, but I did not realize it. What they showed me was just the answer to who I was. I was not the best, not the fairest, not the one who always told the truth. No, I was different. I thought I was a good person. People's reactions during this weak phase made me realize how bad I have been at times. I had not understood until then how these people loved me and did everything for me. I have never really been grateful. Everything went well and as I wanted. Yes, I got what I deserved and it was a good thing. I understood what and how people are. But it gave me courage and the ability to see the good in these people. I always kept only the best. I decided that people do not have to suffer the way I did back then. I decided that what I was experiencing and what others did to me, I would never do to others. We can do good. The human is good. God is true, the good is good. I will do my best for people to be well off. So I decided. Poverty reinforced my decision to do whatever it takes to make people prosper. It became a permanent vocation. I had found my purpose in life.

Those were the difficult moments and the last step that I needed and that became my greatest happiness. I can only ever thank God that this decision came even though we did not have a problem. My ex-wife and I; we understood and understand each other just fine. We took good care of the children. Everything went well; but God, or let's say nature, had decided that it would be as it should be, so that I would do what I promised God and my Father. This divorce from my wife paved a path that has brought me here. I am also very grateful to her.

I have to mention something else: After the breakup, I found the life I was made for. I have bent a lot to live conventionally, even though I am different. I have always been misunderstood. I had so many qualities, so much energy, I always dreamed big, but those around me saw me as a weirdo. Since I was not worried, not afraid, they said I was irresponsible. The people around me made me what I was not. The breakup came and brought me out of this prison. That was my greatest happiness. I understood that later and I did not understand my ex-wife until later. She could not understand me then. This divorce got even better for me after I moved out. Like a curtain going up in front of my eyes. I learned a lot and I wanted to achieve a lot, but up until then I had just adapted. I have lived a life - not for me. I lived a life so that the people around me in my family would be happy. And not me. And every time I wanted to do what I wanted to do, a lot of criticism was leveled at me and I was slowed down by a lot of fear and worry: “Are you thinking about the future? Are you thinking about our pension? Why are you like that? You are irresponsible You live too carefree.”

But I was responsible. But I did not realize that until later. The people around me, my family, they lived mainstream and everything else that was not mainstream scared them. They wanted me to be and make me what I am to what most people are. And at some point I stopped participating.

I wanted something different. I just did not want to be like everyone else anymore. My decision was made very early on: I want and have to live differently in order to achieve what I want to achieve. I can be a very good father; to be a very good person who can also accept the structure of other people and still be unconventional. I do not have to share the same apartment with a woman, the same bed, the same friends, etc.

I think differently,

I am different.

I do not see the boundaries that other people see;

I have no fear and I have knowledge.

The people around me do not have my knowledge. And that is why they also underestimated me. Some might have thought I was crazy or a player, but after this breakup I found myself and decided: never again. A few weeks after I moved out, I said to myself, “I will never live conventionally again. Never again in my life.” That was the beginning. I can only really say to people:

„Live your life. If you are unhappy with your life, then change it.“

Only you can do it differently.

Coaching, that works like magic – that is the slogan of

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Reading the books of Dantse Dantse canopen your eyes, sensitize your ears,sharpen your tongue, touch your heart,affect your life, broaden your horizons, eliminate your worries, make and maintain your healthy, change your destiny andmake you happy.

Important and unique selling point

My books are not conventionnally scientific, but natural.

My books touch hearts, open eyes, broaden horizons, influence life, heal, solve problems, eliminate worries and fears and make you happy.

Important note:

I specify that not all black people behave as I write in this book, but that is too small a minority to change anything. It is noticeable that more and more black people are stopping being black in their own way, even if they still call themselves ‘black’ because there is no other term yet. There are more and more who are denouncing this condition, knowing that the surgical name change from Negro to Black has not really changed anything, and are fighting to change the situation.

With the book, I am appealing to these black people to take the offensive now and to become the true militants of change and transformation.

I ask you to stand up and fight with me to eliminate energetic, spiritual, negatively charged labels. The people who are called blacks themselves prevent the path to real freedom.

With this book I would like to address the majority of black people who still do not understand what is going on here in this world and what it is about.

I want to make them aware that they have to transform themselves, program a different mindset and finally recognize that the world is about struggle. Clash of cultures, religions, spirituality with a single goal: economic and political power to ensure the prosperity of his own people. This is only possible, as we can see everywhere, if you act together and support each other.

The book aims to show white people why they think the way they think about black people. That they are also the object of deep manipulation designed to make themselves feel good.

The book shows that racism, as it is portrayed today, is an illusion. The individual stages, elements in racism, if you would no longer call them racism, can be found everywhere, even within a family. Even tribalism, which is dominating Africa right now, is racism.How sometimes the Bavarian feels and thinks about a Hessian is also racism.In politics, racism also happened between the different ideologies and philosophies.A right-wing extremist and a leftist treat each other racist.

I just want to say that the word racism removes and distracts from the real problem of black people in this world. It is and has never been about skin color. Right from the start it was about power, cultural, religious, spiritual, political and, most importantly: about economic power. It was about explaining looting and crimes against people morally. Only the blacks, the majority of blacks, do not understand this and base their fight against racism on the color of their skin, which in reality is just a distraction.

Explanations 1. What does “Rather Negro than Black” mean?

Many people will be surprised when they read the title, because the word “Negro” is very frowned upon and most people do not even want to hear it. The title is therefore a provocation for many. The word “Negro” that has become “slave” is shocking.

I am acutely aware of this fact, and in writing “Rather Negro than Black” I want to get people to not only reject the word “Negro” but also to engage with the supposedly more politically correct counterpart of the word Negro. In the etymological definition there is actually no difference between Negro and Black. Negro means translated black. So you see the first lie, a "cosmetic change" that stays the same. It is just a pure word-to-word translation at first. That means nothing has actually changed. But that is not the most interesting thing. People reject the word “Negro” which ended up defining the people who were slaves. They accept the word “black” which still carries the “conscience” of the Negro and in addition has a very bad connotation that the word Negro did not have.

To me, "Rather Negro than Black" means to wear neither negro nor black as a designation. If you are opposed to the word “Negro”, which is correct, you should also reject the term “Black”. Both are useless to name people like me.

The title is therefore an appeal that people who come from Africa must define themselves and give themselves their own name and therefore stop white people's naming authority over other people.

I go even further in this book:The names “Africa” and “Africans” are to be rejected. People from this continent did not give the name Europe to the continent of the bright people. They have called themselves Europe and Europeans, but they claim the right to name an entire continent according to their own definition:It is arrogant and overbearing. A sign of the superiority of one culture over the other.

That is the meaning of this book and the title.

White or black?

Nobody is born black or white. The people who later called themselves white decided to call themselves white and other people black. Again they have chosen to call the continent of these people Africa and their inhabitants Africans. It was not God, nor the ancestors, nor nature, nor these inhabitants themselves. They never called themselves that, and never named themselves that. This means that people who are now called black are an unfamiliar creature, a creation of white people with hybrid cultures. These are not quite what they used to be and are not quite European either. This is something in between.

In these blacks they put qualities according to their imagination. They honestly defined what and how a black man is an African and described him in detail in the books by the best minds from Europe (Read chapter 15.1: God created man in his own image and white man created black man in his own, said the wind). Better Negro than Black, the decoding.

This idea of who and what is black, African or Afro-descendant remains, even after several hundred years, predominantly in the minds of whites and also blacks, and influences, determines and regulates cultural, political and economic relationships, behavior, the thinking, the emotions, the sensations and perceptions between and in these people (light-skinned and dark-skinned) to this day.

White men created black men in his own, said the wind). Better Negro than Black, the decoding.

This idea of who and what is black, African or Afro-descendant remains, even after several hundred years, predominantly in the minds of whites and also blacks, and influences, determines and regulates cultural, political and economic relationships, behavior, the thinking, the emotions, the sensations and perceptions between and in these people (light-skinned and dark-skinned) to this day.

* It should be noted that in many African languages today white people are referred to as white. Many have adapted, but they had never previously called Europeans white. In the language of the Banangte, a nation in Cameroon, whites are referred to as “Mekat” (vagabond, tramp, kat: also meant prostitution) or as “Bâkou” (light feet). The color white is not used for them.

To keep it simple, I will keep the words.

Black is not the term you do not want to use here. By black I mean people who whites call black.

Africa: The country in the world where people live or come from who are called black by white people,

Africans: People who live in this land that white people call Africa.

Bangangté or we refuse submission

Bangangté (bâ nga têu) is the name of a town in western Cameroon, the province of the nation called Bamileké. The name also denotes all the people who come from this region. The name is program. Bangangté means: The people who have rejected submission, oppression, dependence, slavery, servitude, bondage. That is the definition of Bangangte. These are people who are willing to die for their freedom and self-determination.

In this book, this is the name of the little black child who will free the blacks at the end. Thanks to this little child, God is willing to forgive the people named Black and promises them glory, prosperity and freedom; under one condition. This condition must be fulfilled by the little child whom God sees as girls and boys. It is meant to persuade those who are still black to turn back.

The book is a mixture of poetry, poem-story-novel, conversation, monologues, etc.Different than the normal books.

Foreword: Hardly a chance of escaping: The coding and programming of black people to be doomed to fail under the symbolism of the color and the word “BLACK”

What has power over us is not what we see with our naked eyes.

You probably think, like I used to, that the word “Black” has only to do with color. That Africa is only a piece of land. That “Africans” is just a term for people living in Africa. I thought so too.

After the story about the pygmy (Chapter 20: The pygmy said: Even the monkeys will colonize and rule you blacks (a true story that changed me)), I started to pay deep attention to symbolism, to things behind the facades.Very soon I understood that what we see and what we smell has little power over us; much less than what we do not even think could really have power over us.