Reading Log of "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green - Leopold Pfeiffer - E-Book

Reading Log of "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green E-Book

Leopold Pfeiffer

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Abstract from the year 2015 in the subject Didactics - English - Literature, Works, grade: 1,00, , language: English, abstract: This reading log contains a summary and a characterization of all characters of John Green's bestseller "The Fault in Our Stars". It was written as part of a project of a grammar school in Germany. The maximum number of points has been achieved. Before reading the book Description of the book cover Expectations of the book While reading the book When did I read what? Summary of each chapter Description of the main characters Profile of Augustus Waters Description of the most moving scene of the book Diary entry from Isaac’s perspective After reading the book Personal opinion about the ending Critique of the book My own cover

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