Realism and Liberalism Theory. An Overview of Definition and Similarities - Salim Abuto - E-Book

Realism and Liberalism Theory. An Overview of Definition and Similarities E-Book

Salim Abuto

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Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2022 im Fachbereich Philosophie - Praktische (Ethik, Ästhetik, Kultur, Natur, Recht, ...), , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This paper examines Realism and Liberalism Theory. Plato's statement that "only the dead have witnessed the end of battle" echoed events at the time. Ancient Greece experienced far too many conflicts, which led some to view war as necessary while others saw it as a threat. Philosophers and theorists have been particularly interested in understanding human nature, its place in social and political life, and ways and means of giving human life purpose from Plato's time to the modern era of political science and international relations thinking. This line of research and thought that brought mankind to its current state had peace at its core. This mental activity has been heavily influenced by theories of peace and conflict. The focus has shifted to nation-state interactions over the past three centuries, though. Theories have emerged that help us better understand how nations interact, what drives them to conflict, what drives them to seek peace, and how these causes and motives can be manipulated to a point where peace is no longer regarded as a possibility. While theorists have identified them and literature has illuminated them, in some situations the obsession with peace, power struggles, economic muscle, and increasing borders has resulted in a more hostile state of international affairs between nations and peoples.

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