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Neville Goddard 10-12-1969
If I told you who you really are it would shock you, for in this world you can be frightened, limited, and filled with doubt; yet I tell you that you are God himself, the very one who created and sustains the universe. When you first hear this you will no doubt resist it and believe the one who makes this statement to be insane because the idea seems impossible. But I tell you: God is in Christ reconciling the world to himself. Jesus Christ is in you as your plan of redemption. As he awakens, his message of reconciliation is entrusted to you to tell it to your brothers who are waiting, confused by reason of the dream into which they have placed themselves.
When this message of reconciliation happens in you, you have entered the state called Paul. Then you, too, will say: "From now on I regard no one from the human point of view. Even though I once regarded Christ from the human point of view I regard him thus no longer."
As Saul (sleeping Man) Christ is seen as a person, someone separate and on the outside. But as Paul, Man awakens to the knowledge that Christ is God's plan of salvation and from that moment on will not be seen as human.
God prepared the way for his banished sons to return to himself. Christ is that way. Why should you be disturbed when you hear that Christ is a plan which has a voice when you read of the serpent who spoke to Eve, the asp who conversed with Pharaoh, and Daniel's experience of the tree becoming man? Everything is personified in scripture. A plan is speaking, telling you: "I am the way, the truth and the light. No one comes to the Father except by me." This is scripture, which is something entirely different from anything a man might sit down and write.
In this world we are God's sons which he banished for a purpose. Christ is his plan of redemption which God prepared to reconcile his sons to himself. God sent us out into a world of death, of horror, and despair only after preparing a plan which would bring us back as God himself, for there is only God. "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one." There is only one ultimate body, one ultimate Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all. In the end all constitute that one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.