Reselling for beginners - Ben Thiede - E-Book

Reselling for beginners E-Book

Ben Thiede



Reselling for beginners Reselling is currently on everyone's lips when it comes to earning money on the Internet: buy cheaply, sell on expensively. But is it really as easy as it sounds and what are the requirements for this online business? My name is Ben Thiede and I have been in the reselling business for some time. In this book for beginners, I give you a first insight into how you can get started as a reseller and make money online. We discuss the advantages, but also the disadvantages of this job. I also give you some tips that you can implement for your future reselling business.

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Ben Thiede

Reselling for beginners

Is earning money online as Reseller so simple?



There are a lot of people making good money with reselling these days. But is it really as easy as everyone says, and does everyone actually know what reselling exactly means or where the concept comes from? First of all, we need to explain the concept of reselling, which, contrary to what many people believe, is not new - in fact, it comes from very distant times, or more precisely, it was coined almost together with the concept of money. It refers to a purely human activity that consists of buying products or services for as little money as possible in order to resell them at a higher price and thus gain a financial advantage from them. There are many examples of reselling in everyday life. One of them can be found in some reality shows on TV, where we see people buying older houses or flats that are in a very bad condition in order to sell them after renovation. The trick to be successful in this kind of business is to buy these houses, which are in a good area, at a very low price and then, after spending some money on renovation, sell them at a price that will bring them a considerable profit.

Although there are many possible forms of reselling, on this occasion we will focus on retail arbitrage, a form of reselling that is accessible to everyone because it does not require a large amount of money to begin with and you can do it as a supplement to your job.

What does retail arbitrage consist of?

Retail arbitrage is a business where a person buys something at a very low price and then sells it at a higher price to make a profit. However, it is not as easy as it seems because you have to be very careful when buying the products you want to resell and also it is necessary that you do thorough research beforehand. Because not all products are easy to sell, and it is not enough to buy products just because they are very cheap, but you also have to take into account how easy or difficult these products are to sell.

There are certain platforms like Amazon or eBay that allow you to publish your products and in this way reach a number of people that you would not be able to reach by publishing on your own website, thus increasing your possibilities of making more sales.

If you decide to start your retail business, you will have a wide range of products to buy and then resell.