Rêve bleu - The blue dream - Mona von Maltzahn - E-Book

Rêve bleu - The blue dream E-Book

Mona von Maltzahn

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Discover the Côte d'Azur in a lovingly designed travel book. "Rêve bleu - The Blue Dream" takes you on a unique cultural experience route that leads from Menton via Nice to Saint-Tropez. This carefully curated route reveals cultural highlights and special places that showcase the rich artistic history and breathtaking scenery of the Côte d'Azur. From artists such as Jean Cocteau and Marc Chagall to personal recommendations, this book offers a wealth of inspiration and valuable insights.

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For all lovers of the Côte d’Azur

Table of Contents

Cultural highlights from Menton to Saint-Tropez




Beaulieu sur Mer


Cagnes sur Mer

Vence / Saint-Paul-de-Vence






Île de Sainte-Marguerite / Île de Saint-Honorat


Cultural highlights from Menton to Saint-Tropez

If you love the sea and appreciate art and culture, you will enjoy my cultural journeys to the French Riviera, experienced over decades. From Cocteau in Menton to Picasso in Antibes and Signac in Saint-Tropez, the carefully selected museums and cultural highlights offer inspiration and insights along the coast of southern France. Since the 18th century, the French Riviera has been a popular vacation destination for the French and tourists from all around the world.

The French Riviera is also known as Côte d'Azur. The name Côte d'Azur was coined by the poet Stéphen Liégeard, who published a book titled “La Côte d'Azur” in 1887. Côte means the cost and Azur is named after the azure, blue waters of this Riviera.

This book is an invitation to discover the incomparable beauty and diversity of the Côte d'Azur, where the azure, blue sea meets radiant culture. Every visit to the French Riviera promises unforgettable moments, enriching your senses with art, culture and the blue dream.


The first town after the Italian border is Menton. The city is famous for its lemons, parks, gardens, and picturesque, colorful houses. Here you'll find the Cocteau Museum - a modern building right on the beach next to the town hall.

Illustration: Cocteau Museum

The Cocteau Museum (Musée Jean Cocteau) is dedicated to the French surrealist Jean Cocteau (1889-1963), a multitalented artist. He was a significant writer, painter, and filmmaker. The museum was built in 2011 according to the designs of French architect Rudy Ricciotti, a proponent of "hedonistic architecture." The result is impressive. Pierre Bergé, partner of the late Yves Saint Laurent, supported the construction of the museum.

In the nearby Bastion, a small fortress from 1619 overlooking the Mediterranean, is the original Cocteau Museum, which Cocteau helped design. Here you can view more works by the artist. The Cocteau Hall in Menton's town hall remains a popular wedding venue. Jean Cocteau left an indelible mark on Menton, shaping the city to this day. His works and influence are omnipresent, contributing to the cultural identity of this charming town. As you immerse yourself in Cocteau's world, you can also enjoy the culinary diversity and delicacies around the world-famous Menton lemons.

View of Cap Martin from Monaco