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Manage your time and ace the mathematics section of the SAT Scoring well on the mathematics section of the SAT exam isn't guaranteed by getting good grades in Algebra and Geometry. Turn to SAT Math For Dummies for expert advice on translating your classroom success into top scores. Loaded with test-taking strategies, two practice tests, and hundreds of problems with detailed solutions and explanations, SAT Math For Dummies helps you maximize your scores in no time. * Review key math concepts and then step through example and sample problems and solutions presented in the same multiple choice and grid-in formats you'll experience on the SAT * Offers an expert review of core mathematic concepts as well as ample opportunity for practice * Improve important skills such as estimation and number sense SAT Math For Dummies gives you expert tips on how to make the best use of the limited time allowed and get your best possible score!
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Seitenzahl: 495
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2010
Table of Contents
About This Book
Conventions Used in This Book
Foolish Assumptions
How This Book Is Organized
Part I: Making Plans for This SATurday: An Overview of SAT Math
Part II: Did They Really Cover This Stuff in School? A Review of Math Skills
Part III: Your Problems Are Solved! SAT Problem-Solving Techniques
Part IV: Practice Makes Perfect: SAT Math Practice Tests
Part V: The Part of Tens
Icons Used in This Book
Where to Go from Here
Part I: Making Plans for This SATurday: An Overview of SAT Math
Chapter 1: SAT Math Basics
Getting an Overview of the SAT Math Sections
Knowing What’s In: The Math You Need for the SAT
Calculating with arithmetic questions
Doing the algebra shuffle
Go figure: Doing geometry
Working with functions and coordinate geometry
Rounding up some grab-bag skills
Knowing What’s Out: A Few Topics Not Covered on the SAT
Building Your Problem-Solving Skills
Solving word problems
Figuring out which tools to use
Chapter 2: Testing 1-2-3: SAT Math Test-Taking Skills
Knowing Both Types of SAT Math Questions
Answering multiple-choice questions
Responding to grid-in questions
Focusing on the Fine Print
Taking note of the Notes: General assumptions
Regarding the Reference Information: Facts and formulas
Getting the Timing Right
Calculating Your Way to Success: Calculators and the SAT
Choosing an acceptable calculator
Reviewing what you should absolutely, positively know how to do on your calculator
Considering other things that are good to know how to do on your calculator
Taking calculations step by step
Knowing the right time to use your calculator
Putting the Flash Back in Flash Cards
Using flash cards effectively
Deciding what to put on flash cards
Part II: Did They Really Cover This Stuff in School? A Review of Math Skills
Chapter 3: The Numbers Game: Arithmetic Review
Maintaining Your Integrity with Integers
Doing Some Digital Computing
The Space Between: Using Number Lines
Dividing and Conquering: Understanding Divisibility, Factors, and Multiples
Testing for divisibility
Factoring in knowledge of factors
Multiplying your understanding of multiples
Understanding Percents
Converting between percents and decimals
Increasing your score (and decreasing your stress) with percent increase/decrease problems
Ratios: Making Comparisons
Treating ratios as fractions
Proportions: Crossing paths with equal ratios
Feeling Powerful with Exponents and Getting Rooted with Roots
Squaring up your knowledge of squares and square roots
Evaluating expressions with exponents and roots
Fractional bases: Raising fractions to powers
Fractional exponents: Combining powers and roots
Practice Problems for Arithmetic Review
Solutions to Practice Problems
Chapter 4: Return of the X-Men: Reviewing Algebra
Knowing the Algebra You Forgot to Remember
Vocab: A few choice words about algebra
It is written: Knowing some algebra shorthand
Expressing Yourself with Algebraic Expressions
Can I get your number? The value of evaluation
Knowing the simple truth about simplifying
Taking the fear out of factoring
Finding a Balance with Algebraic Equations
A lonely letter: Isolating the variable
Doing away with fractions: Cross-multiplying to solve rational equations
Factoring to solve quadratic equations
Solving equations that have exponential variables
Solving equations with radicals (roots)
Positive thoughts: Feeling confident with absolute value
Solving Problems with More Than One Variable
Solving an equation in terms of other variables
Solving equations with extra variables
Solving a system of equations
Solving Inequalities
Solving basic inequalities
Solving inequalities with absolute value
Symbol Secrets: Working with New Notations
Practice Problems for Algebra
Solutions to Practice Problems
Chapter 5: Picture Perfect: Reviewing Geometry
Working All the Angles
Crossing over with vertical angles
Supplementary angles: Doing a one-eighty
Going ninety: Right angles and complementary angles
Making matches: Parallel lines and corresponding angles
Sum of the angles in a triangle
Putting Triangles to the Test
Touching base on the area of a triangle
Keeping right triangles cornered
Side shows: The triangle inequality
Getting familiar looks: Congruent and similar triangles
Going for Four: Quadrilaterals
Rolling Along with Circles
From center stage: Radius and diameter
Finding the area of a circle
Getting around to the circumference
Not quite full circle: Finding arc length
Touching on tangent lines
Solidifying Your Understanding of Solid Geometry
Volume of a rectangular solid
Volumes of a cylinder
Pyramids and cones
Improving Your Geometric Perception
Getting your head around rotations
Adding a dimension: Getting other views of 3-D objects
Folding in information about surfaces
Practice Problems for Geometry
Solutions to Practice Problems
Chapter 6: Functions and Coordinate Geometry
Knowing How Mathematical Functions Function
Understanding the basic idea of a function
Solving functions with an input-output table
Using function notation
Functioning within certain limits: Finding the domain and the range
Coordinating Your Grasp of Coordinate Geometry
Getting to the point
Lining things up
Feeling inclined to measure slope
Graphing Linear Functions
Quadratic Functions
Solving quadratic equations
Graphing quadratic functions
Transformations: Moving and Flipping Graphs
Reflecting on reflections
Shift happens: Moving left, right, up, or down
Practice Problems on Functions and Coordinate Geometry
Solutions to Practice Problems
Chapter 7: From the Grab Bag: A Variety of Other SAT Math Skills
Lining Things Up with Sequences
Setting up for Success: Set Theory
Understanding union and intersection
Knowing a few important sets of numbers
Intersections: Showing overlap with Venn diagrams
Thinking Logically: Logic Questions
Statistically Speaking: Understanding Averages
Knowing the three M’s: Mean, median, and mode
Weighs and means: Finding weighted averages
Finding the mean of algebraic expressions
Figuring the Odds: Problems in Probability
Possible outcomes: Using your counting skills
What are the odds? Calculating probability
On target: Visualizing geometric probability
Seeing Is Believing: Interpreting Data from Graphs
Raising the bar with a bar graph
Picturing data with a pictogram
Getting a slice of the pie chart
Lining up information with a line graph
Unscattering data with a scatterplot
Practice Problems for Grab-Bag Skills
Solutions to Practice Problems
Part III : Your Problems Are Solved! SAT Problem-Solving Techniques
Chapter 8: What’s in a Word? SAT Word Problems
Solving Word Problems Using Equations
Getting the groupings right: Translations with parentheses
Translating equations that involve fractions
Choosing a variable to avoid fractions
Writing systems of equations: Using more than one variable
Charting a Course: Drawing Charts to Solve Word Problems
Picturing Success: Sketching to Solve Word Problems
Distance drawings: Moving with a purpose
Timelines: Avoiding algebra with a number line
Spacing out: Uncovering hidden geometry
Practice Word Problems
Solutions to Practice Problems
Chapter 9: SAT Math Strategy
Performing SA-Triage: How Difficult Is This Problem?
Formulas for Success: Working with Math Formulas
Knowing the right formulas
Answering formula questions
Plotting a Course to Answer Tough Questions
Tips and Tricks: Looking for Fast, Easy Approaches
Using the five resources at your service
Putting your brain to work
Part IV: Practice Makes Perfect: SAT Math Practice Tests
Chapter 10: Practice Test 1
Chapter 11: Answers and Explanations for Practice Test 1
Solutions to Section 1 Questions
Solutions to Section 2 Questions
Solutions to Section 3 Questions
Answer Key
Chapter 12: Practice Test 2
Section 2
Section 3
Chapter 13: Answers and Explanations for Practice Test 2
Solutions to Section 1 Questions
Solutions to Section 2 Questions
Solutions to Section 3 Questions
Answer Key
Chapter 14: Practice Test 3
Section 2
Section 3
Chapter 15: Answers and Explanations for Practice Test 3
Solutions to Section 1 Questions
Solutions to Section 2 Questions
Solutions to Section 3 Questions
Answer Key
Part V: The Part of Tens
Chapter 16: Ten Tips to Improve Your SAT Math Score
Study Diligently in Your Math Classes
Get Good at Doing Basic Calculations in Your Head
Get Good at Using Your Calculator
Study SAT-Specific Math Skills
Study SAT-Specific Problem-Solving Skills
Get Comfortable Turning Words into Numbers
Take Timed Practice Tests
Study from Your Timed Practice Tests
Retake Your Timed Practice Tests
Take the SAT More Than Once
Chapter 17: Ten Tips to Be at Your Best on the SAT
Do Something Fun the Day Before the Test
Don’t Study for More Than 20 Minutes the Night Before the Test
Pack Everything You Need the Night Before
Do Something Relaxing before Bed
Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Wear Several Layers of Clothing
Arrive at the Test Site Extra Early
Spend Your Time Just before the Test However You Please
Remember to Breathe
Skip Over Any Questions That Throw You
*SAT Math For Dummies®
Mark Zegarelli
*SAT Math For Dummies®
Published byWiley Publishing, Inc.111 River St.Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774www.wiley.com
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About the Author
Mark Zegarelli is the author of LSAT Logic Games For Dummies (Wiley) plus four other For Dummies books on basic math and pre-algebra, Calculus II, and logic. He holds degrees in both English and math from Rutgers University and is an SAT teacher and tutor.
Mark lives in Long Branch, New Jersey, and San Francisco, California.
This is for my dear friend Simon Stanley Marcus, with much gratitude for your boundless wisdom and presence.
Author’s Acknowledgments
I really don’t know how to express proper gratitude for all of the wonderful people in my life who surround me with constant love, support, encouragement, and joy. But I want you to know that I feel truly blessed and fortunate to make my home here on Earth with all of you. So a very deep thank you to my family: Alan and Mary Lou Cary, Joe, Jasmine, and Jacob Cianflone, Deseret Moctezuma, Janet Rackham, Anthony and Christine Zegarelli, and Tami Zegarelli. And one more to my family of friends: Pete Apito, Bradley Averill, Joel Cohen, Chip DeCraene, Mark Dembrowski, Chris Demers, David Feaster, Rick Kawala, Michael Konopko, Al LeGoff, Brian London, Stephen McAllister, Lou Natale, Tom Nicola, Mark O’Malley, Tim O’Rourke, Christian Romo, Robert Rubin, Alison Sigethy, Rachel Silber, and Ken Wolfe.
And again, I must pay tribute to the kind folks at Maxfield’s House of Caffeine for providing a seemingly endless supply of coffee, bagels, bananas, and carrot juice.
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Just like the senior prom or getting a driver’s license, the SAT is one of those milestones in the life of a high school student. I wish I could say it was as much fun as those other things, but if I did, you probably wouldn’t believe anything else I say in the rest of the book.
But any way you slice it, the SAT is still there, scheduled for some Saturday morning a few weeks or months from now. Most colleges require you to submit an SAT score as part of your application process. So because there’s no getting around it and it’s not going away, your best bet is to do some preparation and get the best possible SAT score you can.
That’s where this book comes in. The entire book you have in your hot little hands right now is devoted to refining the math skills you need most to succeed on that all-important SATurday.
About This Book
A lot of SAT prep books divide their attention among all three sections of the SAT: critical reading, writing, and mathematics. This is fine as far as it goes, because you probably want to boost all three scores. But in this book, I focus exclusively on math, math, and more math to help you achieve the best score you can on this — what can I say? — most often dreaded part of the test.
The SAT covers a variety of areas, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, functions and graphs, and statistics and probability. But it doesn’t require the quadratic formula or anything you’d cover after that in an algebra class, so you don’t need to know trig or calculus. This book focuses on SAT topics and helps you get used to problem-solving so that you can turn facts and formulas into useful tools.
I wrote this book to give you the best possible advantage at achieving a good score on the math portion of your SAT. There’s no shortcut, but most of what you need to work on comes down to four key factors:
Know the basics inside and out.
Get comfortable using your calculator.
Strengthen SAT-specific math skills.
Practice answering SAT questions.
For that last point, every example and problem here is written in SAT format — either as a multiple-choice question or as a student-produced grid-in question. From Chapter 3 to Chapter 8, every chapter contains math skills that are essential to the SAT, with dozens of SAT examples followed by a set of 20 practice problems. And to give you that test-day experience, this book also includes three practice tests. That’s hundreds and hundreds of questions designed to strengthen your “SAT muscle,” so to speak.
Conventions Used in This Book
Following are a few conventions to keep in mind:
New terms introduced in a chapter, as well as variables, are in italics.
Keywords in lists and numbered steps are in boldface.
Any Web sites appear in monofont.
The final answers to problems appear in bold. For multiple-choice questions, that’s a letter from (A) to (E). For grid-in questions, I write the answer as you’d fill it in on the
test. So as a test answer, I give as 7/9 or .777 or .778, which are all acceptable ways
to write it on your answer sheet.
Foolish Assumptions
This is an SAT prep book, so my first assumption is that you or someone you love (your son or daughter, mom or granddad, or perhaps your cat) is thinking about taking the SAT sometime in the future. If not, you’re still welcome to buy the book.
My second assumption is that you’re currently taking or have in your life at some point taken an algebra course, even if you feel like it’s all a blur. Now, I wish I could tell you that algebra isn’t very important on the SAT — oh, a mere trifle, hardly a thought. But this would be like saying you can play NFL football without getting rushed at by a bunch of 250-pound guys trying to pulverize you. It just ain’t so.
But don’t worry — this book is all about the blur and, more importantly, what lies beyond it. Read on, walk through the examples, and then try out the practice problems at the end of each chapter. I can virtually guarantee that if you do this, the stuff will start to make sense.
How This Book Is Organized
This book is organized into five parts, taking you from an overview of SAT math through the nitty-gritty skills you need to get the best possible score. Here’s a look at what’s waiting for you in these chapters.
Part I: Making Plans for This SATurday: An Overview of SAT Math
Part I introduces you to the SAT in general and the math sections in particular. Chapter 1 provides you with the most basic and important information about SAT math. You see the general areas of math that you need to focus on: arithmetic, algebra, geometry, coordinate geometry, plus a few additional scattered topics.
In Chapter 2, I talk about the two types of questions you face on the SAT: multiple-choice questions and grid-in questions. I go over some of the “fine print” information that the test-makers, in their infinite wisdom, provide to make the test fair. I also touch upon the list of formulas that you don’t have to memorize because you’ll have them on the test. I discuss when and how to use your calculator, and I provide some advice on strengthening a few mental math skills so you can answer questions quickly and confidently.
Part II: Did They Really Cover This Stuff in School? A Review of Math Skills
In Part II, I review the basic skills you need to remember from your math classes before sitting for your SAT. I also provide lots of practice problems in SAT style so that you can strengthen these skills.
In Chapter 3, I discuss topics in arithmetic, such as integers, digits, the number line, divisibility, percents, ratios, and more. Chapter 4 covers algebra, from simplifying and factoring to solving systems of equations, working with inequalities, and answering SAT questions that give you new, unfamiliar notations to work with. In Chapter 5, the focus is on geometry, including the basics about lines, angles, circles, and the ever-important right triangle. To finish up, I give you a few important formulas in solid geometry and tips on questions that test your geometric perception. In Chapter 6, you look at functions and coordinate geometry, which is geometry on the xy-plane.
Chapter 7 is a grab bag of topics you’ll probably see on your SAT but that don’t fit neatly into any of the other chapters. It includes number sequences, set theory, statistics, graphs of data, and more.
Part III: Your Problems Are Solved! SAT Problem-Solving Techniques
Part III takes a step forward, showing you how to pull together the set of skills from Part II to answer more-complicated SAT questions. In Chapter 8, you concentrate on word problems.
Chapter 9 takes a wide view of SAT strategy, giving you a few perspectives on how to approach the questions. I discuss how problems are arranged by difficulty and show you how to match the skills in your math toolbox to each question as you face it. I also show you how to read a question and anticipate the formulas that may be helpful to answer it.
Part IV: Practice Makes Perfect: SAT Math Practice Tests
Part IV gives you three opportunities to practice your SAT skills under timed conditions. Each practice test also comes with an accompanying chapter that provides the answers to the questions, along with explanations to help you understand why the correct answers are correct.
Part V: The Part of Tens
In this part, I give you the best ways to utilize your study time between now and the big day. I also identify ten smart but simple things you can do just before the test to help boost your score.
Icons Used in This Book
In this book, I use these four icons to signal what’s most important along the way:
This icon points out important information that you need to focus on. Make sure you understand this information fully before moving on. You can skim through these icons when reading a chapter to make sure you remember the highlights.
Tips are hints that can help speed you along when answering a question. See whether you find them useful when working on practice problems.
This icon flags common mistakes that students make if they’re not careful. Take note and proceed with caution!
Each example is a formal SAT-style question followed by a step-by-step solution. Work through these examples and then refer to them to help you solve the practice problems at the end of the chapter.
Where to Go from Here
This book is organized so that you can safely jump around and dip into every chapter in whatever order you like. You can strengthen skills you feel confident in or work on those that need some attention.
If this is your first introduction to SAT math, I strongly recommend that you start out by reading Chapters 1 and 2. There, you find some simple but vital SAT-specific information that you need to know before you sit down with pencil in hand to take the test.
If it’s been a while since you’ve taken a math course, read the math-skills chapters (Chapter 3 to Chapter 7) in order. Chapter 3, which focuses on arithmetic, can get your math brain moving again, and you may find that a lot of this stuff looks familiar as you go along.
Finally, if you read through a few chapters and feel that the book is moving more quickly than you’d like, go ahead and pick up my earlier book, Basic Math & Pre-Algebra For Dummies (Wiley). There, I adopt a more leisurely pace and spend more time filling in any gaps in understanding you may find along the way.
Part I
Making Plans for This SATurday: An Overview of SAT Math
In this part . . .
Part I gives you an overview of SAT math. I introduce you to multiple-choice and grid-in questions, discuss when and how to use your calculator, and give you some time-saving mental math skills.
Chapter 2
Testing 1-2-3: SAT Math Test-Taking Skills
In This Chapter
Understanding multiple-choice and grid-in questions
Focusing on the Notes and Reference Information at the top of each math section
Managing your time
Using your calculator to your best advantage
Knowing the mental math skills that you need for the SAT
In this chapter, you discover some important information that relates to the math sections of the SAT. First, I focus on the two main categories of SAT questions: multiple-choicequestions, which ask you to pick the right answer from among five choices, (A) through (E), and grid-in questions, which require you to find the answer and fill it into a special grid. I include a set of guidelines on filling in grid-in questions.
After that, I discuss the Notes and Reference Information that start each math section of the test, and I give you some guidelines on managing your time. Next, you discover what you need to know how to do on your calculator, as well as a few skills you may want to attain to improve your score. Finally, I list a set of basic math calculations you should be able to do quickly in your head. I also suggest some flash cards that can help you strengthen these skills.
Knowing Both Types of SAT Math Questions
Out of the 54 math questions you face on your SAT, 44 are multiple-choice questions; 10 are grid-in questions, which means you have to come up with an answer on your own. In this section, I discuss both types of questions.
Answering multiple-choice questions
Every multiple-choice question on the three math sections of the SAT provides you with five possible answers, (A) through (E). You receive one point for each right answer and no points for every answer you leave blank. Additionally (or should I say subtractionally?), one-quarter (1//4) of a point is deducted for every incorrect answer. This penalty is to discourage wild guessing when you have no idea what the answer is.
The common wisdom on multiple-choice questions is that you shouldn’t guess unless you can confidently rule out at least one wrong answer.