Saved By The CEO - JL Ryan - E-Book

Saved By The CEO E-Book

JL Ryan

0,89 €

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Desperation Meets Billionaire: Broke and facing eviction, Becky's world flips when a cocky French CEO offers a tantalizing escape. But can she handle the heat of his desires, or will his arrogance extinguish their spark before he jets back to Paris?

Becky is a woman who's always struggled to make ends meet, but lately, things have taken a turn for the worse. Bills are piling up, eviction is looming, and she's running out of options. Just when she thinks there's no way out, fate intervenes in the form of Cristophe, a hot wealthy French CEO billionaire.

From the moment they meet, Becky can't deny the attraction she feels for Cristophe. He's cocky, arrogant, and used to getting what he wants when he wants it. As they spend more time together, the chemistry between them becomes too intense to ignore. Cristophe starts saying things that make Becky's heart race and her body ache, but he's going back to Paris soon. Now, she has to do everything in her power to keep him by her side...

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