The Billionaire's Surrogate - JL Ryan - E-Book

The Billionaire's Surrogate E-Book

JL Ryan

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Desperate for a Job, Offered a Forbidden Deal

Emily Bradford is down on her luck. Broke and jobless, she stumbles upon a life-changing opportunity - a caregiver position for the eccentric grandmother of billionaire, Andrew Westfield. But during the interview, Andrew's arrogance and inappropriate questions rub Emily the wrong way.

Despite his infuriating demeanor, there's an undeniable spark between them. She can't deny his magnetism, but accepting the job means working for a controlling jerk.

When Andrew proposes an unusual "business deal" promising financial security, Emily is torn. The chance to be free from her financial troubles is tempting, but the details of the contract hint at a life-altering choice.

Will Emily risk everything for a shot at a new life? And what shocking secret is buried within the contract?

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The Billionaire's Surrogate

J.L. Ryan

Published by J.L. Ryan, 2021.

This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


First edition. October 18, 2021.

Copyright © 2021 J.L. Ryan.

Written by J.L. Ryan.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

The Billionaire’s Surrogate | Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

The Billionaire’s Surrogate

Chapter 1

Unemployed Emily Bradford is blindsided when she loses her job at the nursing home. She understands that life just happens that way sometimes, but starting over isn't going to be easy. She sighed and stretched out on her new sofa that wasn't even paid for yet. Tomorrow, though, she'll start over. A new beginning. She was never one to be easily defeated and she knew that she'd pull herself out of this rut in no time. She grinned as she looked at her big toe peeking through the hole in her sock.

"You and me, Prancer...she picked up her dog who was snuggling under the cozy blanket she just bought to match her new sofa. "We need each other, don't we, Good Boy?" Prancer was a Golden Retriever she found in the parking lot of her apartment building. He followed her as she went to open her door, and he quickly ran right in. She felt sorry for him because he was soaking wet and looked scared. She knew she couldn't leave him out in the cold wandering around. 

After drying him off and giving him a bowl of water, she set out to find out who he belonged to. His owner would certainly be frantic by now, she thought. She was never able to find who he belonged to, even though she contacted all the local animal shelters and the nearby police departments. She also posted ads on social media and posted his picture around town in the hope that someone would claim him. Since Prancer wasn't microchipped, there really wasn't any other way to find his owner. He has been with Emily ever since the day she found him. 

The sound of the banging pipes in her old apartment building startled poor Prancer and he began to wince. She hated how the pipes would bang every time someone in the building took a shower or washed dishes.  Her small apartment was clean, tidy, and cozy. It was her home. She didn't live in the best neighborhood, but nobody ever bothered her. As long as she minded her own business and kept to herself, she felt she would be fine. 

Her life has drastically changed. She lost her job as a result of corporate downsizing, through no fault of her own. Her boss pulled her aside and broke the bad news to her. "Emily, you were a hard worker and dedicated employee. This is not a reflection of your work quality. It's purely a financial decision. Dr. Williams sighed and looked at her sympathetically. "Many of the senior citizens who live here are moving to different facilities which are already well-staffed. He ran his fingers through his graying thinned hair. 

Emily knew that he didn't enjoy having to let her go. "It's not your fault, Dr. Williams, I understand." She stood up and thought about hugging him, but instead, extended her hand to him. "Thank you for everything, Dr. Williams. I have enjoyed working for you for the past three years. Would it be okay if I used you as a reference?" she asked. "Yes, of course, Emily. I am truly very sorry." With that, she headed home, feeling hopeless and helpless. As soon as she got home, she plopped on the sofa with Prancer and thought about what she was going to do with her life. 

She made a list of all her bills and things she needed to do in the coming weeks. She determined that she had enough money in her checking account to pay her bills and rent for the next month. After that, she'd be in trouble. With no source of income and no savings, she'd be living in her car. As soon as the fear and shock hit her, she did what she always does when she's anxious. She eats. A lot. She walked into the kitchen and made herself a frozen pizza, which was followed by a banana split, popcorn, 2 hotdogs, and chips and dip.