Scary Fairy in Wicked Wood - Jana Bauer - E-Book

Scary Fairy in Wicked Wood E-Book

Jana Bauer

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Between Winnie the Pooh and The Wind in the Willows comes Scary Fairy in Wicked Wood, but with its own sweet and original ideas. Have you ever met a fairy that romps about, disturbs the peace, corrupts the young and swears? Watch out, here comes Scary Fairy!

Banished by her grandmother after breaking one of her beloved china tea cups, she landed at the whim of Southern Wind in Wicked Wood. The animals of Wicked Wood have no idea how dramatically she will change their lives. This is a highly imaginative and funny book, full of amusing characters and remarkably original events.

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Jana Bauer

Scary Fairy in Wicked Wood

First English language e-book edition published by Sodobnost International/HORIZON 2019 Ljubljana, Slovenia Originally published in Slovene as Groznovilca v Hudi hosti Text © Jana Bauer, 2011 Illustrations © Caroline Thaw, 2011 English translation © David Limon

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publishers. The moral rights of the author and the translator are hereby asserted in accordance with the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

E-book was published by ©KUD Sodobnost International in 2019 with the permission of the rights holder. Format: EPUB. Electronic book is also accessible at:

Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni inuniverzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani COBISS.SI-ID=301264384 ISBN 978-961-7047-44-8 (epub)

Jana Bauer

Scary Fairy in Wicked Wood

Illustrated by Caroline Thaw

Translated by David Limon

6 Scary Fairy Comes to Wicked Wood

Scary Fairy and the Magic Sand 17

27 Edgy Edgehog

Rompus Boo 37

47 How Hedgehog Caught Rabies

Scary Fairy Tames the Savage 55

63 Dormouse Wants to Set a World Record

Scary Fairy Makes a Large Puddle71

83 The South Wind Encounters the Bora

Scary Fairy Holds a Literary Tea Party 90

99 Scary Fairy Says Good-bye

Scary Fairy Comes to Wicked Wood

One cloudy Saturday something strange was seen flying towards Wicked Wood. Something really strange.

“An asteroid!” gasped Squirrel as she looked at thesky. “And it’s heading straight for us!”

She ran directly to Owl’s place. “Asteroid!” shekept shouting.

“Really?” asked Bear, who happened to be sipping teawith Owl.

“Asteroid!” Squirrel frantically waved her little paw towards the sky.

Owl looked up, alarmed. “What could it be?”

“Certainly not a bird,” muttered Bear, staring at the funny object in the sky. “Nor a frog nor a mouse. Nor a mole for that matter.”


“Strange,” Owl agreed.

“I’m telling you – it’s an asteroid!” shrieked Squirrel. “And asteroids have stupid habits. They smash you to s-m-i-t-h-e-r-e-e-n-s!”

Terrified out of her wits, Squirrel ran off.

“It looks like a pear,” volunteered Bear. “A pear carrying a hedgehog.”

“But,” Owl objected, “are pears really so colourful, and hedgehogs so much...?”

“Like teapots?” Bear helped out.

As the object came nearer, they both agreed it was a balloon, a small, patched-up balloon with a teapot instead of a basket.

The balloon began to descend. As the teapot touched the ground, the South Wind dragged it across the roots sticking out of the soil. It sounded like this: BOOOMF. BOOOMF. BAAAMF! Inside the teapot someone started to curse: “Ouch, that hurts! Stop that, South Wind! HRRRAAAAGH. You’re wicked!” And then: SQUEEAAL. PLINK PLONK.


The balloon soon got tangled in a bramble and the teapot finally cameto rest. The lid opened with a clatterand out climbed a little creature.Frowning. Quite mad. In asummer dress and with a littlecap from which grew forklike horns.

“I’ll remember that,” the little creature shook her fist at the wind, which was making the tree tops seesaw this way and that. “You’re lucky it was me in the teapot and not my grandmother. I bet you wouldn’t dare toss her about like that.

She’d grab you by the tail and untie all your knots!”

The little one straightened her dress, checked her antlers, and thought of her grandmother with her china cups.


“That’s exactly what she did to the North Wind, if you want to know. And only because it blew a little bit of tobacco from her pipe. Did you hear that? Just a little bit of tobacco!”

“It’s one of those scary fairies,” Owl said to Bear under the pine tree. “I don’t remember why exactly, but they seem to be at odds with the winds.”

The little creature pulled a bundle of colourful things from the teapot and rummaged among them until she found a gold coin. Then she looked for the nearest fern and began to dig a hole beneath it.

“What’s she doing?” asked Bear.

“Burying a gold coin,” explained Owl. “Scary fairies keep moving their gold coins around the wood.”

“Shall we go and say hello?” Bear suggested.