Seduction by Mouth: Taboo Erotica - Eliot Schneider - E-Book

Seduction by Mouth: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Eliot Schneider

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This full length erotic novel is so sexy we can't even tell you the preview…


"This is it, cutie," he told her, "you're gonna get it. You like cock?" He waggled his hips and the prick jumped. There was enough light for her to see it bobbing between his legs.
He slid down in front of her. She didn't anticipate his move, but she got her legs together. Suddenly he pounded hard with closed fists on her thighs. She jerked and the legs came open. He had done that the first time he'd had to force a girl to fork over. That had been a dozen years ago, when he was eighteen. One of the cunts in his school class had teased him once too often. He'd caught her at home with her mother out; she came across when he slapped her around a little, and then she liked it.
This one would, too. He'd make her like it. He shoved between her thighs when they came open, and grabbed for her panties. They were flimsy and thin as her bra had been; they didn't stop him an instant. It was fun to rip them. Jesus, he loved to rip a dame's clothes off!
Pete chuckled excitedly as he laid his big meaty dong against her flesh. She was squirming and twisting her shoulders, as though that would do any good, moaning like a creature in torment.
"Take it easy, cutie," he said to her reasonably, "This's gonna be fun... " He lifted the cock and let it spring back, slapping her cunt lips. She made agonized sounds in her throat.
Pete slid both hands under her round hips and dragged her forward. Breathing hard, he moved his loins, working the meat against her pussy. It went into her suddenly, the entire head of it, and he chuckled aloud... thrusting it She was warm and tight, and wet. "You wanted it, baby, didn't you?"
She gasped and jerked as he drove it on into her. He yanked her hips, impaling her on-the cock. She squirmed like a stuck piggy.

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Seduction by Mouth

Eliot Schneider

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents
























It was late, an hour before midnight, Pete was not looking for trash bins and garbage cans; he was prowling for a car. Any good late-model heap, preferably one of the popular makes and models.

He came out of the dark narrow alley and paused, peering at the half-dozen cars parked in the square lot between the buildings. There was one... a Ford.

To his right, at the side door of a slate gray building, was a dark Mustang. Searching the area with his eyes, Pete moved toward it, feeling in his jacket pocket for the hot wire.

A girl came into the dim yellow light of the side door and stopped to fish in her purse. Pete slid toward the wall. The girl was a knockout... he looked at her tits. Very damn nice. She was a honey-blonde, a red ribbon in her hair, pretty face, wearing one of the fashionable maxi coats, open from the neck. Under the coat she wore a mini; she had a pair of great legs... Jesus!

He licked his thin lips, watching her, grinning in the dark. A guy could get a hard-on just thinking about a dame like this one. She found what she was looking for and came through the heavy, swinging glass door. Her tits bounced when she walked. His pecker stiffened with each bounce of her luscious boobs.

She went right to the Mustang. Pete swept the area once more with his eyes. Nothing moved on the lot. The girl opened the car door and slid in, it seemed to him that she pulled him right to her like on an invisible wire. He was there and grabbed the door, keeping it from slamming shut.

She poked her head toward him in surprise. Big wide-open eyes, red lush lips... he could even see the flecks of mascara on her black lashes.

She said, "What's...?" Then he hit her. It was a perfect shot, right on the button. Just hard enough. She made a sort of grunting sound and collapsed, sprawling along the seat.

Pete shoved her over. It only took a second. With both hands he pushed her and she was like a wet rag. He folded her into the corner, long legs apart, the maxi billowing. He got in, scooping up the keys from the floor, and slammed the door. Another second.

Key in the ignition, turned, the engine caught and roared. His foot was too fucking heavy on the pedal, he was just a little nervous. Take it easy. But he'd never kidnapped a cunt before.

Pete spun the car in a tight circle, heading for the street. Braking hard at the street, the girl slid down even further. She was limp as Casey's pecker. Man, limp! No bones at all. He swung the car into the street. Nothing to it. Nothing hell! He tried to relax.

He headed over the bridge to Queens, maybe two miles more. Then he swung off the main drag and went south for five minutes to the warehouse district. He pulled up on a nice quiet dark street and killed the engine. The girl was making sounds. She was beginning to come to. He hauled her up onto the seat, then slipped the scarf from around her neck and twisted it into a gag.

She was woozy enough to let him put the gag in place and knot it behind her head. He tied her hands behind her back with his belt.

Then he investigated her tits.

When she felt his hands on them she came awake and began to struggle. Pete chuckled, seeing the gleam of her eyes, listening to her angry, wordless sounds. He ripped buttons off, getting his hand inside the thin blouse. Firm, lush tits. He cupped them and bounced them, oh yeh! She was wearing a flimsy skimpy bra; snapping the shoulder straps, he yanked it down. He squeezed her tits and rolled them around in his hands.

She groaned as he ducked his head and sucked on her bare flesh. She squirmed and twisted. Pete got half of one of them in his mouth. Her skin was silky and warm. Delicious young stuff. Love tits. God, he loved tits.

Then he ran his hand up between her legs... before she could close her thighs. That obviously j made her sore. He laughed. She bucked like hell, but he had a handful of cunt. His middle finger f sank into the cloth-covered slit and he tickled her enthusiastically. "Fm gonna fuck you," he hissed at her, chuckling at her angry groans.

Fete glanced around. This wasn't the place. There were cop patrols, and he didn't know their schedules. He pushed her into the corner of the seat and fired up the Mustang again, his hand caressing her smooth thigh.

He had a throbbing hard-on. He took it out of his pants; he could see her blazing eyes on it. "You gonna get that, cutie," he said.

It was a half mile to the old market building. He approached it slowly, lights out. The place was up for sale and there were no guards. He turned in, drove back to the deserted loading dock and backed the car around to face the driveway. He killed the engine. No one would bother them here.

Then he looked at her and smiled. Man, he wanted to fuck her! He was so hot for her he was trembling. He could see her eyes, huge,, with whites all around... she was scared shitless.

"This is it, cutie," he told her, "you're gonna get it. You like cock?" He waggled his hips and the prick jumped. There was enough light for her to see it bobbing between his legs.

He slid down in front of her. She didn't anticipate his move, but she got her legs together. Suddenly he pounded hard with closed fists on her thighs. She jerked and the legs came open. He had done that the first time he'd had to force a girl to fork over. That had been a dozen years ago, when he was eighteen. One of the cunts in his school class had teased him once too often. He'd caught her at home with her mother out; she came across when he slapped her around a little, and then she liked it.

This one would, too. He'd make her like it. He shoved between her thighs when they came open, and grabbed for her panties. They were flimsy and thin as her bra had been; they didn't stop him an instant. It was fun to rip them. Jesus, he loved to rip a dame's clothes off!

Pete chuckled excitedly as he laid his big meaty dong against her flesh. She was squirming and twisting her shoulders, as though that would do any good, moaning like a creature in torment.

"Take it easy, cutie," he said to her reasonably, "This's gonna be fun... " He lifted the cock and let it spring back, slapping her cunt lips. She made agonized sounds in her throat.

Pete slid both hands under her round hips and dragged her forward. Breathing hard, he moved his loins, working the meat against her pussy. It went into her suddenly, the entire head of it, and he chuckled aloud... thrusting it She was warm and tight, and wet. "You wanted it, baby, didn't you?"

She gasped and jerked as he drove it on into her. He yanked her hips, impaling her on-the cock. She squirmed like a stuck piggy.

Pete went berserk then for long moments. He couldn't contain himself, and raped her in a frenzy. Holding her smooth ass, he made the car rock, thrusting, drivings battering her cunt, pumping it in wildly.

He had a big cock, everyone said so. Every dame he had ever screwed had mentioned it at some time, like... "You got a big one, honey... " Lilli had said it a hundred times. She liked big ones-Lilli was his private cunt.

He fed it into this girl with a crazy rhythm.

After a bit he eased up, panting hard. Man, you could just boot a cunt just so long and so hard. He buried it and kept it in deep, getting his breath back. Man, it felt good in her. Tight and hot. It always felt good in a juicy, round woman. And this one was a juicy, round woman.

Leaning forward, he sucked her titties, one after the other, licking them. Her nipples were hard as his cock. He stared at them, just the right size... the same size as Lilli's tits. A damn big mouthful.

"You got sweet tits," he told her.

Then it dawned on him. She wasn't bucking and twisting anymore. She wasn't trying to fight him. Now she was moaning and writhing-just like a female in heat. Pete laughed. Shit-she was enjoying it. All her movements pushed her cunt at him. She was a smart dame... she knew what was good for her.

He rammed the prick good for a full minute, moving himself sideways so her clit got plenty of friction. Then he reached around and untied the gag. She coughed as he pulled it out of her mouth.

"No goddam noise-" he warned, menacing her with his fist.

She coughed and gasped, her voice was husky, "You son-of-a-bitch!"

"Izzat the thanks I get?"

"Thanks for rape! You socked me, you bastard!" He snickered. Jabbed her hotly with the cock. "You love it, cutie. Here, have some more."

She lolled her head on the back of the seat, gulping air as he fucked her furiously. Her big tits waggled. She said, "Who put you up to this?"

"Huh? Nobody, cutie." It surprised him a little. "Why'd you think that?"

"My old man's got enemies, that's why."

"Fuck your old man. Putzie here got hot for some pussy, that's all."

"Jesus, you talk like a shithead." Pete laughed. "Sure, that's me, cutie." He began to fuck her with longer strokes, way in and way out. "Feel good?"

"You're a prick," she said with disgust in her voice. "My dad is gonna chew you up... "

That annoyed him. He could make jokes with the best, but this cunt could get on his nerves. "Your old man ain't here, cutie."

She smiled thinly. "He's a cop. He'll find you, shithead."

He balled his fist in anger and she ducked, eyes wide. "Knock it off," he snarled. She was saying that to get him sore, or scared-so he'd let her go. Fuck 'er. Her dad was no goddam fuzzhead. He leaned on her and began to pump it in hard and steady. Groovy... it felt great that way. And he could feel her heartbeat. Fast, plenty fast. She was plenty excited. Old Putzie had her cunt throbbing all right. Dames went limp when he got the ol' pecker in 'em.

"Untie my hands," she hissed.

He licked her titties, "Yeah, in a minute... "

Balls, untie hell. No telling what she might do. Besides, he was working one up. He could feel it in his nuts, wadding together... her tight pussy was providing great friction. Pete grabbed her lovely ass in both hands again, pulling her onto his cock, increasing the tempo.

She was gasping, her entire body writhing. He heard her teeth grate, and her butt began to vibrate. Shit, his prick had brought her to a boil. He laughed, she was going to come!

He fucked her furiously, ramming hard. The car squeaked and she was oophing, gasping, wriggling. The bliss welled up and spewed-he jerked convulsively as the hot jism spurted in gobs. He plunged his cock in deep as hard as he could with wild crazy jabs, feeling the cum squirting out of him. He was stiffening, losing the rhythm, pounding, jerking again, lunging, threshing. He fell on her, still jabbing in spasms.

He became conscious then that she had been bucking and humping along with him. She had popped her pussy at the same fucking time. The car smelled like a cheap cat house on the river.

Man, what a crazy screw! He left his ass in gear, still humping it in slowly, panting like hell. Her tits were heaving. They were both sticky with sweat. He could feel the cunt constricted around his tool. It felt good, but his legs were like lead. He had shot into her from his socks, and he hoped she appreciated it.

"Gimme a cigarette, huh?" she asked.

Pete rolled off her and flopped cock-up on the seat beside her. Glancing around as he got the pack out, he was satisfied no one had seen them. He put a fag in her mouth and lit both.

Reaching behind her, "No funny stuff?"

She shook her head. So he untied her hands.

"Oh, you bastard," she breathed, rubbing her wrists. She sprawled, legs apart, tits lolling, a pretty picture.

"After all I done for you," he said, blowing smoke in her face.

"Where are we?"

"Queens. You wanna suck my cock now?"

She made a rude noise and sat up, covering herself. "You are really a shit... "

"Shove it, cutie."

"God! look what you've done to me." She picked at the ripped blouse.

"I was in a hurry."

"You sure were." She folded the coat over the mess. "God, put that thing away." She indicated his naked cock.

He mopped it and zipped up, still considering rolling her over and cramming it up her ass. Well, it was about twelve, he guessed. He'd have to get the car to Lou's, and then Lilli would be waiting. He'd keep a few shots for her. He tossed the partly smoked butt out. "You wanna get fucked again?" She looked at him as though she was considering it. Maybe she was... "Out," he said. "What?" That surprised her. "I said out. Get outa the fuckin' car." He leaned over her and opened the side door.

"I'll do no such a godammed-thing! You take me back where I can get a cab if you're going to steal my car."

"You're leading with your tits, cutie." He shoved her suddenly and hard. She went out headfirst, legs flying. She screamed and yelled, as much in anger as fear... and then he slammed the door and turned the key.

He tooled the car out to the street without lights.

A mile away he discovered she'd left her purse in the car. He pulled over and examined it. Eighteen bucks and change. Not bad. He put the dough in his pocket and slung the purse out the window.


Pete drove the Mustang to Lou's Garage. He stopped once, at a pay phone to tell Lou he was coming. Lou said he'd open the alley door. "Tap the horn once... " Inside, Lou inspected the heap and counted out fifty. In a couple of days the car would have new numbers, new papers and new paint-and be worth a hell of a lot more than the lousy fifty Lou was paying him.

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