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Die deutsch-englische Gedichtauswahl (als Paperback und E-Book) widmet Ingeborg Santor ihrer langjährigen Londoner Übersetzerin Ruth Ingram. Drei Zwischentitel stehen für die Hauptthemen des Bandes:'Calendar Leaves' (Kalenderblätter), 'Catching Light' (Lichtfänger) und 'Years gone by' (Mit den Jahren. Wie die Natur sich mit den Jahreszeiten verändert, wird in diesem Gedichten oft aus ungewohntem Blickwinkel gesehen und spürbar gemacht. Immer wieder in poetische Sprache verwandelt auch die Faszination des Lichts - Licht, das nicht nur die von der Autorin geliebten nördlichen Landschaften am Meer, sondern auch ganz alltägliche Dinge aufleuchten lässt und zu kleinen Kunstwerken machen kann. Prägende Lebensphasen wie Kindheit, Glück und Verlust in der Liebe, Vergänglichkeit und endgültige Abschiede finden im letzten Drittel des Bandes eindringlichen lyrischen Ausdruck. - Ihre durchweg gelungene Entsprechung finden die Gedichte in der einfühlsamen Übersetzung ins Englische von Ruth Ingram. Die Auswahl beruht weitgehend auf Santors Lyrikband LICHTFÄNGER (BoD 2014), enthält aber auch Gedichte aus früheren, inzwischen vergriffenen Büchern.
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Seitenzahl: 32
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2017
Ingeborg Santor (born 1941 in Koblenz) was employed as editor in various publishing houses; after that she worked freelance as editor and text-writer for museums until 2003.
Several of her poems and short stories first appeared in journals and newspapers. Some essays, documentary features and poems were broadcast on Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk and Südwestfunk. Her first book publications were two collections of poems: ‘Amsellied und Krähenschrei’and ‘Im Schneelicht’ plus a selection of short stories. Some poems and prose texts were translated into Polish and printed in literary journals and anthologies in Poland.
Ingeborg Santor has also translated some English poetry, including poems by John Rety. Together with him and Ruth Ingram she has had the collection ‘Between Languages’ published by Hearing Eye. In particular she worked on Judy Gahagan’s long poetic biography of King Ludwig II. of Bavaria: ‘Tours around the Soul of Ludwig’ appeared bilingually in 2009.
In 2014 her collection of poems ‘Lichtfänger’ was published and in 2016 a storytelling book about her childhood ‘Frühe Zimmer, kleine Jahre’.
Ruth Ingram (born 1927 in Berlin) was formerly a principal lecturer and course Director of a postgraduate course in Applied Social Studies. Later she worked with textiles and photography. She exhibited in various galleries in London and in her own home. She now mainly concentrates on translating German poetry. She also organises a poetry translation workshop which meets quarterly. Participants call themselves ‘Camden Mews Translators’ and have published two anthologies of translations from French and German entitled ‘Over the Water’ and ‘Across Frontiers’
She has had two collections of translations published: ‘Selected Poems by Hans Sahl’ and ‘Selected Poems by Arno Holz’ as well as the anthology ‘In Exile. Poems by Hilde Domin, Mascha Kaléko and Hans Sahl. Several of her own poems and some translations appeared in six publications of the Highgate Poets magazine.
A long poem by Hilde Domin was published in ‘Modern Poetry in Translation’ and two of her translations of poems by Hans Sahl were printed recently in the poetry journal ‘Fenland Reed’.
This book is dedicated to my friend Ruth Ingram who has translated most of my poems since 1999. I'm much obliged to Ruth for her sensitive work, her encouragement and patience.
Ingeborg Santor, June 2017
Calendar Leaves
Vorhut /
Hasenjahr /
The year of the hare
Treibhauskinder /
Hothouse children
Verirrt /
Gone astray
Präsentation /
Die Schöne /
The Beauty
Frühjahrslaune /
Spring mood
Eingekocht /
Cooked apples
Sommers Zenit /
Summer's Zenith
Glühen wie kurz /
Brief glow
Herbstgänge wieder /
Autumnal walks again
Herbst /
Beim Öffnen der Hände /
At the opening of my hands
Novembertee /
November Tea
Reste /
Winter-Haiku /
Winter Haiku
Stille Post /
Chinese whispers
Vorrat /
Catching Light
Morgenbesuch /
Morning Visit
Beim Gehen auf den Flutsaum zu /
While walking
towards the tide line
Kalligraphie /
Mauersegler /
Lichtfänger /
Catching Light
Gewitterbericht /
Nördliche Fahrt ins Graue /
Northerly Journey into Grey
Spökenkieker-Lied /
Spooky Song
Donaukiesel /
Danube pebble
Donau stromauf /
Donau stream-up
Die Krutynia /
The Krutynia
Sein Geheimnis /
His Secret
Le bel excentrique Eric Satie
Winterlicht /
Winter Light
Ohnegleichen /
Without Equal
Später Gast /
Late guest
Alter Freund /
Old friend
Perpetuum mobile /
Perpetuum mobile
Years gone by
Kinderzimmer /
Children's room
Wieder gefunden /
Found again
Mondnacht /
Moon night
Verlustanzeige /
Reporting a loss
Für eine Amsel /
For a blackbird
Vorweggenommener Abschied /
Anticipated parting
Zuletzt /
At last
Sonntagsfrühstück solo /
Sunday breakfast solo
Auf einmal /
Meine Jahre /
My years
Verlässlich /
Astern /
Luftbuchung /
Wind publication
Ablagerung /
Erinnerung /
Im Kopf meiner Mutter /
In my mother's head
Antwort /
Wachtraum /
Day dreaming
Index of English Titles