Sensual Sufferings - Episode 1 - Anoushka Lee - E-Book

Sensual Sufferings - Episode 1 E-Book

Anoushka Lee



Lelo and Ara are here to prove love happens outside of the box. Their Dom/sub, non-binary, caring bond is so endearing, you'll catch yourself falling in love with them and with you could have the same dynamic in your relationships. While Lelo is anxious and preoccupied, Ara comes as a soothing presence, taking control in a loving but firm manner. Everything that Lelo needs. After a stressful week, the tension is high. Not only from the nonsense at work - but also the anxiety Lelo feels about Ara's feelings towards her. The answer comes in the best way: A stroll with a collar to have Lelo squirming, and then a hard, intense BDSM session in the shower that leaves them both reeling. Brilliantly written, Sensual Sufferings is deliciously tongue-in-cheek and impossibly spicy. An erotic dream come true.

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Episode 1

Anoushka Lee

Artcover: Sabrinity


Berlinable invites you to leave all your fears behind and dive into a world where sex is a tool for self-empowerment.

Our mission is to change the world - one soul at a time.

When people accept their own sexuality, they build a more tolerant society.

Words to inspire, to encourage, to transform.

Open your mind and free your deepest desires.

All rights reserved. It is not permitted to copy, distribute or otherwise publish the content of this eBook without the express permission of the publisher. Subject to changes, typographical errors and spelling errors. The plot and the characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to dead or living people or public figures is not intended and are purely coincidental.

I was particularly calm this particular Saturday morning. Particularly, considering the week I’d just had. What an absolute pain it is to constantly receive criticism from your boss, from your co-workers, from your parents. Years of, “can’t you do anything right?” And I just take the humiliation. I don’t have the energy to resist. So instead, I absorb it, leaving me an anxious, tense and moody wreck, that feels especially prevalent by the weekend.

Over the last year, I’ve found myself too stressed to even relax outside of the office. And trust me, I’ve tried everything—touching myself to cope with the stress lost its magic a long time ago. For sure, it can sometimes offer sweet temporary release, but even mustering up the energy to get in the mood is a struggle. Why bother?

Recently, though, particularly recently, something’s changed. Something has shifted things in my life. Or someone, I should say.

This particular Saturday morning, sitting here, with them, with Ara, I feel peaceful. Tranquil through the normally tense fibers of my body. The irritating voices of my boss, my co-workers, and my parents, which usually ring in my ears, are much more distant. Like I’m on the other side of a hill. The wind blowing their voices in the opposite direction.

Sitting here, with them, on opposite sides of the sofa, I know this is something good. Eyes fixed on the Saturday Morning TV show, I greedily shuffle my feet into their lap, like a needy cat eagerly wanting some affection. They take my feet in their hands. Massaging my cold toes one by one through my fluffy green socks––the ones that my housemate, Riley, bought for my birthday last month before they left town to travel around Europe — and, as the blood begins to fill them with warmth, I can’t help but ponder what they’re doing with someone like me.

I know we’ve been “seeing” each other for… about six weeks now, and I hate to say it, but I am undeniably addicted to them. Their handsome, soft face. Their deep, knee-melting kisses. The way they taste after they’ve tasted me. No wonder I don’t care what anyone else thinks anymore. My mind is so preoccupied with them.