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Please read the first few pages of the book and carefully check whether you are part of the target group for this volume and whether the content is of interest to you. There is no point in reading something that is not of interest to you personally. At the same time, it makes a lot of sense to read a book that enriches you in many ways. Ultimately, only you know whether that is the case.
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Seitenzahl: 104
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2025
Das E-Book (TTS) können Sie hören im Abo „Legimi Premium” in Legimi-Apps auf:
1. Introduction
1.1 Atlantis
2. Conscious mastery of the material-based dimension
2.1 Mastery practical
2.2 Mastery always includes the transformation of the previous / old
3.1 The power of the energy-based covenant
3.2 Energy-based covenant pairs that are also human pairs
3.3 The harmonization of dimensions and their effects
4. Atlantis
4.1 Atlantis within us
4.2 It is frequency that controls
4.3 Compensation
5. Some final words
One request in advance: Please read the first pages of the book and carefully check whether you belong to the target group of this volume and whether this book really serves you. Since this is an energy-based book, when you read the first lines you will automatically know: the book serves you and it makes sense to read it. If you can't find access to the book or if it even confuses you; please don't buy and read it. It won't make any sense, and reading it, will only frustrate, confuse or bore you. On an energybased level, only what serves you makes sense. Yet, you grasp this through inner knowledge.
However, if you know that you belong to the target group of the book, we are very pleased to be able to support and accompany you with this volume! Maybe at the beginning it's just a slight suspicion / feeling. And if you like, consciously give space to this guessing / feeling and then consciously check. Until you know for sure inside. The ability to know is a key ability on an energy-based level that needs to be consciously discovered and strengthened. And if this book helps you to train this skill, it has already achieved a lot.
If it feels right to you, consciously allow yourself to grow more and more into the ability to know.
It is this ability that guides you in the energybased dimension and if you, as a person, have changed your holistic connection to the energybased level, it is crucial that you consciously have the ability described (again). Allow consciously and let yourself be deliberately guided internally.
This book is aimed at human SEOS members: SEOS has developed rapidly and successfully in recent years and it now, has a sustainably healthy foundation. However, the main burden of the current work still lies on the human members and so, we would like to address this topic again in this volume. You carry a lot and that's why you should be as comfortable as possible. At the same time, the human environment is constantly changing, and we would like to talk about that in this book as well.
“We” are what we are in this book: Susanne Edelmann, St. Germain / Luca, Ben Josef and Serena.
May the contents of the book serve you!
Atlantis was the era in which humans lived both the material-based and the energy-based dimensions.
• A fact that would actually represent the natural form of life of a human being, as both the human living space and the human being in and of themselves are created for both levels.
• A form of life that brought with it not only a highly developed human culture during the Atlantis era, but also a highly developed and holistically healthy human form of life.
• A way of life that not only enriches but also pacifies and allows one to be whole. The essentially natural way of life of humans, actually.
As long as a person only knows and lives on the material-based level, there is always something missing. He never really feels whole. Regardless of whatever he does. Only when both dimensions are available to him again will he feel completely comfortable and grounded in his human being.
Viewed from this perspective, it is probably possible to understand the religious or spiritual search that many people often encounter. It is the search for the spiritual / subtle level. A level that cannot be found cognitively humanly out of the material-based dimension. Yet, it only happens, when the consciousness of the respective person begins to open up. This, in turn, is the responsibility of the inner, essential self of a person and can neither be initiated nor forced. A truth that has not yet reached people and thus, the human living space is still filled with all sorts of humanly fictions in this regard.
Expansion of consciousness and thereby personal opening to the energy-based dimension occurs when a person has successfully mastered the material-based dimension. Something that most people are not aware of and therefore lose valuable time in their current human incarnation. Especially if they are here in this one human life to participate in Project Earth.
The topic described is, as already written, far too little known in the human environment and so, far too little weight is currently given to it. At the same time, this very knowledge would be enormously important in the current era of planet Earth. People need to broaden their perspective and realize that a lot of things are too.
People also have to expand their perspective, their evaluations and their expectations, as things are now happening more and more often in a significantly different way than usual. If people classify this so clearly new thing according to their previous experiences and evaluations, they not only create their own fictions, what they have created also weighs them down and blocks them in the long term.
The human living space is currently moving (again) in the direction described at the beginning: in the longer term, not only will both dimensions be open, but in the longer term both dimensions will (can) be lived in a harmonious united manner.
To do this, however, the material-based dimension must be mastered personally and so, in this book, we focus, among other things, on the topic described.
• What exactly does “mastery of the material-based dimension” mean?
• How can this task be carried out as effectively as possible?
• Yet, how can it be supported from outside, if necessary?
Every human SEOS member is always (also) an energy-based teacher and so, we hope that the content of this volume supports you in many ways: for yourself, but also in your work for and with other people.
We have written in the previous volumes of the “Talk between the habitats” book series that both the energy-based realm of the dragons and the energy-based realm of the elves have agreed to provide support in the human habitat. Now, the energy-based realm of Atlantis has also pledged support, and we are very happy about that.
The energy-based Atlantis has its roots in human habitat. During a certain phase, the ancient Atlantis lived both the material-based and the energy-based dimension in equal measure and the relevant empirical knowledge is still available in the realm. Yet, many current human embodiments also lived in ancient Atlantis.
Usually several times, even. Therefore, these people also have the experiential knowledge that is so important to us at the moment.
For the people described, we wrote the book series “Atlantis in Us” and there, we weaved various initiation journeys into it with the aim of bringing said people back into conscious contact with their own experiential knowledge from the former realm of Atlantis.
Regardless of whether you have read these books, we would like to invite you with this one book to delve deeply into the topic and thus into the knowledge of the former Atlantis. At the moment it's not just about dissolving old things and mastering the material-based dimension, it's also about introducing new things in a sustainable manner. And we would also like to write about that in this one book.
The material-based dimension can only be mastered by fully immersing yourself in it and surrendering to it.
However, spiritually seeking people are currently often separating themselves from “the world” and looking for the good in the new or in the so-called “spiritual world”. From an energy-based perspective, this behavior that is currently so frequently practiced prevents a successful mastery of the material-based dimension and thus also an actual opening of the energy-based dimension. And it is important to be very aware of this fact.
In the human environment, the behaviors that currently dominate are “controlling”, “fighting”, “closing oneself” and “limiting oneself”. People are also used to living “either-or” and basically taking a stand for or against something on every issue. From a purely human perspective, you have to master these behaviors as a human being in order to be able to take your place in human society and remain somewhat holistically healthy.
At the same time, you have to get to know, train and master them as part of the material-based dimension. And if you look at them non-judgmentally, it will help you (and all other highly developed people) if you consciously deal with them. You have to know (and recognize) it as a natural part of the human environment, and you can only do this, if you have dealt with it very consciously and non-judgmentally and can live it at any time.
• You will then know the advantages and disadvantages of each behavior
• You know the most common uses in the human habitat and,
• You can also use them if necessary.
This does not mean that from now on you will only use what you have learned, but you will then move on and get to know other ways of dealing with them, deal with them consciously, etc.
In order to master sustainably, you need the awareness that mastery is a path / process that takes place on the basis of inner guidance.
And it helps you a lot if you consciously refrain from getting caught up with your human mind in what you continually encounter. A human mind evaluates and creates possible future options from the here and now. A typical human behavior that accompanies an average person throughout their human life. Well, a person who has undertaken the task of mastery cannot be described or viewed as an average person and so ideally, he is not subject to the typical human behavior just described. This is why your own human mind, when you judge it and let it create in its own way, only confuses and blocks you.
If your task is mastery, it will be done accordingly. Until you have successfully mastered it. The more you are aware of this and the more you consciously let go of your control, the more successfully your own inner essential self can guide you and the more quickly and effectively you will go through the task of mastery.
The life of a person, who masters, cannot be compared to an average human life.
Rather, his life runs according to an inner process with the focus on successful mastery.
This naturally causes his human life to proceed differently than that of his fellow human beings.
At the same time, unfortunately, neither the person in question nor those around him are currently aware of what he is going through.
They all (including himself) measure things based on the parameters of an average human life. And this usually makes a person who masters, seemingly unsuccessful and less capable compared to other average people. The described very one-sided viewpoint, in turn, has a clearly negative impact on him and therefore causes him significant damage.
Although, if you look at it more broadly, he is actually quite successful. However, no one is currently grasping this aspect. Not himself and not his fellow human beings either. A stressful and unpleasant story, purely factual, viewed from the outside.
If a person is here to master, this can be seen through observation, as long as the person observing has grasped the topic of mastery for themselves.
A person who masters, learns consciously, engages consciously, and if he is then capable, he loses the resonance and devotes himself to his next (mastery) task.
From a purely human perspective, his behavior seems irrational, as he could (or should) use his abilities profitably or at least in a meaningful way. A highly developed person also usually has a wide range of talents and therefore quickly acquires high skills. However, he does not use this humanly / economically but instead rushes on and devotes himself to the next “mastery task”. Confused and not very useful from a purely human / economic perspective.