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Atlantis is a piece of human history and thus a piece of the history of the planet earth. Most of the current humans have a multitude of human incarnations and human lives behind them, and many of them have lived here on earth in the Atlantis era. Yet, they all carry deep within them: the longing for that time. With this book, we want to give humans back the atlantic part of their history and by doing so, to offer them the opportunity to reconnect consciously; with their very personal roots, but also with the collective history of this planet and thus the human society.
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Seitenzahl: 115
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2020
Atlantis in you
3.1 The wealth of Atlantis
3.2 Your personal wealth
3.3 Task areas in the ancient Atlantis
The challenges: then and now
Forms of energy and the beneficial way of dealing with them
5.1 The individual forms of energy and their specific modes of action
At the end of one development phase, the next begins
New things emerge
7.1 Relationships change
7.2 Harmonization
7.3 Work for money
7.4 Adaptation
Atlantis is a piece of human history and thus a piece of the history of the planet earth. Most of the current humans have a multitude of human incarnations and human lives behind them, and many of them have lived here on earth in the Atlantis era. Yet, they all carry deep within them: the longing for that time.
With this book, we want to give humans back the atlantic part of their history and by doing so, to offer them the opportunity to reconnect consciously; with their very personal roots, but also with the collective history of this planet and thus the human society.
Atlantis was one of the strongholds of wisdom, advanced skills and knowledge on this planet.
Therefore, it seems to us more than just useful, if capable and conscious people have access to this wealth again and then, use it to serve the planet and its inhabitants at this time.
Consequently, another goal of this book is to give you the opportunity to immerse deliberately into the energy of the ancient Atlantis, to (re)connect consciously with this time and thus to regain access to this part of your own story.
If a person's personal story opens up and becomes consciously accessible to them, he is usually flooded with a wide range of information, fragments of memories and diverse emotions.
Therefore, we ask you to be aware of this aspect and to let happen, what happens to you over the next few days, weeks and months, as free of value as possible. Consciously refrain from interpreting or evaluating. As a rule, you will now, continuously receive puzzle pieces that may need to have cleaned up. Then, place them consciously in your heart’s space without trying to create a mental picture out of them. This attempt only leads you in the wrong direction and takes unnecessary time and effort. You will be able to see the respective pictures. Effortlessly. As soon as your holistic system is capable and ready for it. Much more. You will not only see the finished picture, it will open involuntarily - similar to a hologram - and your life at that time will be present to you again as if you had lived it yesterday. When this life is present entirely again, you involuntarily have conscious access to all the skills and knowledge of this life. Something that you will then, consciously use in your current life.
If you stand in front of the perfect picture of one of your old lives, it happens extremely effortlessly and beautifully.
In the meantime, however, you need the ability to let things happen with confidence (and without control), the courage to consciously open up your previous framework of thought and perception and the willingness to let yourself in for the fact that one of your old lives wants to open up to you consciously. That part of your own story wants to reveal itself to you, honestly and transparently, with all the beautiful but also the difficult that it contains.
Be aware that during the development phase of the whole picture of an old life you will encounter situations that have nothing to do with your current here and now. Nevertheless, you encounter them in the context of your current life and you usually act them out in this current context. Therefore, the past and present mix a bit and everything that still needs to be resolved in your former life has now dissolved, here and now, in the context of your current life.
History can only have resolved by acting out and feeling it in your current now. Yet, this dissolving work benefits immensely if you fundamentally refrain from evaluating, interpreting or even classifying in any way.
Instead, give yourself fully and consciously into your here and now. Live consciously what happens to you, do not have caught up in it mentally and try not to create a future out of it.
Rather, enter yourself into the respective situation and let it happen with confidence and trust. Knowing that whatever happens to you, it happens to your highest and best and no harm can have done to you.
Atlantis is still alive:
When the empire went down at that time, some highly developed beings decided to switch to the energy-based fifth dimension of the earth and to keep the energy, the experiences and the knowledge of Atlantis there. Perhaps, this is one of the reasons, why people whose consciousness is expanding now, are suddenly beginning to yearn for Atlantis. As they expand their awareness, they are increasingly aware of the energy-based realms on this planet. Therefore, you encounter the energy of Atlantis and long for it, suddenly again.
At the time, when Atlantis existed on this planet, there was a fundamentally higher vibration frequency. This means that the planet itself, nature, all living beings and all matter had a higher basic vibration frequency. It is the vibrational frequency, on which some of you will now move rapidly and thus, effortlessly find access to Atlantis (again) and all the treasures hidden therein. This is one of the main reasons for this book. The fact that you now, have it in your hands indicates that you are ready to reconnect to Atlantis and integrate its treasures into yourself. To let them flow into your future task afterwards and thus to serve humanity and this planet.
Atlantis is much more than a myth of a sunken empire. Atlantis is part of your very personal history and therefore, part of your very own wealth of experiences and knowledge. A wealth to which you may now, consciously have access (again).
“We” are in this book:
Susanne Edelmann, embodiment of Lady Nayla Og-Min and thus Lady Nayla Og-Min in human form. Writing person of this book.
Lady Nayla Og-Min, Ascended Master, part of the White Brotherhood and often embodied in the ancient Atlantis. Among others as priestess Aklesia and as priest Nemur.
Lord St. Germain, Ascended Master, not (yet) embodied as a human being and at the same time mentor of many people who are on the way to reunite with their divine self.
Lord Ben Josef, Ascended Master, currently embodied in a human way. However, this is without the human self of the human concerned being aware of it.
The Atlanteans, a collective energy of Atlantean beings who have kept the Atlantean energy and their treasures, on this planet.
May the book serve you!
Susanne Edelmann, Lady Nayla Og-Min, Lord St. Germain, Lord Ben Josef, the Atlanter
Let us take you back to Atlantis and if you like, allow the energy of that time to meet you consciously. For you then, have the opportunity to immerse deliberately into it and to (re)connect consciously with the time of the ancient Atlantis.
Every energy has its very own energy signature.
Therefore, it is helpful to connect consciously with a new energy, to immerse yourself in it, to experience its signature and thus to be able to perceive first impressions. If you then, are familiar with it afterwards, you will recognize it at any time by its energy signature and thus be able to explore and experience it yourself. In order to be able to use them at a later point in time as support for your very specific tasks in the new era.
The main energy of Atlantis is a very high frequency energy and can therefore usually only be perceived from a certain own (high) vibration frequency. The main energy of Atlantis is usually pure white, mixed with pastel shades. However, these words cannot really come close to the actual. The energy of Atlantis is an energy that is native to the seventh to ninth dimension and the colors there cannot have compared with the colors of the third dimension and thus, cannot really have described in its words.
The energy of Atlantis has the ability to loosen deep internal incrustations. It is a very gentle and soft energy and at the same time crystal clear and highly effective.
When Atlantis then, dissolved on the materially based level, as already written, some highly developed beings transferred themselves and all of the Atlantic knowledge into the fifth dimension of planet Earth.
In the fifth dimension of the planet Earth, the realm of nature, the elemental beings, the realm of the fairies, the realm of the elves, recently deceased incarnations, angels, the energy-based support teams of individual people and energy-based visitors from the universe can have found.
The elementals, the visitors from other stellar constellations, angels, the members of the energy-based support teams of the people and recently deceased people in their astral-body state move freely and can have seen at any time in this living space for every living being there. As a rule, they cannot yet have seen by people, but sometimes, they can still have perceived by means of expanded energy-based perception. All of these residents see the material-based living space exactly as you see it, even if they perceive it somewhat differently. They are used to people not being able to perceive them and generally do not seek contact with people or other living beings of the material-based dimension.
The realm of the elves, the realm of nature and the realm of fairies are quite different. They are all part of the energy-based fifth dimension of planet Earth, but at the same time, they are completely closed. They see the material-based dimension, they live in the energy-based fifth dimension and yet, they have encapsulated in an energy-based way so that for most of the inhabitants of this realm it is as if they were the only living beings on planet Earth. Similar to how people are doing.
Nevertheless, of course there are also highly developed beings among them, who always knew more and thanks to the holistic increase in frequency of the earth, there will now be more and more of them in their realms.
The energy-based fifth dimension of planet Earth is therefore a heavily populated dimension and even if it had taken up the Atlanteans at the time, they have not really found their place there. Therefore, they decided to place so much value on their own development that after a few thousand years they were able to ascend into the seventh dimension of planet Earth.
At that time, the energy-based kingdom of the dragons was the sole realm in the seventh dimension. An empire that has great openness and thus the Atlanteans gladly granted space.
Something that they then, together with the energy-based empire of Atlantis that had arisen in the meantime, granted the empire of Avalon many thousands of years later. However, more about that, in another book.
The Atlanteans thus rose to the seventh dimension of the earth and built there, the energy-based Atlantis. In doing so, they incorporated a lot of the original Atlantis.
Nevertheless, it developed significantly and by now, it can hardly have compared to the ancient Atlantis.
The ancient Atlantis had anchored in the material-based dimension and meanwhile, had the ability to live in harmony for several thousand years, in the energy-based dimension and in the material-based dimension. Something from which all dimensions of the earth have benefited greatly. The current Atlantis, on the other hand, exists purely energy-based and will remain so.
Two of the original Atlanteans built a place at the beginning of the change to the seventh dimension, on the edge of the new empire, which they called "Plan-Mala". In this place, they built a temple, which had modeled on the main temple of the late material-based Atlantis, the temple "Em". In it, they stored all knowledge about the materially based Atlantis, with the aim of giving it back to the people at the appropriate time.
This book is a first step in this direction. Many more will follow in the next centuries. Until humanity, has the “Atlantis” part of its own history, present again.
Now, the "truth" aspect behaves very differently in the material-based dimension than it does in the energy-based dimension.
Truth is in the material-based dimension if an aspect can have verified by means of data and facts, or if it has defined as such by the majority of people. In the energy-based dimension, the form of proof using data and facts known from the material-based dimension does not exist.
Here, for every energy-based being, it is always obvious what truth is. Truth is what is here and now. Truth is therefore clearly visible at all times and it is flowing. Because it is always what is here and now. This is due to the fact, that the energy-based level does not know the construct of linear time as it has lived in the material-based level.
Here is everything, really everything, NOW. Your entire history and your entire future. Everything has included in this one here and now moment.