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The earth is currently, it seems the habitat of matter. A place where humans studies and lives within this habitat, the material aspects of life. They do so, believing that all aspects of this planet are material and therefore subject to material laws and thereby create a reality that is within their frame of thought, truth. However, it is not, that this reality is true. After all, the planet is just as much a habitat of energy and there are currently at least as many energy-based living beings on Earth as there are material ones. Therefore, it seems time for people to become aware of the other dimension as well.
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Seitenzahl: 116
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2019
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The subtle plane is
2.1 Religions
2.2 Esoteric
2.3 Spirituality
2.4 Tales and Stories
2.5 Excursus Reality and Truth
3. Material-based versus energy-based habitat
Reality and Truth
5. Minds
The Energy-Based World
7.1 The Kingdom of the Fairies
7.2 The Realm of the Elves
7.3 The Realm of Natural Beings
Contact with energy-based beings
8.1 Initial Contacts
8.2 Elementals
8.3 Angels
Communication between the levels and worlds
The earth is currently, it seems the habitat of matter. A place where humans studies and lives within this habitat, the material aspects of life.
They do so, believing that all aspects of this planet are material and therefore subject to material laws and thereby create a reality that is within their frame of thought, truth. However, it is not, that this reality is true. After all, the planet is just as much a habitat of energy and there are currently at least as many energy-based living beings on Earth as there are material ones. Some people are aware of this fact. Others deny it. In terms of material aspects, most people have a degree of unity regarding data and facts. No wonder, material aspects can be beautifully objectified using data and facts. The energy-based world works quite differently. It cannot be grasped with the human five primary channels of perception and thus for most people currently not perceived. Which leads to the conclusion that there can be no subtle beings. Only - because human cannot perceive actually, does not mean that it is not.
Therefore, it seems to us that it is time, humanity is actually dealing with the subtle level - which is also. Clean up with many untruths, horror stories, fears, prejudices and uncertainties. Face the other plane and deal with it. Valueless, Respectful and Mindful. Beyond any prefabricated frame of thought, be it esoteric, Christian or whatever. Humans are as much guests on this planet as any other being is. Yet, it seems to us that it is time for people to become aware of this fact.
“We”, that is in this book:
Susanne Edelmann, current incarnation of Lady Nayla Og-Min and writing author of this book.
Lady Nayla Og-Min, Ascended Master, part of the White Brotherhood (Association of Ascended Masters with the purpose of helping people in their Consciousness) and World Teacher.
Aryiell, queen of the fairies and thus representative of the subtle realms on the planet Earth.
Archangel Michael, confidant and companion of many human beings and at the same time in this book also representatives of the angelic kingdom.
Lady Rowena, Ascended Master and World Teacher. She is currently contributing with her love and energy to stability on this planet.
Something that many subtle beings do, assisting the Earth and its inhabitants in their ascension to the fifth dimension.
Wherever you are right now, there live in your immediate environment - also - subtle beings.
Beings who call this place their home as much as you do. This may alienate, perhaps even scare you. Nevertheless, it is nonetheless. In human society many fears, untruths and concerns about the subtle world and the subtle beings are still anchored and so, you will eventually have to deal with them and dissolve them in yourself until you are open, free, curious, and you value-free can get involved with the energy-based habitat.
The energy-based world is a very beautiful and enriching one and we cordially invite you to meet it.
This book has designed to bring you closer to the subtle world, inviting you to embrace it in your own unique way, if you wish. To make your own, good experiences. To put in your own words.
Beyond any dogmas and deadlocked thought frames. We are all beings. Unique beings. The human and the subtle. Therefore, we do not want to explain to you how and what you should see, experience or believe. Rather, we want to accompany you in experiencing and understanding the subtle level. Inviting you to open yourself and to let it enter without value: to the other, which is also.
The subtle plane is. Regardless of whether the person is aware of it and actively engages with it and makes valuable part of its reality, or not.
The subtle plane is as much part of this planet as it is the material plane. The beings of the subtle plane are aware of this. However, the beings of the material plane, the humans, usually exclude this and pretend that the materially based dimension is the only one. In doing so, they not only significantly limit their own view they also wall themselves within a very narrow frame of thinking. A frame of thought that is not true and in addition makes sustainable solutions for the survival of this planet impossible. Within this long-standing, material-based frame of thought is always only a little different or something more of the same possible. Solutions of the first order thus.
However, the current society and the current state of the Earth honestly require second-order solutions: solutions that arises outside of the already known.
Second-order solutions require the willingness to open up one's own frame of thinking and thus the willingness to embark on the new and the unknown. Which will automatically lead to the realization that, astonishingly, there is also something completely different. Outside the already known frame.
If a person now sets out to encounter the energy-based dimension and thus the subtle level, he usually has to deal with so many thought structures and beliefs that claim to know the subtle world. Honestly, they are all explanatory models that, out of the material-based environment, try to describe the energy-based environment. An approach that the energy-based dimension cannot capture. Not even, close. One dimension cannot have explained within the frame of thought of the other dimension. Too different are they.
Logically, actually. However, nobody seems to have questioned that yet.
Nevertheless, these human notions and explanatory models of the subtle plane have shaped human society and the containing structures of thinking involved are attached to most people in one way or another. Even if they find themselves to be very open or have an expanded consciousness.
Any form of religion bases on the conviction that man is an inferior being and has to be improved.
Therefore, depending on the direction, many different skills have offered to make a human more divine, holy, better, purer, conscious, and so on. Man leans on this path, with the intention of becoming light, and takes a lot for it. This path offers him a wealth of experiences. Also some unhealthy, honestly.
You are already divine and therefore light. This is your actual identity (as are all other beings, by the way). This identity is and you cannot and do not have to improve it. How could you? Rather, the point is that you become aware of yourself again. Recognize who you really are. At the same time, also grasp that every being learns by means of experiences and in any experience lies what you seem to be looking for: further development. You often value these experiences.
Yes, sometimes even tend to take each other off.
Especially the difficult ones and by doing so, inflict lasting damage on the other. Because, it is his experience and thus his - potential - wealth. A way to experience himself in this situation and to have a variety of learning experiences. The task of assuming full responsibility: for this one situation, but also for his life, for example.
People often impose themselves in all kinds of mental explanatory patterns. Especially when it comes to assuming full responsibility for a particular situation. They feel incapable because.
Guilty, because. The others are responsible for this, and so on, and not infrequently fall into one of the currently still diverse safety nets and give other people responsibility for solving their own challenge. Human society builds a bit on this mechanism. A mechanism based on the principle of alleged charity. In fact, however, not infrequently refusing to take on one's own responsibility, and ultimately leading to one or the other form of abuse. Therefore, it is time for this mechanism to dissolve and for every human being, to take full responsibility for his own life.
Religions have done much to split the subtle and the material levels and many a fear and several untruths about the subtle world, carries its roots in the religions. Most people have been in many ways in contact with religions throughout their lives here on earth. Yes, many were even dignitaries or in one or another religious position of authority in one of their lives. Therefore, most people, the realities shaped by religions, still sit in the cells and thus unconsciously shape them. If it feels right for you, allow these realities to release from your holistic system.
Many religions carry the conviction that man is the crown of creation and this basic attitude sits most people in the cells (albeit usually unconsciously) as well and often lets them forget that they too - merely - are part of a whole.
If you like: Allow your perception to expand.
Increasingly notice the many other creatures that are also on this planet. Be aware of how the plants and animals feel around you. Sit down with them for a moment and feel if they are well and happy. Here, at and with you. Neither plants nor animals are on this planet to serve man.
They are independent beings who are just as entitled to a fully happy life as you are. Only, how can they do that? With a man who is exploiting the earth: himself, other people, animals and plants?
Many people dream of a better world. At the same time, they overlook the fact that it is convenient for them to create them. With the complete renunciation of eating other living beings, for example and the related realization that this allows far more health than the so-called professionals propagated eating behavior.
With the reluctance to avoid any products that harm the environment in any way. Also with the renunciation to keep plants as decorative objects and dispose of them, if they no longer please.
Not to mention what people do with animals.
Please take a moment - now - to reflect on your actions, dealing with this planet and everything that lives here. Let it show you from your inner divine self, where you can and should adjust your behavior. With the goal to take care of everything, and to make your own contribution to the peace and well-being of the Earth and thus, ultimately your own.
You carry a variety of thought patterns in you, without being aware of them. Yet, they all shape you and your life.
If you like: Allow them to show themselves and then dissolve. Your life is extremely small and tight, within these patterns of thinking. Yet, they make you miss the great wealth and variety that are, too. A wealth that you can only recognize when you detach yourself from all these patterns and beliefs and allow to be free and open and thus outside any frame. Yet, for that, you first have to break away from the old and the familiar. And if you want to have curious and appreciative contact with subtle beings, in the whole system, as a rule, fears and horror stories concerning the "spiritual level" will be solved and show themselves to you. Be aware that there are old, historically and socially influenced, unconscious remains in you that are now dissolving. So let them pass by in your mind and evaporate. If old dissolves, it first have to show up again. One of the laws of the current transformation in which planet Earth (and thus its inhabitants) are located.
Even the esoteric (honestly, it does not exist A esotericism) has developed its very own reality of phenomena. This also, has a significant impact. With a frame of thought that also does not correspond to the truth. Their representatives have mostly acted in the best of their knowledge and belief, but have not understood that energy-based laws cannot have grasped from the point of view of the material-based frame of thought and if this is attempted, something arises that only relatively corresponds to the truth.
This is one of the reasons, why so-called "channeled" messages should have read with caution. After all, it always the human receiver who, within his own frame of thought and thus his own world of experiences, formulates what is in him with the words at his disposal.
Yet, even if the writer has a high level of consciousness and therefore a high frequency of vibration and purity, there is always a part of him or her in the writing. It does not work any other way. This is not right, nor wrong, just important to be aware of it.
Moreover, messages from beings who have never lived in the material-based dimension relates to this very fact, never have lived on the planet Earth. Never felt the diverse emotions and never experienced the law of duality, for example. Even if these actions are well meant and planned for a long time, it may compare with it, as if a nurse at a children's clinic was mute watching a CEO of an international industrial company for two years. Afterwards, send him helpful messages. Some may well support him by inspiring him to rethink certain processes. However, much will not serve him, because the nurse does not really know his world of experiences. Thus, her observation ultimately came out of their own world of experience.
In the conceptual framework of esotericism, beings from other dimensions and thus their worlds of experience have sometimes rated as more highly developed, which considers these beings capable and authorized to give advice. For situations that they have honestly never experienced themselves.