Becoming a Master - Edelmann Susanne - E-Book

Becoming a Master E-Book

Edelmann Susanne



You have walked courageously and persistently and have now adapted to the new conditions in the land of the new era. However, you will have confronted repeatedly with new challenges and we would like to talk about them in this book. Your frequency has increased again and this allows you new skills and abilities. Therefore, we also talk about them. May this book be a helpful companion for you.

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Seitenzahl: 122

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2019

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Take the new land


The conscious use of energy

At home

Relationships in the new time

6.1 Love in the new time


Other new skills

Power in the new time

The light-based body

1. Introduction

You have walked courageously and perseveringly and have now adapted to the new conditions in the land of the new era.

However, you will have confronted repeatedly with new challenges and we would like to talk about them in this book. There are now repeated energy shifts: in you and in your environment.

This leads on the one hand to the fact that your everyday life and your environment is changing systematically and thus, adapting to your actual and deep needs. You feel that you cannot actively intervene. In addition, you mostly focus the loss, the fall away and this will sometimes make you fall in deep sadness. You have experienced letting go a thousand times over the last few months and years, and this leads you sometimes into a kind of resigned sadness trance. You are clearly aware of the void around you, meanwhile. Occasionally you recognize new aspects and that, which has come into your life so far, has indeed enriched you, yet sometimes still feels a bit strange and unfamiliar. You have not arrived yet and do not feel completely at home, in the new time. No wonder, there is still much new and unfamiliar. In addition, you also feel repeatedly alone on your sometimes very lonely way. Therefore, this book, and with it, us too, wants to be your helpful companion.

Written and emotional. We are with you. Here and now. Let us hug you with our love. Accept 'our being with you'. Allow yourself, in principle, to accept all that will have given and done to you.

You are still going through very big challenges and this requires sufficient attention: by beings in the outside, but also by yourself. You still need repeated breaks and times for yourself, in which you stabilize yourself again and at the same time, implement the results of the big energy shifts, which take place almost daily. Because, of course, these not only lead to many things leaving you, it also changes your very practical everyday life significantly and this needs ongoing adaption. Yet, what may read banal is in real life a big challenge. We are very aware of this.

The new shifts to you. Yet, much of it can in your current here and now only perceived energy-based. In the form of inner knowledge or you can feel the energy of the new one clearly and this lets you know, as well. At the same time, however, it is not yet materially available.

Something that is not always easy to bear. Meanwhile, you can fully trust your energy-based perception. What you can perceive energy-based, will manifest in that moment, you are able to bear it. A bit an unusual wording, we know. Yet, you will remember, when the new meets you. It is so beautiful, so wide, bright and so rich that you hardly can bear it.

The current challenges, however, will not make up the bulk of this book. Because, once you have arrived in the new era, you now have a variety of new skills available. Therefore, we also want to introduce you to these new abilities. However, the most important part of all four volumes to date is their energy-based content. That, which you cannot read in words, but below - energy-based - has deposited. Energies, which are interwove in many ways into these lines and thus, support your own divine self to serve you to your highest and best. It was like this in the last three volumes. It will be the same in this volume. The book may hug and envelop you, with its - soothing and supportive - energy.

You have done a lot, in the last few years.

Sometimes, we stand next to you, shaking our heads slightly irritated: how little aware you are of your top performance. How much you still push forward in the mistaken assumption that you have this or that still to do. You. Great creature. You have done incredible things. Please be aware of that, at least something, more aware. It does not require pushing on, now. It rather requires your awareness of your current now. Arrived in the new time. A completely different reality. One that needs time, space and leisure to explore and experience in depth.

Please lean back and enjoy! Discover the many new things with joy. Amazed, how quickly you did find your way. Enjoying the new abilities who meet you now, almost every day. Use them with great pleasure. They all are for your personal best. Realize how you are immense blessed. Here and now. In this one moment. Simply by being in your high and pure vibration frequency. Just be and enjoy. You do not have to do anything. Your divine self constantly leads you now to and in those tasks in which you can work for the benefit of others. Although, you are honestly, currently be led in situations that do you good and serve you. You. Just for your personal best. For your comprehensive benefit. Unfamiliar. We know. At the same time, this will be part of your future. A big and important, notable. So get used to it and, of course, consciously enjoy it and accept it as the present and future natural part of your life here on this planet.

Yet, it is not quiet in you. Instead of enjoying your now with all the beauty and value, you are repeatedly worried about your future. A future that will not happen the way your human mind presents it to you. What you actually know, if you are honest with yourself. However, your human mind cannot grasp the current, but not the future and that makes it (and thus your entire system) repeatedly massively restless.

We have asked some of our long-standing confidants to support us in this book and they gladly accepted our request. Therefore, you will find some exercises, which lead you to places that will help you to have your new task integrated in your holistic system in a way that it can also grasp your human mind. You urgently need this, so that you can come back to holistic peace and you do grasp and thus, deeply know that you will have now and in your future, enough finance. Because the topic of money is one of the main aspects that currently occupies your human mind. This also causes you to try repeatedly generating money. For your future.

As safety. Your human mind sometimes downrightly attaches to this thought.

Yet, you live now in the new time and thus, you connect constantly to the energy-based flow of money. In fact, you stand in the middle of the energy-based Money-flow, and thus generating money is no longer part of your job. At any time, in your here and now, you have more than enough cash for whatever you need. You really do not have to work for money anymore.

Still, you cling tightly to that thought like a terrier who has stuck in an old shoe. Therefore, we encourage you to let go of this old thing. It does not serve you anymore and will dissolve as soon as you make a conscious choice. You now get continually introducing to the new era. Day and night. Your own divine self teaches and leads you. In the best way for you.

At the same time, in front of you, personally, is an important and immeasurably valuable task. A task, which not only affects this planet but also touches the universe, its planetary systems and its inhabitants. A part of you suspects, resp. knows this. Thus, you currently also get equipment for this very special task by your divine self. For example, you meet the topic of power once more, or you suddenly have personal contact with a very influential person, gaining access to ancient knowledge and new, very unfamiliar abilities. This happens in a very intense way, while apparently little happens in your material based life. Therefore, we invite you to be aware of what is happening still intense in you and your life and with it your immeasurable achievement, worthy of appreciation.

We also want to point out that your body is now in a light-based state in the final stages of the transformation. Something, you have been experiencing night after night for weeks with severe pain and extremely unpleasant body sensations. Request for relief and we try to take as much as possible. We are not quite there where we would like to be. However, we will still be able to facilitate with our energy-based support.

What we already know about self-empowerment within the transitional process into the fifth dimension, we would like to share with you:

Moderate physical exercises (in the sense of stretching and supporting the flow of energy) have a soothing effect.

Drink enough, very, very much rest and to stay in nature.

The complete abandonment of any form of chemical agents and / or remedies. On this point, please be in good exchange with your divine self and if you need some medicine (yet), please take it as well. Trust your inner knowledge.

Vegan diet, which contains an increasing relinquishment to eat plants.

Working with high-frequency stones (crystals) helps. But also a conscious connection with the energy of Atlantis.

In principle: Let yourself guide by your divine self and please accept any form of outside support.

“We” that is in this book;

Susanne Edelmann, human embodiment of Lady Nayla Og-Min. Self-reincarnated Master, self-empowerment teacher, mentor, and author.

Lady Nayla Og-Min, Ascended Master, currently embodied as Susanne Edelmann. Teacher of wisdom and self-empowerment.

Adamus St. Germain, Ascended Master and current teacher of many people. Especially in the field of becoming conscious.

Lord Kuthumi, Ascended Master and teacher of wisdom. He too, a teacher of many people.

Lady Rowena, Ascended Master and teacher of love.

Archangel Michael

Helpful for many people and a member of the Supreme Council of Angelic Beings.


Divine Light Being, once Ascended Master, now ascended to the ninth dimension and usually lingering there.

May this book serve you!

Susanne Edelman / Lady Nayla Og-Min, Adamus St. Germain, Lord Kuthumi, Lady Rowena, Archangel Michael, Hilarion

2. Take the new land

When you are attentive and aware, you will recognize the differences between energy-based reality and material-based reality. Essentially, they differ in that materially based reality assumes that reality arises through conscious action in the exterior. This within a clearly limited framework, including duality and the law of linear time perception.

The energy-based reality realized beyond limitation, linear time and duality, by means of (inner) intention. Here, you are sitting quietly. In harmony with yourself. Then, let arise out of your heart. It arises according to your inner attitude and your conscious intention. It is thus, on the one hand, your fundamental frequency that shapes your life and, on the other hand, the intention of your Consciousness that creates.

When you enter materially based reality, you subject yourself to limitations and transience, which automatically affects your feelings, thoughts, and accomplishments. Your worldview, your self-image, your possibilities and abilities are all limited and transient. Truth is, viewed from the outside, within the material-based habitat thus only truth as long as it can have perceived within this reality. Outside this reality, there are clearly different laws, which in turn, also makes it possible to be significantly different and thus, differentiate the truth.

The more you research and grasp the energy-based laws, the more you begin living between two very different realities. Something that will challenge you. The energy-based reality cannot have perceived or understood within the material-based reality.

You will now encounter a transitional phase in which you repeatedly tiptoe inward from the energy-based reality and thus, back to the very materially based reality you are familiar. A reality in which the hitherto clear, effortless and simple suddenly seems anything but clear and lets you doubt massively, of your previous inner perceptions. It helps you, once you understand that it is this unconscious tossing and tipping, which gives you a lot of trouble in these situations. Internally and externally. In addition, be aware that this is just a transitional phenomenon, which challenges you to find your own good dealings with the two realities. If you are aware of this, you will be able to recognize it earlier in the situations and thus be able to handle it better.

Energy-based reality cannot understand within materially based reality. Not even of yourself. If you are thus exclusively within the material-based reality, you will find that just completely logical, strangely confused and let you doubt yourself. Alone in that you yourself - unconsciously, as a rule - have changed the habitat. Therefore, this phase requires a very conscious mindfulness on your part and thus a conscious, as early as possible, recognition, when you change the habitat yourself. Pay attention, especially in the near future, to what changes specifically when you change the dimension. You will find your very own parameters.

In support of this, however, we would like to list some features here:

In material-based reality, data and clearly demonstrable facts (number of customers, financial revenue, and statistics) measure the success of a project.

In energy-based reality, on the other hand, a project sometimes grows over a longer period without being detectable in the outside world. You can nothing see of this energy-based growing in the material-based habitat, what causes then, that people perceive the project as "dead" or failing. However, if you stay in the energy-based reality and sometimes consciously immerse yourself in the energy of the project, you will be astonished to find it highly alive, steadily growing and becoming stronger. Yet, if you have the wisdom to trust and let happen (without destroying yourself), the project will realize suddenly, out of nowhere, at the perfect time, powerfully.

In materially based reality, define numbers and facts. In energy-based reality, the quality and potential of each energy.

If you step with your high fundamental frequency in a highly controversial setting, while keeping aware of the vibration of peace in you stable. The setting arranges, almost magically, and adapts to your fundamental frequency (of peace).