Sex Toy To Her Foster Daddy: Extreme Taboo Erotica - Emily Boyle - E-Book

Sex Toy To Her Foster Daddy: Extreme Taboo Erotica E-Book

Emily Boyle

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.

It had been a lonely world for Stacy Turner since her rich parents bad died in a plane crash over Zaire while on safari. She had been passed from relative to relative. No one wanted her.
She was a very pretty eighteen year old with coal black hair and deep brown eyes.
She spent the first three weeks being an orphan with her Aunt Betty and her Uncle Ken who were cruel to her, not allowing her to leave the house alone and forcing her to take her meals in her attic room instead of joining the rest of the family.
When that didn't work out, she had been sent to live with her drunken Uncle Frank who made her do housework for eighteen hours a day and tried to force her into his bed each night.
But she managed to keep her precious cherry intact.
Uncle Frank was always very drunk so Stacy had been able to fight him off each time he made one of his vile advances.

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Sex Toy To Her Foster Daddy

Emily Boyle

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 1

She was a very pretty eighteen year old with coal black hair and deep brown eyes.

She spent the first three weeks being an orphan with her Aunt Betty and her Uncle Ken who were cruel to her, not allowing her to leave the house alone and forcing her to take her meals in her attic room instead of joining the rest of the family.

When that didn't work out, she had been sent to live with her drunken Uncle Frank who made her do housework for eighteen hours a day and tried to force her into his bed each night.

But she managed to keep her precious cherry intact.

Uncle Frank was always very drunk so Stacy had been able to fight him off each time he made one of his vile advances.

It was at this time that a friend of her father's, the award winning poet, Sir Paullis Cockerham, caught wind of her dilemma, and offered Uncle Frank a thousand dollars for the right to be Stacy's legal guardian. Sir Paullis was originally from London, where he had been knighted. He had relocated in America, in a mansion on the Hudson River, in Westchester County, in New York State.

Stacy had met Sir Paullis twice. Once while visiting Europe with her parents, and then again on a visit with her parents to the Cockerham estate in America. She remembered him as a charming and handsome man so when her Uncle Frank told her she would be going with him to live, she jumped at the idea and immediately began packing her bags.

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