The Neighbor's Brat: Taboo Erotica - Emily Boyle - E-Book

The Neighbor's Brat: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Emily Boyle

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


Brad Kirkwood, Frank and Nora's teenage son, was sitting in the morning sun on Cindy Reynolds' patio. Cindy was a beautiful girl with long blonde hair who lived alone with her widowed mother, Margaret Reynolds. Brad, who had been going steady with Cindy for about six months, had come over to help them decorate the patio and garden for a party Mrs. Reynolds was giving that evening in honor of the Dentons, a new couple that had recently moved into the neighborhood. Brad was settled comfortably in a lounge chair wearing only a pair of cutoff denims that exposed his tan, muscular body. Cindy was sitting on the ground beside him with her hand draped casually across his legs. As Margaret Reynolds discussed the decorating plans, she couldn't help but admire the couple with their deeply tanned bodies, but the exciting contrast was Brad's wavy dark hair and soft brown eyes against Cindy's deep-blue eyes and long blonde hair. They were a beautiful, healthy couple. Margaret liked the boy very much and enjoyed his company. Brad had spent most of his free time around her home since he had started going with her daughter. Noticing Cindy's nipples pressing so saucily out against the soft material of her low-cut halter, she wondered if perhaps Cindy might dress a too boldly. For some unknown reason, she wondered if Brad ever fooled around with her daughter's firm round tits. Her mind raced on to the thought that they possibly had fucked, and a wicked tingle whispered through her cunt as she momentarily pictured the couple locked together in a passionate screw.

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The Neighbor's Brat

Emily Boyle

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 1

When he finished shaving, Frank walked slowly down the hall to their bedroom. His massive cock gave another lurch as he stood by the bed and watching his lovely sleeping wife.

With an uncontrollable urge, he crawled into bed and drew her deliciously rounded ass against his burning, throbbing cock. Reaching under her gown, he slipped his hand up between her warm thighs until his fingers found her soft curling pussy hairs. Half-asleep, Nora pushed her ass harder against his trembling cock while his fingers probed gently into her sensitive cuntlips. Fully awake now, she slowly turned over, offering her soft parted lips for his morning kiss.

"What's this?" she smiled as she reached down and touched the iron-hard prickshaft that was pushing against her body.

"This object, my darling," he whispered, "is my beautiful steaming cock that I'm about to deposit up that gorgeous pussy of yours."

"But, Frank, you're playing golf this morning."

"That can wait. I'm going to screw my beautiful wife this morning."

"Frank, we can't. I've got so many things to do. I should have been up hours ago."

Without answering, he took her hand and placed her fingers around his blood-engorged dong. When Nora's limp hand made no attempt to fondle his tool, he took her wrist and slowly slid her fingers up and down his throbbing cockshaft.

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