Sisters And Wives: Taboo Erotica - Warren Tanner - E-Book

Sisters And Wives: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Warren Tanner

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


Bull's tongue was poised like a pink snake head above Cindy's clit, and, when he got the feeling she was a little too interested in what his twin brother, Peter "Taco" Torres, was saying, he licked into her clit with savage revenge. The slow, conquering smile of a toreador came to his lips as her hips squirmed and her legs locked about his head. He could no longer hear if she was even talking. But what the hell did he want to hear for, anyway? Ole!
What the hell could Taco want, Bull wondered as he sucked the pink stud of Cindy's clit deeply into his mouth and nibbled it with his tongue.
"I don't even know what time it is," Cindy said into the phone with a growing impatient heat. Her face wore a pleasured frown as her head rolled from side to side in response to Bull's tonguing. Taco wanted to know how long it would be before Cindy and Bull could come over, and she was finding it difficult to concentrate.
"Listen, Taco," her breath was coming heavier by the moment, "can't talk now; we'll be over soon. Good-bye." She hung the phone in its cradle quickly and heaved a sigh.

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Sisters And Wives

Warren Tanner

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 1

"Who is it?" Bull asked when Cindy picked it up.

Paul "Bull" Torres was eating his beautiful wife's pussy at the time and he did not like being disturbed. His voice was gruff with the question and he thought to himself, Must be the devil to call at a time like this!

Bull's brown eyes were raised just above the level of Cindy's silky abdomen; he could feel the length of his meat throbbing against his leg and the glands aching to be rubbed.

"It's Taco," Cindy mouthed her whispered words and resumed listening to the voice on the other end of the line.

Bull's tongue was poised like a pink snake head above Cindy's clit, and, when he got the feeling she was a little too interested in what his twin brother, Peter "Taco" Torres, was saying, he licked into her clit with savage revenge. The slow, conquering smile of a toreador came to his lips as her hips squirmed and her legs locked about his head. He could no longer hear if she was even talking. But what the hell did he want to hear for, anyway? Ole!

What the hell could Taco want, Bull wondered as he sucked the pink stud of Cindy's clit deeply into his mouth and nibbled it with his tongue.

"I don't even know what time it is," Cindy said into the phone with a growing impatient heat. Her face wore a pleasured frown as her head rolled from side to side in response to Bull's tonguing. Taco wanted to know how long it would be before Cindy and Bull could come over, and she was finding it difficult to concentrate.

"Listen, Taco," her breath was coming heavier by the moment, "can't talk now; we'll be over soon. Good-bye." She hung the phone in its cradle quickly and heaved a sigh.

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