SkyWorld #1: The Sky Pirates - Christian Guldager - E-Book

SkyWorld #1: The Sky Pirates E-Book

Christian Guldager

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Sirius is no hero. He is just a 13-year old kid trying to survive his job as live bait aboard the flying fishing vessel, the Limp Mackerel. But everything changes the day he meets the Sky Pirates. Suddenly, Sirius is thrown into a violent battle against a royal ship carrying a mighty secret. Sirius must fight for his life as well as for those of his fellow pirates, if he does not want his first adventure to be his last. SkyWorld is an epic science-fiction tale about flying monster fish, friendship and the hero inside us all. Christian Guldager was born 1979, in Herlev, Denmark. He was educated as a multimedia designer, and he is a self-taught artist. In the past, he has worked on computer games, and he is currently working full time as an illustrator. In his spare time, he writes books. SkyWorld: The Sky Pirates is his first novel. Read more at

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Seitenzahl: 47

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Chapter 1

The Killer Fish

Sirius held tightly to his hover board, as he gazed nervously through the clouds. He was cold, because he had been on watch for hours. The clouds were dense, and every time he drifted through one, his clothes and face got soaked.

He was up high. Exactly how high, he did not know, because the clouds were covering the ground below him.

He hated all of this, but he had no choice; slaves had no say in the matter whatsoever.

A sudden sound caught his attention: the sound of a young child crying. Sirius felt the hairs on his arms stand up. It was the sound of a Gatta-fish luring in its prey.

Fish … How he hated fish … especially ones with big teeth that ate people for breakfast.

Sirius reached into his pocket and grabbed a small, metal cylinder. His hand trembled, as he pressed the two buttons, making a green mist appear from within the cylinder. If a Gatta was nearby, it would not be able to resist this smell.

Everything was quiet, dead calm.

Then, from out of the clouds right in front of him, a gigantic mouth filled with sharp teeth appeared. Big and massive like a steam train, the Gatta lunged at Sirius.

He quickly stuffed the cylinder back into his pocket and stomped his foot hard on the hover board’s accelerator. The board started up with a coughing jump that almost made him fall off.

He turned around and sped off, the jaws of the giant fish slamming loudly behind him.

“How I really hate fish,” he muttered.

The Gatta-fish was huge. Bigger than any other flying fish that Sirius had ever seen. And it was right behind him. He could hear it, flapping its wings and once again crying out like a child. It was a terrifying sound.

Sirius looked around, desperately searching for the red light on the airborne fishing ship, the Limp Mackerel. Behind him, the jaws of the Gatta snapped again. He shrieked and leaned over. He had to find the other fishermen soon, or he would be finished!

Sirius turned left abruptly. Gattas were slow to change direction, so this little maneuver gave him a good lead.

Out of the corner of his eye, he finally spotted the red light, and he immediately raced toward it.

“Where is that cursed kid?” Captain Morell growled, peering over the railing to see, if he could spot Sirius.

Morell was by no means a pleasant man. He was short and fat, with gray stubble and the constant and nasty stench of fish. He chewed impatiently on the disgusting cigar stump that was always in the corner of his mouth.

“We have been waiting all morning,” the captain sneered. “The kid can’t do anything right!”

Just then he spotted the black smoke of a hover board.

Morell’s face split in a grin, then he yelled out: “Right! Here we go, lads! Ready those harpoons!”

The crew scrambled frantically, making ready to catch the Gatta.

Sirius was close to panicking. The Gatta-fish was gaining on him, and he was not entirely sure whether he would make it to the Limp Mackerel in time. If the fish caught him, it would swallow him whole!

The ship was right in front of him now, just a little further. He would make it in less than half a minute. Sirius stepped even harder on the accelerator, though he knew the board was already moving at its top speed.

Just a bit further, he thought. “Come on … Come on …!”

Morell rubbed his hands together, as he watched Sirius, but the minute he spotted the Gatta-fish, his face turned white. The stumpy cigar rolled onto the deck from his mouth, which was now wide open in terror.

Morell shook his head. He could not believe his own eyes. This Gatta-fish was HUGE! Way too big for their tiny fishing vessel.

He started jumping up and down, waving his arms frantically, screaming: “NO! NO! NO! FLY AWAY! IT’S TOO BIG!” The rest of the crew joined in, jumping up and down, waving their arms and yelling.

Sirius could see Morell and the others jumping. They looked like corks bobbing on the surface of a lake.

Wow! They’re cheering for me! Sirius thought, smiling. They never do that!“

Oh, that idiot! He can’t hear us, that stupid brat!” Morell yelled and turned toward his men. “Fire everything we have at that demon fish, or we’re done for!”

The crew quickly loaded the laser canons and aimed them at the monster fish.

“FIRE!” cried Morell.

The blood-red laser beams cut through the gray thunder clouds on their way toward their target. One of them whistled closely past Sirius’s head.

“Hey! Watch it!” he cried out, reaching his hand up to his hair to make sure nothing had been seared off.

Sirius was now very close to the Mackerel, and he prepared to dive under it at the very last minute. He looked up, grinning at the crew. Then time stopped, and as if in slow motion, he saw Morell looking down at him.


“Wha—what?” Caught completely by surprise, Sirius forgot what he was doing, and he slammed head first into the ship.

The hover board snapped in two and fell into the abyss below. The wind had been knocked out of him, and his entire body hurt from the impact. But he had just barely been able to grab hold of the frame of a porthole, and he was now clinging on by his fingertips.