Slim through therapeutic fasting - Owen Gibson - E-Book

Slim through therapeutic fasting E-Book

Owen Gibson



Discover the power of fasting - your key to a lighter, healthier you! In a world where diets and food trends come and go, fasting offers a timeless, simple way to not only lose weight, but to keep it off for good. This book takes you on an inspiring journey that shows how short-term fasting can change your life, paving the way to a slimmer body while boosting your health in a variety of ways. Many people have found that it is easier to give up food completely for a short period of time than to constantly eat in small quantities, count calories or follow complicated recipes. This is exactly where our guide comes in: It sheds light on why fasting is not only an effective strategy for losing weight, but also how it deeply cleanses and regenerates your body. Through practical tips and sound science, it reveals how fasting stimulates autophagy - your body's natural cleansing process that rejuvenates cells and reduces the risk of disease. From improving metabolic health to increasing mental clarity and extending lifespan, the benefits of fasting go far beyond weight loss. With this book, you'll get a comprehensive guide that not only shows you how to fast successfully and reach your desired weight, but also how to maintain it long-term without constantly feeling restricted. Join us on this enlightening journey through the world of fasting. Discover how you can not only lose weight with this simple but powerful method, but also make a major contribution to your health. Take the first step towards a lighter, healthier life - because sometimes less really is more.

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This book is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical or health advice. The information and advice contained herein is not a substitute for professional evaluation and treatment by a qualified health care provider. Any attempt to implement the concepts, ideas and techniques described herein is at the reader's own risk.

The author and the publisher have made every effort to ensure that all information in the book is correct and up to date at the time of publication, but accept no liability for any inaccuracies or omissions. Neither the author nor the publisher shall be liable for any personal injury or loss arising directly or indirectly from the use of the information contained in the book.

It is strongly recommended that readers seek expert medical advice before making any changes to their diet, lifestyle or health treatments. This applies in particular to people with existing health conditions, pregnant women, nursing mothers and people taking medication.

By reading this book and implementing the information it contains, you accept that you are fully responsible for your own health and well-being. The author and the publisher accept no responsibility for any negative consequences resulting from the application of the information contained in this book.

Table of contents


Personal introduction and motivation

Objective of the book

Chapter 1: Basics of therapeutic fasting

What is therapeutic fasting?

Historical view of fasting

Different types of fasting:

Intermittent fasting

Longer fasting cures

Therapeutic fasting according to Buchinger

Water fasting

Scientific basics: How does fasting work in the body?

Chapter 2: Health benefits of therapeutic fasting

Improving physical health

Introduction to the benefits for physical health

Detoxification and cleansing

Improving heart health

Strengthening the immune system

Reduction of inflammation

Improvement of insulin sensitivity and diabetes prevention

Promotes weight loss and body fat reduction

Improving brain health and cognitive function

Slowing down the ageing process

Improving skin health

Increase in physical performance

Conclusion and motivation

Autophagy: What is it and what role does it play?

The discovery of autophagy

How does autophagy work?

The role of autophagy in fasting

Health benefits of autophagy

Autophagy: A balancing act

How to safely promote autophagy


Psychological and emotional benefits

The freedom of not eating

The disappearance of the feeling of hunger

Emotional cleansing and self-reflection

Strengthening mental discipline

Improving mood and reducing stress

Renewing the relationship with food

Promotion of deep sleep

Increasing creativity and problem-solving skills

Improved emotional resilience

Deepening spiritual experiences

Concluding thoughts

Long-term effects of therapeutic fasting

Rejuvenation at cellular level

Strengthening the immune system

Improving metabolic health

Prevention of neurodegenerative diseases

Promotion of mental health

Sustainable eating habits

Long-term weight control

Reducing the risk of chronic diseases

Improving the quality of life

Improved digestive health

Promoting autonomy over one's own health

Closing thoughts

Chapter 3: Therapeutic fasting for weight loss

Personal challenges when changing your diet

The difficult path to changing your diet

Therapeutic fasting as an alternative

The psychology of fasting

Long-term benefits of fasting

The challenge of discipline

Dealing with social pressure and habits

Self-awareness and self-acceptance

Integration into everyday life

Listen to your own intuition

Long-term perspective


My experience with weight loss through therapeutic fasting

The beginning of the journey

The psychological effect of losing weight quickly

Discipline after fasting

The long-term effects

The challenges


Comparison: Therapeutic fasting vs. traditional diets

The dilemma of traditional diets

Liberation through therapeutic fasting

The psychological effect

Long-term effects and sustainability

The importance of individual customization

The role of guidance and support

Integration into everyday life

Health benefits beyond weight


Chapter 4: Practical guide to therapeutic fasting

Preparing for fasting: physical and mental attunement

The unconventional approach

Physical attunement

Mental preparation

When things are going well

Step-by-step instructions: Intermittent fasting and longer fasting cures

Intermittent fasting: the flexible way

Longer fasting cures: a deeper immersion

Tips for starting and ending fasting

Tips for a successful start to fasting

Tips for the end of fasting

Dealing with challenges and obstacles

Recognizing the mental challenges

Mastering physical challenges

Adapt the fasting process

Chapter 5: Nutrition and fasting

The role of nutrition in fasting and weight maintenance

The importance of nutrition during fasting

The role of nutrition in weight maintenance

Practical tips for effective nutrition during fasting

Recommendations for the days before and after fasting

Days before fasting: gentle preparation

Days after fasting: the mindful breaking of the fast

Long-term nutrition strategies


How to avoid falling back into old habits

Develop an understanding for relapses

Set clear goals

Design environment

Practicing mindful eating

Rethink routines and habits

Practicing self-compassion

Small steps count

Maintain flexibility

Learn from relapses

Seeking support

Regular self-care


Chapter 6: My path with therapeutic fasting

The integration of spontaneous fasting into everyday life

The beginning of a fasting journey

The decision for spontaneous fasting

The flexibility of spontaneous fasting

The challenges and how to overcome them

The role of self-care

The rewards of spontaneous fasting

Sharing the experience

Long-term strategies for weight maintenance and health

Raising nutritional awareness

Integrate regular exercise

Mindfulness and stress management

Social support and community

Continuous self-reflection and adaptation

Education as a continuous process

The role of therapeutic fasting in long-term healthcare


Personal success story and key moments

Freedom in the void

Short and sweet: The strategy of short fasting

The first steps and immediate results

Long-term transformation

The realization of balance

Chapter 7: Frequently asked questions and misunderstandings about fasting

Clarification of myths and misinformation

Myth 1: Fasting means starvation

Myth 2: Fasting leads to massive muscle loss

Myth 3: Fasting slows down the metabolism

Myth 4: Fasting is suitable for everyone

Myth 5: You shouldn't eat anything when fasting

Myth 6: Fasting is the best way to lose weight quickly

Answers to frequently asked questions

What is fasting actually?

Can fasting help you lose weight?

Is fasting suitable for everyone?

Can you do sport while fasting?

How does fasting affect the metabolism?

Does fasting lead to muscle loss?

What should you eat after a fasting period?

Can fasting strengthen the immune system?

How often should you fast?

How do you start fasting?

Are drinks allowed during fasting?

What is the right way to end a fasting period?

What are the long-term benefits of fasting?


Chapter 8: The autophagy effect in detail

Scientific findings on autophagy

What is autophagy?

The discovery and research of autophagy

The role of autophagy in the body

Autophagy and fasting

Autophagy and diseases

The future of autophagy research

The importance of autophagy for health and longevity

What is autophagy?

The discovery and research of autophagy

The importance of autophagy for health

How can autophagy be promoted?

The role of autophagy in disease prevention

Autophagy and the immune system

Challenges and future research

How fasting promotes autophagy

The science behind autophagy and fasting

How fasting activates autophagy

The benefits of fasting-induced autophagy

Practical tips for fasting and autophagy


Closing words

Summary of the key messages

The journey of discovery of therapeutic fasting

The diversity of fasting

The science behind fasting

Fasting in everyday life

The role of nutrition

Overcoming challenges

Final thoughts

Motivation and encouragement for the reader

The power of decision

The journey is the destination

Small steps, big changes

The importance of support

Nourish your body and your mind

Stay curious


Dear readers,

Welcome to my guidebook "Slimming through therapeutic fasting: lose weight easily and live healthier for longer". I am delighted that you have chosen this book and would like to take you on an exciting journey to a healthier lifestyle.

In this foreword, I would like to give you a personal introduction and explain why I decided to write this book. I would also like to give you an insight into the purpose of this book so that you know exactly what to expect.

I have been fascinated by the topic of therapeutic fasting for many years and have experienced for myself how it has positively influenced my life. For this reason, I would like to share my knowledge and experience with you so that you too can benefit from the many advantages of therapeutic fasting.

In the following chapters you will learn everything you need to know about the basics of therapeutic fasting, the health benefits and practical guidance on how to successfully integrate therapeutic fasting into your everyday life. I will use a friendly and motivational style to inspire and encourage you to find your own way to a healthier and slimmer life.

I hope you enjoy reading it and, above all, wish you every success on your journey to a new lifestyle!

Personal introduction and motivation

I am delighted that you have found your way to my guidebook "Slimming through therapeutic fasting: lose weight easily and stay healthy for longer". Before we dive into the world of therapeutic fasting together, I would like to tell you my own story and explain what motivated me to write this book.

For many years I struggled with my weight. I tried countless diets, from the latest trend diets to the classic calorie counters, and nothing really seemed to work. The kilos stubbornly stuck to me and my frustration grew with every failed diet.

Perhaps you know this feeling all too well - the feeling that nothing works, no matter how hard you try. I remember how I felt when I stood on the scales for the second time and saw the same weight as before. It was disheartening and frustrating at the same time.

But then I came across therapeutic fasting. I was skeptical at first. How could it be that I had tried in vain to lose weight for years, and now suddenly fasting was supposed to be the solution? But I was willing to try anything, so I decided to give therapeutic fasting a chance - and it changed my life.

Therapeutic fasting was like a liberation for me. I had finally found a method that not only allowed me to lose weight, but also to improve my health. And the best thing about it was that I was able to keep the weight off without having to constantly restrict myself.

I can't tell you how liberating it was to have finally found a solution that worked. After all those years of failure, it felt like I'd finally found the right path - and I want to help you do the same.

That's why I wrote this book - to show you that it is possible to lose weight and stay healthy at the same time. I would like to share my experiences and insights with you so that you too can experience the benefits of therapeutic fasting.

So, be ready to step out of your comfort zone and embark on a journey to a healthier and happier life. I promise it will be a journey full of experiences, challenges and above all successes - and I will help you to master every step of the way.

Objective of the book

My main aim is to show you how you can lose weight quickly and easily without feeling hungry all the time and how you can easily maintain your new body weight by occasionally fasting again.

I know from my own experience how frustrating it can be to struggle through a diet, only to realize at the end that the weight you have painstakingly lost comes back just as quickly as soon as you start eating normally again. This is not only discouraging, but can also cause you to lose faith in yourself and the motivation to change anything at all.

But I want to reassure you that there is another way - a way that will not only help you lose weight, but also allow you to maintain your new weight permanently without constantly counting calories or cutting out certain foods.

This way is therapeutic fasting.

Therapeutic fasting offers a holistic and sustainable solution to the problem of being overweight. By abstaining from solid food for a certain period of time and only consuming liquids instead, the body is stimulated to burn its own fat reserves and detoxify and regenerate at the same time.

But the best thing about therapeutic fasting is that it is not just a short-term solution, but also offers long-term benefits. By fasting regularly, you can not only maintain the lost weight, but also improve your health and vitality and reduce the risk of numerous chronic diseases.

In this book, I will show you exactly how you can successfully integrate therapeutic fasting into your everyday life without having to sacrifice enjoyment and quality of life. You will learn how to choose the right time for fasting, how to optimally prepare for it and which type of fasting is best suited to you.

I will also give you practical tips and tricks on how to deal with the challenges of fasting and how to avoid falling back into old eating habits. Because I want you not only to lose weight, but also to be able to maintain your new weight permanently - without having to constantly restrict yourself.

So be excited and get ready for an exciting journey to a new lifestyle. I promise you it will be a journey full of surprises, challenges and above all successes - and I will help you to master every step of the way.


What is therapeutic fasting?