Smoking is by idiots. Practical advice for stop - Frank Diamante - E-Book

Smoking is by idiots. Practical advice for stop E-Book

Frank Diamante

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Among the many creations idiot conceived by the human mind, the cigarette is distinguished for its simplicity: is nothing other than a pacifier for adults.Many people advise to stop smoking to avoid health problems, but you should stop for a more importantly of body care: the consideration of their intellect; be incapable of stopping smoking should be considered an insult to the human intellect, subjected to a little dry grass rolled up in a piece of paper.In this book, I will give you the classic advice on health, but I will try to give you the grit to liberate you from slavery idiot that smoke by giving you some advice not trivial to strengthen your willpower.In a few words, smoking is by idiots, and if the sober advice that you certainly received you have not served, maybe some moral slap manages to give you just the right push.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2017

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Table of contents
The characters of the film
The cigarette after eating
What is the resilience
The smoker is a doped
The pleasure of food and sex
The warrior and the dancer
Keep track of your path
Last thing


This publication is intended to provide useful advice to readers on the topic, but the advice in question cannot replace the advice of a physician, which should always be consulted, even if the player decides to follow the advice more banal. Therefore, the author indemnification of any responsibility on any problems arising from the implementation of recommendations. All product names mentioned in this book are registered trademarks of their respective owners, none of which has sponsored or authorized this book; the author is not responsible for the statements made by the producers regarding their products.


Among the many creations idiot conceived by the human mind, the cigarette is distinguished for its simplicity: is nothing other than a pacifier for adults. Many people advise to stop smoking to avoid health problems, but you should stop for a more importantly of body care: the consideration of their intellect; be incapable of stopping smoking should be considered an insult to the human intellect, subjected to a little dry grass rolled up in a piece of paper. In this book, I will give you the classic advice on health, but I will try to give you the grit to liberate you from slavery idiot that smoke by giving you some advice not trivial to strengthen your willpower. In a few words, smoking is by idiots, and if the sober advice that you certainly received you have not served, maybe some moral slap manages to give you just the right push.

The characters of the film

"Smoke a cigarette every so often. Relaxs me when they are taut." "When you feel tense?" "When I started smoking." Lara Flynn Boyle and James Marshall,Twin Peaks, 1990/91

Watch movies and TV series is a good way to pass the time, alone or in company. If we think for a moment, though, and you realize that the fashion of the smoke is very present with actors that you bring in beautiful laying when you light up a cigarette, as for stress to be strong/racy. There are even extreme cases, as in X-Files, in which there is a character nicknamed "the man who smokes" for the fact of appearing in continuation with the lit cigarette. Not to mention the classic private detectives in the trench, always ready to go to women and to play of gun: even for him there is the cigarette to emphasize the "power" of the subject. The same goes for the beautiful actresses: the cigarette increases their charm, with the addition that since seem more meager and in health of ordinary women that you can meet in the street, the cigarettes that smoke seem to practically harmless. In short, the cinema passes indirectly the message that the cigarette is not only an evil of small capacity, but that can make us look more interesting and most fashionable, also giving us courage in the moments of greater stress.And this is the first bullshit to delete from your mind. If the divas of cinema you put in the mouth a dummy instead of cigarettes, would still have the same charm? No, if anything would appear as fragile people, need to be still nursing as children: the cigarette is precisely this: a dummy, nothing more. If your friends and colleagues have need to go out from your home or office for smoking and you not, according te who is really shows weakness? Who behaves as a child in need of cuddles? An Idiot could answer that the weak are those who choose not to smoke because they are afraid of the cigarette, or because he wants to appear as the "good boy". I do not drink; not for healthy choice, but because the beer, wine and spirits in general I never liked; at most appreciate the desserts with liquor, but that is a different matter. Sai once what happened to me? While watching a movie at the house of a friend of mine in the company of some of his acquaintances, one of these has offered me a beer can, and I replied "Thanks, but the beer I do not like". The Dude, then, he smiled and said duna what the type "I knew it, it can be seen by how you dress that six classic good guy who does not drink.". I tried to explain to them how things stood, i.e. that simply the taste of beer I do not like and that I prefer to drink another - drank the lemon tea - but it was useless: for him i was the nice guy who finds too trasgressivo drink. Behold the same reasoning idiot is made even for those who do not smoke, as if one were a child and afraid to go against the Mother who tells him not to do certain things... The reality is the opposite: the true child is precisely he who smokes, as has need of the cigarette as the surrogate of pacifier. Then, acted as an adult and break the chain of habit that keeps you connected to the action of having a dummy in the mouth. Try to see from the top down those who smoke, felt superior to them just as you feel more than children. Real men have muscles, not the dummy in the mouth; With the money you save not buying more cigarettes, you can enroll in the gym and become stronger. The real women are perfumed, does not have the rotten breath; with more money at their disposal, you can buy tricks and elegant clothes to highlight your femininity. Whether you are a man or a woman, stopping smoking aumenterai the estimate that you have for yourself. But the move up to you; I cannot take a slaps, you have to do it alone; look at yourself in the mirror and have the courage to insultarti, because the merits (but do not insult other smoking: everyone will make its path, thou judge yourself to enhance). The urge to smoke is well rooted in the depths of the mind of the smoker and remove it is not trivial, then begins this fight and insulted, but without exaggeration: the mere fact that you're reading this book means that you really want to escape from the habit of smoking, then meriteresti also some compliment. In short, six an idiot, but on good road and it was you who decide to do something: keep it present and tries to draw strength from this thought to have that emotional thrust that is lacking in many.

The cigarette after eating

We live in automatisms, habits that accompany us for years, sometimes for decades. For many people, after eating there is a cup of steaming coffee and, immediately follow, a beautiful cigarette. If you follow even thou this habit, you would be difficult stops suddenly and settle for having made a nice eaten and just, then you could replace the cigarette with other things especially if you eat at home (and therefore not make hasty lunches outside the home, perhaps in the company of gentlemen break testes). You could, for example, buy a pipe and use it in a fanciful manner. What I mean? Simple: instead of smoking pipes, you might use it as a sort of straw, removing the filter inside and pouring the liquid at your pleasure in the cooker: lemon juice, orange mint, diluted with water... I know that seems a bullshit, but delete a "ritual" like that of the cigarette after the coffee is not simple, while trying to replace it with something your, something original and personalized, may give you the right motivation. On the internet, probably would you find advice as "replace the cigarette with chewing gums", but this advice is trivial, which often are not enough to motivate; create something special and personalized is already something more, which is why I suggest you to use fantasy and try with my example: you will continue to have a "ritual", but it will be your only your, and we must always be proud to create something new for themselves; not to be racy or go against current for power, but to dominate themselves, to say "I have my personality that leads me to do this thing that belongs only to me.". But the pipa is only an example: use your imagination and your interests; perhaps you already have something that could be for you somewhere, you only have to think about it, and in a positive way; you must be excited to use your wits to enhance your life. When you have found your balance, you forget the cigarette used by ordinary people and superficial, those who smoke for simple habit. The superficial they allow themselves to be dominated by habit, while those ingenious and clever, if your are not able to delete something negative, seek at least to replace it with something interesting and, why not, also satisfying. Invented something original and used; becomes original and cease to suck the pacifier. My example you seem bullshit? Then what do you want, advice that you can find everywhere, both on the web and at the bar? If you are unable to restrict smoking with tips "normal" that you certainly already read, so why not try something "impressive", "strange"? Are you afraid of being taken for a ride? Do you think that if your colleagues and friends knew that, instead of a cigarette, uses so strange pipa you would consider so strange and negative? If you are so idiots not to understand that you are striving to safeguard your life, means that are devoid of imagination and ingenuity and anything a little outside the lines for them is suspected or ridiculous. You think to yourself, so the needy children of dummy will remain their, not you. Clear? You gotta start hating really cigarettes.

What is the resilience

Since you need a strong motivation to liberate you from cigarettes, I invite you to come into your life a term that probably will be happened to hear rarely. I am talking about the resilience.

From the vocabulary:

Resilience. f. [der. of resilient].

1) In the technology of materials, the breaking strength for dynamic stress, determined with appropriate impact test: Test of r.; value of r., whose inverse is the index of fragility. 2) In the technology of the yarns and fabrics, the ability of these to resume, after a deformation, the original aspect. 3) In psychology,the ability to react to traumas, difficulties, etc.

The point that should be of interest to you is the third; all we fall, and resiliency is the ability to get up every time and again with his life in a positive manner.

Now that you have learned the meaning of this term, you can exploit it to give you the right motivation. In that way? Simple: create cards with written this word and reheat them everywhere; you can put one in the wallet, one on the door of the refrigerator, one you can keep it in the pocket of a jacket. If we do you know how to do with graphics programs, you can also create tickets with your favorite animal (such as tiger or the lion) and combine these images to the word. Or, if you have children, you can do the same thing and motivarti with the objective to live as long as possible to stay with them. In short, you can motivate in many ways, and use a specific word to match with strong images (like an animal symbol of strength and pride) or to those of the people you love. It does not matter if you think that is useless, you try anything, so much so that you lose some hundredth to print a sheet to be cut? The willpower is everything and you cannot feed this force by the stretched out things that you have always done, otherwise you would already have stopped smoking from time, don't you think? You will need to novelty, stimuli never tested, of original ideas and easy to put into practice.