Staffing in Educational Institutions: Experiences from Tanzania - Godlove Lawrent - E-Book

Staffing in Educational Institutions: Experiences from Tanzania E-Book

Godlove Lawrent

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Scientific Essay from the year 2012 in the subject Pedagogy - School System, Educational and School Politics, University of Dodoma (Tanzania College of Education ), language: English, abstract: This paper presents various issues regarding staffing. In an introductory part, the paper describes the origin of staffing by tracing back to the administrative management theory. Such staffing issues as conceptualization of staffing with regard to different scholars. The features of staffing, the importance of staffing and the implication in educational institutions, challenges facing staffing and the strategies to address these challenges are also clearly explained in this paper. In the last part, the paper concludes that, staffing is inevitable because of the dynamism of the organizations and the educational institutions in particular.

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