The Rationale of Studying Comparative Education to Students in Tanzanian Educational Institutions - Godlove Lawrent - E-Book

The Rationale of Studying Comparative Education to Students in Tanzanian Educational Institutions E-Book

Godlove Lawrent

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Seminar paper from the year 2012 in the subject Pedagogy - School System, Educational and School Politics, grade: tertiary level , University of Dodoma, course: Comparative Education, language: English, abstract: This paper gives the critical justifications for studying comparative education to students in educational institutions in Tanzania. It also tries to trace back the short historical perspectives of the field of comparative education, challenges facing the field of comparative education in Tanzania and the implications of the field of comparative education for future improvement of the educational systems. The paper concludes that, the study of comparative education is very important for all Tanzanian students as it enables them become good educational policy makers, educational planners and educational analysts. This paper also insists that the study of comparative education is essential for adoption of policies useful for improving the education quality in the country. However this paper suggests that there is a need to make the study of comparative education as a compulsory discipline to all students from primary to tertiary level.

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